Gregory Nietsky schrieb:
ive been hackin away at mISDN for a while and use it with recent kernels 2.6.2X and have a patch for 2.6.24 (move from semaphore to complition) the distro we built is heavily reliant on mISDN (voip) i dont use the isdn kernel drivers at all any longer.

im all for mISDN been mainlined into the kernel and the old stuff been removed there could be users still it is marked as depricated and the plan was with 2.6 to use mISDN from the start.

mISDN has two problems, which are of course interrelated:

a) complete lack of documentation for the in-kernel driver interface
   (equivalent of Documentation/isdn/INTERFACE)

b) still doesn't support all the hardware isdn4linux supports.

As long as those problems aren't solved, the old stuff cannot be removed.
Perhaps merging the current state of mISDN into the -mm tree would help
with this. Perhaps not.

(maintainer of an isdn4linux driver, waiting desperately for
documentation on how to convert to the new CAPI/mISDN world
but tired of asking for it in vain)

Tilman Schmidt                    E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bonn, Germany
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