On 30.06.14 12:01:15, Borislav Petkov wrote:
> Well, do you have it as a standalong program? If so, you can put it in
> a repo somewhere and we can start hacking away and playing with it. If
> not, we will have to copy the perf code *into* the RAS daemon first so
> that we can have a separate source on which we all can work on.
> Someone should be a maintainer of some sorts who merges the patches.
> And we will continue working on the split so that once the perf tool is
> properly separated, we can switch to it in the RAS daemon and drop the
> copied code.
> This is, to me at least, the best possible thing we can do right now so
> as not to slow us all down.
> Any other opinions?

Perfectly fine with me.

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