On Feb 17, 2008 11:39 AM, Frans Pop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (resend a third time because previous attempts never reached the lists
> due to a bug in my MUA; my apologies to David for spamming his inbox)
> Linus Torvalds wrote:
> > But hey, you can try to prove me wrong.  I dare you.
> Me too, me too!
> Weird issue this.
> About a minute after logging into KDE the system freezes, but only
> partially. The keyboard is completely dead in all cases (no console
> switching, no SysRq), but some tasks stay running. One time music continued
> playing, other times it stopped. One time the desktop clock continued
> ticking, other times it stopped. One time I could close a window using the
> mouse, but other windows were frozen.
> It's not just KDE that's frozen; one time I switched to VT1 before the
> freeze happened, but that became unusable too.
> Zilch in the logs.
> I've bisected it down to:
> commit 69cc64d8d92bf852f933e90c888dfff083bd4fc9
> Author: David S. Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>     [NDISC]: Fix race in generic address resolution
> Confirmed that this is really the culprit by reverting this commit on top
> of -rc2, which is now running fine.
> I'm using IPv6 (local network only) together with IPv4, use a bridge (br0)
> and have an NFS4 mount active.

I've encountered the same issue last Thursday. Here, I can hang my machine
with ping6. I've also bisected it down to the same commit.

I've sent some kernel traces which shows how the soft lock up occurs. See
thread: "[PATCH][RFC] race in generic address resolution"


> Cheers,
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