
On Saturday 20 November 2010 16:52:34 Robert Longbottom wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a Satix-S2 Dual that I'm trying to get to work properly so that I 
> can use it under MythTv however I'm running into a few issues.  I 
> previously posted about the problems I'm having here to the mythtv 
> list[1], but didn't really get anywhere.  I've had chance to have a bit 
> more of a play and I now seem to have a definite repeatable problem.
> The problem is when a recording stops on one of the inputs, after about 
> 40s it causes the other input to loose it's signal lock and stop the 
> recording as well.
> Steps to demonstrate the problem (My Satix card is adapters 5 and 6)
> In 3 seperate terminals set up femon/szap/cat to make a recording from 
> one of the inputs:
> 1 - femon -a 6 -f 0 -H
> 2 - szap -a 6 -f 0 -d 0 -r -H -p -c scanResult07Oct2010_Satix -l 
> UNIVERSAL "BBC 1 London"
> 3 - cat /dev/dvb/adapter6/dvr0 > ad6.mpg
> In 2 seperate terminals tune in the other input:
> 4 - femon -a 5 -f 0 -H
> 5 - szap -a 5 -f 0 -d 0 -r -H -p -c scanResult07Oct2010_Satix -l 
> Both inputs are fine, signal is good, recording from adapter 6 works.
> 6 - Ctrl-C the szap process created in (5).
> femon in (4) still reports status=SCVYL and decent signal strengh as if 
> the adapter is still tuned and FE_HAS_LOCK.  After approximately 40 
> seconds, either:
> a) the signal drops significantly but the status remains at SCVYL and 
> or
> b) the signal drops and the status goes blank with no lock.
> It doesn't seem to matter which of these two happen, but at the same 
> time the recording on the other tuner looses it signal and stops 
> recording, despite the fact that szap is still running in (2).  femon in 
> (1) no longer reports FE_HAS_LOCK.
> Strangely if I then try to restart the szap process created in terminal 
> 2 (to try and retune it) it just waits after printing out "using 
> '/dev/dvb/....".  However if I then restart the szap process in terminal 
> 5, the one in terminal 2 suddenly kicks in and gets a lock.
> Interestingly I found a link describing a 60s period the card is kept 
> open for [2], which seems to be similar to my ~40s delay.  So it looks 
> like when the second input on the card is closed the first input looses 
> it's lock.
> This obviously makes it pretty useless for MythTv and as a result it's 
> not currently being used, which is a shame!
> I'm using the ngene driver from the stock kernel on Gentoo.
> Does anyone else see this problem?  Is there anything I can do to try 
> and fix / debug it?  Are there any bug fixes in the latest kernel that 
> might help, or in the linux-dvb drivers that would help?
> Any help or advice much appreciated.

Please try this driver:


VDR Remote Plugin 0.4.0: http://www.escape-edv.de/endriss/vdr/
4 MByte Mod: http://www.escape-edv.de/endriss/dvb-mem-mod/
Full-TS Mod: http://www.escape-edv.de/endriss/dvb-full-ts-mod/
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