On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 9:02 PM, VDR User <user....@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 1:29 PM, Manu Abraham <abraham.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sometime back, (some time in April) i proposed a patch which addressed
>> the issue to scale "even those devices which have a weird scale or
>> none". Though based on an older tree of mine, here is the patch again.
>> If it looks good enough, i can port the patch to accomodate other
>> devices as well.
> Thanks for posting your patch.  How about people get some discussion
> going about the pros/cons instead of ignoring it?  The best method for
> the most devices needs to be the deciding factor here, not
> accepting/disregarding based on who "your" friends are.  For once it
> would be nice if the childish politics could get throw out and what's
> best for v4l be the highest priority.
> And a thanks to anyone else that would like to submit a recommendation
> on how to deal with this.  Hopefully there will be a few "solid"
> proposals to consider.

it would be good to have a table what statistics can be returned, obviously
the API implementation doesn't matter so much.

Manu, Mike can you start a wiki site on linuxtv.org addressing this topic?
Please work out a proper API definition first, afterwards think about
the implementation.

The correct implementation in the enduser applications is by far more important.

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