Many apologies--I thought the debugging output came on stdout/stderr, but
it is clearly put into boot.log. Running with -D9+c elicits the output

X_fullscreen 0
vgaemu_memsize 0x600
vesamode_list (nil)
X_lfb 1
X_pm_interface 1

when parsing the .dosemurc lines in the vicinity of

# size (in Kbytes) of the frame buffer for emulated vga. Default: 1024K
$_X_vgaemu_memsize = (1536)
# use linear frame buffer in VESA modes. Default: on
# $_X_lfb = (on)
# use protected mode interface for VESA modes. Default: on
# $_X_pm_interface = (on)
# KeySym name to activate mouse grab, ""=off. Default: "Home" 
# $_X_mgrab_key = "Home"
# List of vesamodes to add. The list has to contain SPACE separated
# "xres,yres" pairs, as follows: "xres,yres ... xres,yres". Default: ""
# for 1024x768 screen use 1024,740 or thereabouts
$_X_vesamode = "1280,960"
#  1280,1024"
# pause xdosemu if it loses focus
# $_X_background_pause = (off)

in .dosemurc. So the memory size is recognized, but the vesamode line is
not. Has the syntax changed? The documentation has not.



On Wed, 17 Nov 2004, jegunn wrote:

> On Wed, 17 Nov 2004, Bart Oldeman wrote:
> Thanks, Bart. 
> The other problem I alluded to still remains. The following line in
> .dosemurc
> $_X_vesamode = "1024,740"
> elicits no response to a query which lists the available VESA modes.
> Changing the $_X_vgaemu_memsize has the expected result; going
> from one megabyte to 2 brings the 1280x1024 and 1600x1280 modes into
> existence, but the custom modes do not show up. This worked fine in
> Stas suggested that I do some debugging and file a bug report,
> which I have not done yet, but there is no debugging output from either
> -D9+v or -D9+X.
> thanks
> --jim
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