Linux-Misc Digest #331, Volume #26               Fri, 17 Nov 00 15:13:02 EST

  Re: Is this hard drive dead? (Paul Floyd)
  Re: mounting multi-session CDRom?? (Paul Floyd)
  Re: Bloatware (John Hasler)
  Re: Configuring printer from text UI - RH6.1 ("Sylvain Drapeau")
  Mail Server Setup - From the beginning... ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: the relation between Linux and GCC (Snoopy)
  Re: Need some suggestions... ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  related ppp and rpm problems (Bob Holtzman)
  Re: How migrating Win-Favorites to Netscape-Bookmarks? (Matt O'Toole)
  Re: good c/c++ debugger ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Is this hard drive dead? ("Chuck")
  Ghostscript & SVGA (John Culleton)
  Ctrl-Alt-Delete (Charu)
  Re: ppp dialup does not work ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Is this hard drive dead?
  Re: Lilo Li... problem. (Lori Holder-Webb)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Floyd)
Subject: Re: Is this hard drive dead?
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 18:12:52 GMT

On 16 Nov 2000 08:06:48 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have an old 486 I use for my play
>computer. Tonight when I went to boot it
>up, it claims there's no hard drive
>installed. (there is)
>I went into the BIOS and the BIOS thinks
>I have no hard drive at all.

It might possibly be that your CMOS battery is dead. If you make any
changes to the BIOS settings, do they get saved when you reboot?

A bientot
Paul Floyd
EMail = URL (after //), replacing first dot with @
What's the point? The sharp bit on the end.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Floyd)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.linux.os,linux.redhat,comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: mounting multi-session CDRom??
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 18:12:53 GMT

On Wed, 15 Nov 2000 22:24:01 GMT, nf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have created a CDROM in two sessions, without making any kind of links
>from one session to the other.
>When I mount the cdrom in Redhat Linux 7 (default kernel), I can only see
>the files from the first session.
>How do I read the info from the second session?
>Is there something I add to the MOUNT command?

A few obvious questions. Is the CD able to read multisession disks
(really old drives can't, and you don't explicitly state whether
you're using your recorder to read the disk)?

Next, have you been able to read the CD with another OS (Windoze for
instance)? Perfereably with the same drive you're having problems
reading with under linux.

For multisession support, there's a lot a code required in the kernel to
make up for the fact that the drives don't always work correctly. Maybe
your drive is a bit non-standard and has no support in the kernel.

Paul Floyd
EMail = URL (after //), replacing first dot with @
What's the point? The sharp bit on the end.


From: John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Bloatware
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 17:00:45 GMT

Kevin Croxen writes:
> Or if not, he may decide to switch to one of the much leaner distros like
> Debian, Slack, Peanut,...

If by 'lean' you mean 'offers fewer packages', you need to take Debian off
that list.  We presently have more than 5000 packages.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin


From: "Sylvain Drapeau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Configuring printer from text UI - RH6.1
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 13:18:20 -0500

By the way...

I'm trying to cat a file directly to the parallel port and it does not do a
thing. Maybe that helps.

"Sylvain Drapeau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit dans le message news:
> Thanks for responding...
> lsmod tells me parport-probe, parport and lp are loaded, but still can't
> a thing with this printer (IBM QW2) using lp0 or lp1.
> What kind of other details do you need?
> Sylvain Drapeau
> "TopQuark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit dans le message news:
> > On Thu, 16 Nov 2000 15:00:59 -0500, Sylvain Drapeau
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > I'm trying to configure a dot matrix printer on a RH6.1 machine from
> > > text UI (no GUI installed). My printcap's OK, my parallel port is
> working
> > > (tried from DOS) but Linux gives me a "lpr: connect: Connection
> > > message...
> > > I heard somewhere I could insmod the parallel port... is this a usual
> > > practice or should I look elsewhere?
> >
> > Assuming it's not a Winprinter ...
> >
> > My system loads modules automatically when I try to use a device.  Are
> > you sure your's isn't already loaded?  lsmod lists the modules
> > curently installed. insmod lp ought to load the parallel module,
> > assuming it's not already installed or compiled into the kernel.
> >
> > Try both /dev/lp0 and lp1; it seems to be a toss-up as to which gets
> > used.
> >
> > It would help us to help you if you told us some more details.
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> >  Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
> >      TopQuark Software & Serv.  Contract programmer, server bum.
> >     [EMAIL PROTECTED] Give up Spammers; I use procmail.


