
> the
> aplication I try to run is a Multi-user mode application that run on 
> DOS sessions
Such programs might not work under
dosemu. I am afraid you expecting
way too much.

> Error [35]: General Protection Fault in ZIMRTMU.EXE at 0377:011C 
Make sure that this program works on
either WinNT or Win2000. Then you have
chances. But if it doesn't - just give
up trying it under dosemu and use bochs

> I have try many thigs like incresing memory for xms and ems
and DPMI?

> I have tryied
> to load the HIMEM.SYS but I dosn?t work.
You don't need himem.sys under dosemu (and
it won't work either).

> I have a RH7.2, the latest version of dosemu and the patch.
There are many patches, which one?

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