On 11-12-05 06:47 PM, Devin Heitmueller wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 6:32 PM, Eddi De Pieri <e...@depieri.net> wrote:
>> Sorry,  I think I applied follow patch on my tree while I developed
>> the driver trying to fix tuner initialization.
>> http://patchwork.linuxtv.org/patch/6617/
>> I forgot to remove from my tree after I see that don't solve anything.
> Ok, great.  At least that explains why it's there (since I couldn't
> figure out how on Earth the patch made sense otherwise).
> Eddi, could you please submit a patch removing the offending code?

That's good.

But there definitely still is a race between modules in there somewhere.
The HVR-950Q tuners use several:  xc5000, au8522, au0828, ..
and unless au0828 is loaded *last*, with a delay before/after,
the dongles don't always work.  Preloading all of the modules
before allowing hardware detection seems to help.

Even just changing from a mechanical hard drive to a very fast SSD
is enough to change the behaviour from not-working to working
(and sometimes the other way around).

I tried to track this down a couple of years ago,
and found cross-module calls failing because the
target functions hadn't been loaded yet.
But my lack of notes from 2-3 years ago isn't helpful here.

Here's a similar report from 2 years ago, as valid today as it was then:


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