The GNU GPL licence, is an open-source licence. However GNU has come to be associated with cows, stupid slogans involving beer, and Richard Stallman in a tinfoil-hat making obscure statements, such as acting as thought-police and forbidding the term "open source". Maybe he was one of those people who did a lot of LSD in the early hacking-culture. Silly dances, and naive geekness, treating trash-women with respect, and having romantic thoughts about them on his blog.

I don`t know what happened, but the open-source movement has grown large, and too large for these kinds of obscurities.

Humans, before God, has not been enjoined to respect obscure licences, or the culture associated with them.

But God is just. And these kinds of licences, can easily be replaced by others, who respect the sentiments of open-source. And that we can do togheter, in a common decision in agreement by all. And as open-source is growing, that is what I think we should do. Take the licence to the level, of the movement as a whole. If Stallman wants to protest, if will just be him, and his obscure behaviour.

And while we are at it, the linux penguin can go aswell.

And ofcourse that should be true of eagles in symbolism related to the US, or lions in symbolism related to Norway, for that matter.

Do you know what an eagle does? It looks at it`s prey, maybe a mouse, from high above, flies down, rips it`s skull open, and eats it`s brain. That is how the animal world is. Trained from child for killing, to survive. But what that has to do with national symbolism, you really can wonder.

Peace Be With You.

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