On 25.04.2016 20:09, Pavel Machek wrote:

The needed pipeline could be made with:

Would you have similar pipeline for the back camera? Autofocus and
5MPx makes it more interesting. I understand that different dts will
be needed.

Try with:

media-ctl -r
media-ctl -l '"et8ek8 3-003e":0 -> "video-bus-switch":1 [1]'
media-ctl -l '"video-bus-switch":0 -> "OMAP3 ISP CCP2":0 [1]'
media-ctl -l '"OMAP3 ISP CCP2":1 -> "OMAP3 ISP CCDC":0 [1]'
media-ctl -l '"OMAP3 ISP CCDC":2 -> "OMAP3 ISP preview":0 [1]'
media-ctl -l '"OMAP3 ISP preview":1 -> "OMAP3 ISP resizer":0 [1]'
media-ctl -l '"OMAP3 ISP resizer":1 -> "OMAP3 ISP resizer output":0 [1]'

media-ctl -V '"et8ek8 3-003e":0 [SGRBG10 864x656]'
media-ctl -V '"OMAP3 ISP CCP2":0 [SGRBG10 864x656]'
media-ctl -V '"OMAP3 ISP CCP2":1 [SGRBG10 864x656]'
media-ctl -V '"OMAP3 ISP CCDC":2 [SGRBG10 864x656]'
media-ctl -V '"OMAP3 ISP preview":1 [UYVY 864x656]'
media-ctl -V '"OMAP3 ISP resizer":1 [UYVY 800x600]'

mplayer -tv driver=v4l2:width=800:height=600:outfmt=uyvy:device=/dev/video6
-vo xv -vf screenshot tv://

It fails with:

pavel@n900:/my/tui/ofone/camera$ sudo ./back.sh
Unable to parse link: Device or resource busy (16)

That shouldn't happen, there is something else wrong.

MPlayer svn r34540 (Debian), built with gcc-4.6 (C) 2000-2012 MPlayer

...but as I'm using the original dts, it is expected...?

Would you have dts suitable for the 5MPx camera?

Just change from strobe = <0>; to strobe = <1>; in isp node.

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