
We are developing a driver for our video controller which has the particularity of being very reconfigurable.

We have reached a point at which the complexity and variety of the applications we need to implement forces us to design an api/library that allows us to configure the interconnection of the different video processing units(Camera interfaces, LCD interfaces, scalers, rotators, demosaicing, dead pixel correction, etc...) from userland.

The media controller api has the limitation of not being able to create links but just browsing and activating/deactivating them. If we just allowed a user to activate/deactivate links, then we would have to declare all the possible connections between the different blocks, which would make it very confusing from a userland point of view. Moreover, the interconnection constraints would have to be dealt with very generically, which would make it very difficult in the kernel too.

The conclusion we have reached yet is that we have to design an API that allows us to create v4l2 subdevices that have certain capabilities(scaling,rotating, demosaicing, etc...) and then to create links between them from a userland library. I would like to know if anything like this has been implemented yet or if someone has been thinking about such an
architecture before.

Thanks for your inputs,

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