Albert Cahalan wrote:
This is a bad idea. Users should not be allowed to
make this decision. This is rightly a decision for
the admin to make.

Why do you think users should not be allowed to chmod their processes' /proc directories? Isn't it similar to being able to chmod their home directories? They own both objects, after all (both conceptually and as attributed in the filesystem).

Note: I'm the procps (ps, top, w, etc.) maintainer.

Probably I'd have to make /bin/ps run setuid root
to deal with this. (minor changes needed) The same
goes for /usr/bin/top, which I know is currently
unsafe and difficult to fix.

Let's not go there, OK?

I have to admit to not having done any real testing with those utilities. My excuse is this isn't such a new feature, Openwall had something similar for at least four years now and GrSecurity contains yet another flavour of it. Openwall also provides one patch for procps-2.0.6, so I figured that problem (whatever their patch is about) got fixed in later versions.

Why do ps and top need to be setuid root to deal with a resticted /proc? What information in /proc/<pid> needs to be available to any and all users?

If you restricted this new ability to root, then I'd
have much less of an objection. (not that I'd like it)

How about a boot parameter or sysctl to enable the chmod'ability of /proc/<pid>, defaulting to off? But I'd like to resolve your more general objections above first, if possible. :)

Thanks for your comments,
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