On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 5:52 PM, Linus Torvalds
<torva...@linux-foundation.org> wrote:
> So get your act together, and push back on the people you are supposed
> to manage. Because this is *not* acceptable for post-rc5, and I'm
> giving this single warning. Next time, I'll just ignore the sh*t you
> send me.
> Comprende?

Fair enough.  I've been AWOL for a month due to real life / non-kernel
stuff, and I didn't want the Mellanox guys to miss a kernel cycle just
because I couldn't get my act together.  So this one is totally on me
-- I know it's late in the cycle and I tried to sneak it in.

I do expect to send one more patch turning off a not-fully-baked new
feature for 3.12, but other than that everything else will wait for

 - R.
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