Guennadi Liakhovetski wrote:
On Fri, 3 Apr 2009, Sascha Hauer wrote:

On Fri, Apr 03, 2009 at 02:15:34PM +0200, Guennadi Liakhovetski wrote:
Wondering, if it still will work then... At least it compiles. BTW, should it really also work with IMX? Then you might want to change this

        depends on VIDEO_DEV && ARCH_MX1 && SOC_CAMERA


        depends on VIDEO_DEV && (ARCH_MX1 || ARCH_IMX) && SOC_CAMERA
This shouldn't be necessary. ARCH_IMX does not have the platform part to
make use of this driver and will never get it.

Confused... Then why the whole that "IMX/MX1" in the driver? And why will it never get it - are they compatible or not? Or just there's no demand / chips are EOLed or something...

in Linux kernel "imx" is the old name of "mx1".
mx1 contains of two processors: i.MX1 and i.MXL.

but you can do this later, maybe, when you actually get a chance to test it on IMX (if you haven't done so yet).

Sascha, we need your ack for the ARM part.
I'm OK with this driver: I have never worked with FIQs though so I can't
say much to it.

Ok, I take it as an "Acked-by" then:-)

Guennadi Liakhovetski, Ph.D.
Freelance Open-Source Software Developer

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