Am 20.02.2008 17:54 schrieb Andi Kleen:
mISDN has two problems, which are of course interrelated:

a) complete lack of documentation for the in-kernel driver interface
   (equivalent of Documentation/isdn/INTERFACE)

Most subsystems in the kernel would disqualify under that rule

I beg to differ. Most subsystems do have at least rudimentary
documentation. (I'm spoiled by the USB subsystem, of course. :-)

Did you ever look for full documentation on how to write Ethernet
drivers for example? Some bits are documented, but far from all

I am not asking for "full documentation". "Some bits" would amply
suffice. Documentation/isdn/INTERFACE, the interface description
for the "old" isdn4linux subsystem, is far from complete, either.
But it contains enough hints so that I knew where to start.

(maintainer of an isdn4linux driver, waiting desperately for
documentation on how to convert to the new CAPI/mISDN world
but tired of asking for it in vain)

My advice is that you just read the source of some existing drivers
for examples and copy them and of the subsystem itself if anything is
unclear. That is how Linux drivers are usually written.

Usually, yes. But I find it unusually hard in this particular case.
In fact I have been trying to do that for two years now, without
getting anywhere. Reading code without a hint of what the authors
are trying to do is terribly time-consuming, to put it mildly.


Tilman Schmidt                          E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bonn, Germany
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