On 11/07/2013 11:49 PM, H. Peter Anvin wrote:
On 11/07/2013 02:15 PM, Ard Biesheuvel wrote:

That would involve repurposing/generalizing a bit more of the existing
x86-only code than I did the first time around, but if you (as x86
maintainers) are happy with that, I'm all for it.

I do have a couple of questions then - the module aliases host tool has
no arch specific dependencies at all except having x86cpu as one of the
entries: would you mind dropping the x86 prefix there? Or rather add
dependencies on $ARCH? (If we drop it there, we basically end up with
'cpu:' everywhere)

I think it makes sense to indicate what kind of CPU the string refers to,
as the top-level indicator of what is going on.  This might be possible to
macroize the generation of this prefix, though.

- in the vendor/family/model case, it may be preferable to drop these
fields entirely from certain modules' aliases if they match on 'any'
(provided that the module tools permit this) rather than add
architecture, variant, revision, etc  fields for all architectures if
they can only ever match on one

I think that can be CPU dependent.

- some of the X86_ macros would probable be redefined in terms of the
generic macros rather than the other way around, which would result in
some changes under arch/x86 as well, is that acceptable for you?

If you are talking about X86_FEATURE_* then almost certainly no, although
I'm willing to listen to what you have in mind.

Actually, this should not be necessary at all, if we are happy to put up with
distinct types for x86_cpu_id, generic_cpu_id, and perhaps other arch based
ones in the future.

So what I have in mind for x86 is this (and this way, no other changes are
needed to the existing x86 bits)

diff --git a/arch/x86/kernel/cpu/match.c b/arch/x86/kernel/cpu/match.c
index ab6082a..82e92b2 100644
--- a/arch/x86/kernel/cpu/match.c
+++ b/arch/x86/kernel/cpu/match.c
@@ -56,8 +56,7 @@ ssize_t arch_print_cpu_modalias(struct device *dev,
        int i, n;
        char *buf = bufptr;

-       n = snprintf(buf, size, "x86cpu:vendor:%04X:family:%04X:"
-                    "model:%04X:feature:",
+       n = snprintf(buf, size, "cpu:type:x86,ven%04Xfam%04Xmod%04X:feature:",
diff --git a/scripts/mod/file2alias.c b/scripts/mod/file2alias.c
index 2370863..dea263a 100644
--- a/scripts/mod/file2alias.c
+++ b/scripts/mod/file2alias.c
@@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ static int do_amba_entry(const char *filename,
 ADD_TO_DEVTABLE("amba", amba_id, do_amba_entry);

-/* LOOKS like x86cpu:vendor:VVVV:family:FFFF:model:MMMM:feature:*,FEAT,*
+/* LOOKS like cpu:type:x86,venVVVVfamFFFFmodMMMM:feature:*,FEAT,*
  * All fields are numbers. It would be nicer to use strings for vendor
  * and feature, but getting those out of the build system here is too
  * complicated.
@@ -1124,10 +1124,10 @@ static int do_x86cpu_entry(const char *filename, void
        DEF_FIELD(symval, x86_cpu_id, model);
        DEF_FIELD(symval, x86_cpu_id, vendor);

-       strcpy(alias, "x86cpu:");
-       ADD(alias, "vendor:",  vendor != X86_VENDOR_ANY, vendor);
-       ADD(alias, ":family:", family != X86_FAMILY_ANY, family);
-       ADD(alias, ":model:",  model  != X86_MODEL_ANY,  model);
+       strcpy(alias, "cpu:type:x86,");
+       ADD(alias, "ven", vendor != X86_VENDOR_ANY, vendor);
+       ADD(alias, "fam", family != X86_FAMILY_ANY, family);
+       ADD(alias, "mod", model  != X86_MODEL_ANY,  model);
        strcat(alias, ":feature:*");
        if (feature != X86_FEATURE_ANY)
                sprintf(alias + strlen(alias), "%04X*", feature);

The way I intend this to work is that, for instance, arm64 will emit something


when the cpu uevent is raised, but as it is unclear whether we will want to
match on variant, revision etc on arm64, we could use a generic
MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(cpu, ...) [as in patch #2 of this series] which would
produce something like


as a modalias to match on feature xx, whereas a plain X86_FEATURE_MATCH() will
produce something like


Does this look like a reasonable approach to you?

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