Subject: Mail Server Setup - From the beginning...
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 18:30:54 GMT

Hi Folks,
Ok, I'm an experienced Linux user, but I seem to be having some
difficulty in grasping this process despite significant searching.

What I need to do is set up a mail server for a small isolated LAN
consisting of SGI, Linux & NT clients.  All of the users have accounts
on multiple machines, so I'd like to leave the mail on the server
(IMAP?) so that people can read their mail from wherever they happen to
be sitting.  As I said, this LAN is completely isolated from the outside
world, so no relaying should be needed.  Sounds simple, right?  But
where do I start?

The tutorials & docs that I've found all seem to assume I understand the
basics of setting up a mail system, and just cover the configuration
details.  Any tips, references, etc. are appreciated.

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Before you buy.


From: Snoopy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: the relation between Linux and GCC
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 11:46:13 -0700

Robert Clayton wrote:

> > I hope that someone can direct me how to boot only a linux kernel.
> Probably nothing happens - kernel forks to init, init calls rc scripts,
> etc.
> Without these files, kernel only waits for I/O, I guess.
> >     Are there any documents on Linux System calls?  I will ask my next > question 
>when I read those documents?
> There are man pages for many, if not all.

    I know they must be documented in man page but I need to get a global idea on 
what's going on in this system
then read man page.

> Also, I found a book called
> "Linux Kernel Internals"

ok.  I'll get this one soon.


Subject: Re: Need some suggestions...
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 18:41:46 GMT

In article <8v2hql$qns$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> I'm using windows. I heard linux is really good, so I'm considering to
> try it. But after seeing several distributions of linux, I don't know
> which is more fit to me. Well I just want to get linux for personal
> (or for fun...), so in this scope, which linux is better, SuSe, Red
> Hat, or Mandrake?
> Also is it a better idea to download/burn a linux or purchase a CD?
> One last question, what are the advantages of linux over windows?(or
> why do people turn to linux from the windows world?)
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

If you're a complete newbie, I would reccomend buying a distro over
burning a CD or buying a cheapbytes CD.  You'll get printed manuals, and
ussually telphone support if you need it.  The manuals don't change much
with each release and you'll have some idea what you're doing, so for
upgrading, burning or cheapbytes is a good idea.

As for which distro...I would reccomend RedHat or Mandrake.  They appear
to be more newbie oriented in terms of installations ease and the rpm
format for installing/upgrading/uninstalling programs is great! (other
distros also support rpm).

Why Linux?
First that comes to mind is stability - the box I'm working on now has
an uptime of 68 days (from the last power failure) at the moment and it
sees hard regular use.  Try that with Windows.

One other thing...before you make the leap, check out your hardware and
make sure it is compatible.   Look for a hardware compatibility list on
variuous distros websites.  Most stuff is well supported now, but there
are some things to watch out for.  Especially winmodems.
Good luck


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Before you buy.


From: Bob Holtzman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: related ppp and rpm problems
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 12:13:12 -0700

After working flawlessly for several months my modem started endlessly
dialing, connecting, disconnecting, redialing, connecting, ad 
infinitum when I tried to dial into my ISP using Red Hat's Gnome
usernet application. The log showed it was disconnecting right after it 
sent the password. In addition, it was impossible to kill the process. 
After issuing "kill <pid>" the icon would disappear from the desktop but 
the modem would continue dialing, etc. A reboot would be required.  

I decided to try the KDE dialer which I had never configured before but 
when I opened it, it said "pppd not properly installed". Running "rpm 
-V ppp" showed a problem with the options file. I thought "what the 
hell" and uninstalled ppp. Big mistake! When I tried to reinstall it 
from the Red Hat app cd, the hashmarks indicated the installation 
completed but when I checked with "rpm -q ppp" it said "ppp package 
not installed" and, in fact, it wasn't. I've never had a problem 
installing rpm packages before, either from the cd or downloaded. I sit with no way to dial out. Can't even download 
another ppp package in case the one on the cd is bad. Short of 
reinstalling the os, is there a way out of this? Don't say RTFM. I 
have many times without finding anything applicable to this. Any 
help appreciated. Thanks.

