On Mon, Jun 25, 2001 at 04:03:54AM -0400, Rick Hohensee wrote:

> > >   rtlinux by default
> > >   no SMP
> > >           SMP doesn't scale. If this fork comes, the smart maintainer
> > >           will take the non-SMP fork.
> > 
> > Depends on platform and bus. From reports, it seems to scale just fine on
> > non-intel systems.
> Big expensive systems. Non-desktop systems. Non-end-user systems. And
> clustering will eat its lunch eventually anyway.

You don't get much more end-user than a $2500 Dual Processor Mac G4. 
(And as soon as you say $2500 is a lot of money, I can probably find a 
dual CPU PentiumIII system for < $1000)

We would be perfectly happy if you have the time and ability to maintain a 
fork that can do all of this, and those of us that have more than one CPU 
type will be perfectly happy to ignore it.

Troy Benjegerdes | master of mispeeling | 'da hozer' |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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