Hi Devin,

Em Mon, 06 Jan 2014 23:53:15 -0500
Devin Heitmueller <dheitmuel...@kernellabs.com> escreveu:

> What is the actual "corruption" that you are seeing?  Can you describe
> it in greater detail?  The original fix was specifically related to
> the internal FIFO on the au0828 where it can get shifted by one or
> more bits (i.e. the leading byte is no longer 0x47 but 0x47 << X).
> Hence it's an issue unrelated to the actual au8522.
> I suspect this is actually a different problem which out of dumb luck
> gets "fixed" by resetting the chip.  Without more details on the
> specific behavior you are seeing though I cannot really advise on what
> the correct change is.
> This patch should not be accepted upstream without more discussion.

Patches 1 and 2 are ok? If so, could you please reply to them with your 

> http://git.kernellabs.com/?p=dheitmueller/linuxtv.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/950q_improv
> I'm not against the hack you've proposed if it's really warranted, but
> a reset is really a last resort and I'm very concerned it's masking
> over the real problem.

Are you planning to submit the above patches upstream soon?


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