Bob Holtzman
"If you think you're getting free
 lunch, check the price of the beer!"


From: Matt O'Toole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How migrating Win-Favorites to Netscape-Bookmarks?
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 18:58:44 GMT

Radu Serban wrote:

> Dragan Colak wrote:
> > Hi group,
> >
> > how can I migrate the Favorites of my previous
> > Win-Install to Bookmarks in my newly installed
> > Linux?
> > Is there a tool or a script, or do I have to do
> > it the hard way?
> > Thanks in advance
> >
> > Dragan
> I heard that IE can export bookmarks in Netscape's format.
> I don't know more details, as I've never used IE :-)
> --Radu

Install Netscape in your Windows system, and it will automatically import 
all your bookmarks from IE, whether you want it to or not.  If for some 
reason it doesn't do this, there is a menu item somewhere to make it 
happen.  You can even import all your addresses from the Windows Address 
Book.  Then, using Netscape, log on to the "my Netscape" site.  Upload all 
your bookmarks and addresses to their server.  When you log on again using 
Netscape for Linux, you can download it all into that. Voila!

Matt O.


Subject: Re: good c/c++ debugger
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 18:47:45 GMT

In article <uoL0ByFUAHA.308@net003s>,
  "dick dijk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Does anyone know a good c/c++ debugger for gcc or cc on Linux
(graphical if
> possible)?
> Dick
I like Code Medic (  They also
have a nice lightweight IDE called Code Crusader.

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Before you buy.


From: "Chuck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Is this hard drive dead?
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 13:57:11 -0500

I seem to remeber some of the old seagate drives that the brakes would
hang every now and again. If the drive is not spinning then try this.
This is a drastic measure but, if the drive is dead anyhow you more than
likely do not have anything to loose. Pull the drive out and give it a good
thump. Or as I have heard it called the the six inch drop tool. That might
get it to spin again. Ofcourse if it is spinning on its own DO NOT do this
as you may crash the heads and if you do that then the drive will most
certainly not be any good.

Just my two cents.

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:8v04io$7m$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I have an old 486 I use for my play
> computer. Tonight when I went to boot it
> up, it claims there's no hard drive
> installed. (there is)
> I went into the BIOS and the BIOS thinks
> I have no hard drive at all.
> I booted from tomsrtbt floppy, and it
> will boot, but v-e-r-y slowly. I read the
> boot messages from toms, and they include
> that it correctly detects hda as a Quantum
> something-or-other, and correctly reports
> the partitions as hda: hda1.
> The rest of the boot messages look normal,
> but it says the following: (don't know
> if this means anything or not)
> SIOCSIFADDR: no such device
> SIOCSIFNETMASK: no such device
> SIOCADDRT: no such device
> Initialization of BusLogic failed.
> OK, then I try mount /dev/hda. It says:
> "can't find /dev/hda in /etc/mtab or /etc/fstab."
> I look at /etc/mtab and it has:
> /dev/ram0 / minix rw 0 0
> none /proc proc rw 0 0
> /dev/ram1 /usr minix rw 0 0
> /dev/ram3 /tmp minix rw 0 0
> OK, it's not using the hard drive.
> I can get another hard drive and put it in,
> but first I would like someone's opinion as
> to whether the hd is the problem, or if it's
> got something to do with "Initialization of
> BusLogic failed" instead. (Like there is
> something the matter with the bus?)
> I took the computer apart and checked to
> be sure all the connections were securely
> attached, because I'd moved the computer a
> few times recently. Didn't seem to be anything
> loose.
> If the bootup messages indicate the hd is
> correctly detected, but the hd does not seem
> to work, is the hd the problem? or what? Thanks
> for any insights.
> MP


From: John Culleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Ghostscript & SVGA
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 19:10:20 GMT

 I need to add a vga or svga device type to my ghostscript. I found the
file gdevl256.c in the src directory but I have no idea what file or
files I need to modify and how to get this driver made and included.

