On 03/27/2015 02:08 PM, Steven Toth wrote:
I know there's parallel activity ongoing regarding these devices, but I
thought I'll submit my own version here as well. The maintainers of each
module can then make the call what to merge.


As mentioned previously, I've added support for the HVR2205 and
HVR2255. I moved those patches from bitbucket.org into linuxtv.org a
couple of days ago pending a pull request. It took a couple of days to
get my git.linuxtv.org account back up and running.

You've seen and commented on the patches when they were in bitbucket
earlier this week, so your need to push our your own patches only
confuses and concerns me.

I did not require any 2168/2157 driver changes to make these devices
work. (Antti please note).

There seems to be only minor TS config change (which is not even needed if you set that bit to existing TS mode config value) for gapped/variable length TS clock (which is in my understanding to leave TS valid line unconnected).

I plan to issue a pull request for my tree shortly.

- Steve

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