
On 10/24/2013 03:31 PM, Gao feng wrote:
> Here is the v1 patchset: http://lwn.net/Articles/549546/
> The main target of this patchset is allowing user in audit
> namespace to generate the USER_MSG type of audit message,
> some userspace tools need to generate audit message, or
> these tools will broken.

I really need this feature, right now,some process such as
logind are broken in container becase we leak of this feature.

> And the login process in container may want to setup
> /proc/<pid>/loginuid, right now this value is unalterable
> once it being set. this will also broke the login problem
> in container. After this patchset, we can reset this loginuid
> to zero if task is running in a new audit namespace.

I notice this problem has been fixed in audit tree, so may be
I don't need to clean up loginuid when we create audit namespace.

And in audit tree, audit socket is per net namespace, hmm, I want
to know if anybody has a solution to allow processes to generate
USER_MSG type of audit message in un init pid/user namepsace.

Any idea? Eric,Steve,Richard?

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