On 01/27/2014 11:01 PM, Ren Qiaowei wrote:
> Yes. Though all non-MPX threads are slowed down, the whole process
> benefit from MPX.
> Anyway, HPA suggest these syscalls, which use MMU notifier, should be
> not needed, we can do what they do in userspace runtime. What do you
> think about it? I guess that I should remove the third patch which adds
> new prctl() syscalls in next version of this patchset.

The syscalls is one thing, managing the bounds map in kernel space is

We could manage the bounds map entirely in user space in a signal
handler, but that has both ABI issues (#BR currently turns into SIGSEGV
which is commonly hooked by applications; we could switch to a different
signal but there aren't many unclaimed ones) and performance issues.

I would think it would be extremely unusual for an application to have
some MPX and some non-MPX threads, since they would share the same
address space and the non-MPX threads would mess up the bounds.


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