Andrew Sweger wrote:
> I'm seeing over 99% of messages (anywhere between 10k and 40k per day)
> being blocked at the smtp connection using client restrictions and
> RBL (postfix + postgrey). 

I ran across too many false positives when I tried client restrictions
in test mode. :-(

> I'm not sure how many are blocked due to greylisting (what's an easy way to 
> find this?).

I just run a perl script that greps through the mail log for the 450s
that postgrey generates, and call that close enough. Since regular
correspondents are already in the postgrey database, and spam outnumbers
legit mail by more than 95%, I guess it won't be off by more than about 1%.

Thanks for the input!


Jules Agee
System Administrator
Pacific Coast Feather Co.      x284

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