If this is not the best group please point me elsewhere.
John Culleton
WexfordPress services for authors/publishers:
typesetting, indexing, book reviews.
Please visit

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Before you buy.


Subject: Ctrl-Alt-Delete
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 19:30:05 -0000

Dear All,
There is a line in /etc/inittab to trap ctrl-alt-delete
Now what I want is to trap this command in such a way that nothing should 
happen when I press ctrl-alt-delete.

pls help


Posted via CNET


Subject: Re: ppp dialup does not work
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 19:24:38 GMT

Thanks for your help. Your message reminded me of what I did last time I
had this problem. You can find the module ppp.o for kernel 2.2.14 and a
script to cosmetically change the version number to your kernel at It worked perfectly for me and
it does not require recompiling the kernel (which I have never done). You
simply download the fixscript and ppp2214.o files to your root directory
(or to a disk and then to your root dir if you have no alternate access)
and say

root@catnip:/# ./fixscript ppp2214.o ppp.o

and then copy the newly created ppp.o to your /lib/modules/2.2.x/net

root@catnip:/# cp ppp.o /lib/modules/2.2.16/net "make 2.2.16 your kernel

then insmod the new module, using -f just to be sure.

root@catnip:/# insmod -f ppp

Note that ppp.o is dependant on slhc.o, and you need the version actually
matching your kernel. You will also need the GNU binutils package--which
includes the objcopy program. I recommend getting it from Debian and
converting it to whatever your format is because the package is small
 I hope that this message helps anyone who has the same problem I do.

Andrew Barr

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Before you buy.


Subject: Re: Is this hard drive dead?
Date: 17 Nov 2000 19:33:45 GMT

thanks to everyone for the suggestions.

mount /dev/hda1 /mnt  gives:
/dev/hda1: Unknown error
attempt to access beyond end of device
03:01: rw=0, want=1, limit=0
FAT bread failed
mount: you must specify the filesystem type

I tried the linux filesystem type and msdos,
and both failed. Tried all the combinations
of command flags and parameters and
file names you suggested, and then some. 

I also tried mounting /dev/hda2 in case
I'd put anything in a separate partition.
No luck with any of that.

I can't feel or hear any activity in the
hard drive even with the cover off the box;
it isn't even trying to run. If it had
gradually failed I'd be pretty confident it
was dead, but since it simply quit spinning
up all at once, I still wonder.

I made changes to the BIOS last night and
they survived overnight with the power off,
so the battery is at least partly functional.

I don't have a floppy to boot DOS, but I am
not completely sure DOS is even present on
the drive since I've messed with it so much.
For a while I was running OS/2, and the boot
floppy for that does nothing but display its
name. The install floppies don't work either.

Went to Quantum's web site to see if they
still archive info about their ProDrive LPS,
but they don't. This thing must be as old as
dirt. I think I'll junk it. 

I do appreciate all the troubleshooting
suggestions. I keep good notes, and next time
I run in to a drive problem I'll be glad I
have them.

Mary P.


From: Lori Holder-Webb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Lilo Li... problem.
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 13:30:40 -0600

See here for details about lilo errors:

I think you need to make sure your boot sector is completely located
below the 1038 cylinder on the drive.  I don't know how this all works
with a dual-boot system, I think there are special considerations for
that.  You might check the boot partition first, though.

Thaddeus L Olczyk wrote:
> I've got a system with a SCSI hard drive. I just added a second drive
> this time IDE.
> After tweeking my NT install, I reboot to discover I get a kernel
> panic. OK no problem, I added the hard rive to get more space for
> linux so instead of fixing the problenm and then shuffling files
> between partitions I just reinstall linux ( Mandrake 7.1) from
> scratch.
> When I boot I see Li appear on the bottom then nothing.
> OK, I use System Commander which was overwritten by Linux.
> I reinstall System Commander. Use an emergency boot disk to boot
> into linux. Change the boot to /dev/sda9 in lilo.conf reinstall.
> When I boot, it prints LI then freeses ( PS hard drive 9 gigs,
> last 2 gigs are an NT partition, so that I'm within 8g).
> The only clue I get is that lilo prints a warning that /dev/sda9
> is not on the first disk.
> Any ideas?



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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