On Sat, Jan 11, 2014 at 5:12 PM, Tim Mester <tmes...@ieee.org> wrote:
>   My device is the 950q, so it uses the AU8522_DEMODLOCKING method.

No devices do tuner locking for digital (it's always the demodulator).
 That code should really just be ripped out.

> It does not appear to be an xc5000 issue on the surface.   When I
> originally put the patch together, I removed the return if the
> frequency was the same, and added the reset_demodulator() call at the
> end of the set_frontend() function. It seemed to work the same as the
> patch that I submitted.

I'm pretty sure that we accomplish the same thing through the patch I
have which reworks the clock management. except for removing the part
where the set_frontend() call returns if the freq/modulation are
already set.

> I have not been able to tell that it keeps the au8522 from losing
> lock, but it allows it to come back.  I see this issue about once a
> every 2-3 weeks on average, which is less frequent than the other
> issues.
> If you believe that this issue could result in a xc5000 and au8522
> interaction, then I should be able to try out the updated firmware. It
> will just take some time to know the results.

My instinct would be to get you to try that patch series I have in
git.  I suspect that it will address your issue with no further
patches required (we might need the one additional patch to remove the
early return in set_frontend, but let's see).  The testing of the new
firmware can be done in a separate series (the issue it addresses is
completely unrelated to the behavior you are seeing).


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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