We can use the ncurses API to get the number of rows.

Signed-off-by: Brian Norris <computersforpe...@gmail.com>
 tools/thermal/tmon/tui.c | 9 +++++----
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/thermal/tmon/tui.c b/tools/thermal/tmon/tui.c
index 43c5aecf71da..2779573a53cb 100644
--- a/tools/thermal/tmon/tui.c
+++ b/tools/thermal/tmon/tui.c
@@ -274,11 +274,14 @@ const char DIAG_TITLE[] = "[ TUNABLES ]";
 void show_dialogue(void)
        int j, x = 0, y = 0;
+       int rows, cols;
        WINDOW *w = dialogue_window;
        if (tui_disabled || !w)
+       getmaxyx(w, rows, cols);
        box(w, 0, 0);
        mvwprintw(w, 0, maxx/4, DIAG_TITLE);
@@ -297,10 +300,8 @@ void show_dialogue(void)
        wattron(w, A_BOLD);
        mvwprintw(w, DIAG_DEV_ROWS+1, 1, "Enter Choice [A-Z]?");
        wattroff(w, A_BOLD);
-       /* y size of dialogue win is nr cdev + 5, so print legend
-        * at the bottom line
-        */
-       mvwprintw(w, ptdata.nr_cooling_dev+3, 1,
+       /* print legend at the bottom line */
+       mvwprintw(w, rows - 2, 1,
                "Legend: A=Active, P=Passive, C=Critical");

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