Linux-Networking Digest #934, Volume #9          Tue, 19 Jan 99 08:14:15 EST

  Re: How do you run slip/ppp between two machines? (Omegaman)
  Re: PPP and Diald (Patrick Hess)
  Re: Cable modem and IP Masquerading (Don O'Connell)
  Simple networking questions (Rob)
  Re: ftp datastream sometimes failing ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Security hole with WU-FTPD (Jacques Distler)
  Re: Simple networking questions ("Kyle Bowerman")
  Re: ip masquerading and icq (Mike Patterson)
  Re: /usr over nfs? (Rodger Donaldson)
  Re: Winmodem (Jayasuthan [VorHacker])
  Re: Connect without hub (Paul Gress)
  my own server (Maat)
  Problems getting local services in network (Juan Manuel Pineda Occhiena)
  Re: Hackers used my linuxserver be hacked gateway How to fixing? ("Ronald BAL")
  Re: my own server (Ben Sandler)
  Reconnection after WWW session terminates: WHY ? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Network Video Broadcast (not conference) Available? (David Steuber)
  Re: Samba and file permissions... (Marius Bezuidenhout)
  Re: This is Linux, not Windows, so why not superior flexibility AND idiot-friendly? 
(Stephen R. Savitzky)
  Re: PPP/SLIP/Null Modem Connection Help (Rob van der Putten)


From: Omegaman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How do you run slip/ppp between two machines?
Date: 18 Jan 1999 22:18:01 -0600

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Vaughan R. Pratt) writes:

> the voluminous pppd documentation doesn't seem to have anything to say
> about this simple case.  PPP-HOWTO promises "This document provides a
> brief overview of using PPP to link two Linux PCs via a null modem
> cable" but whoever wrote that forgot to include the overview.

Yes it does.  The very last page of the PPP-HOWTO is titled "Using PPP 
across a null modem (direct serial) connection".  I did it straight
out of that document and it was so simple you'll probably be

Since it's so short, here's the page in question:
27. Using PPP across a null modem (direct serial) connection

   This is very simple - there is no modem in the way so things are much
   First of all, choose one of the machines as a 'server', setting up a
   getty on the serial port so you can test that you do have connectivity
   using minicom to access the serial port on the 'client'.
   Once you have this functioning, you can remove the getty UNLESS you
   want to make sure that the connection is validated using user
   name/password pairs as for a dial up connection. As you have 'physical
   control' of both machines, I will presume that you do NOT want to do
   Now, on the server, remove the getty and make sure that you have the
   serial ports on both machines configured correctly using 'setserial'.
   All you need to do now is to start pppd on both systems. I will assume
   that the connection uses /dev/ttyS34 on both machines. So, on both
   machines execute the command:-
pppd -detach crtscts lock <local IP>:<remote IP> /dev/ttyS3 38400 &
   This will bring up the link - but as yet you have no routing
   specified. You can test the link by pinging to and fro to each
   machine. If this works, bring down the link by killing one of the pppd
   The routing you need will of course depend on exactly what you are
   trying to do. Generally, one of the machines will be connected to an
   Ethernet (and beyond) and so the routing required is exactly the same
   as for a PPP server and client.
  So on the Ethernet equipped machine, the pppd command would be
pppd -detach crtscts lock proxyarp <local IP>:<remote IP> /dev/ttyS3 38400 &
   and on the other machine
pppd -detach crtscts lock defaultroute <local IP>:<remote IP> /dev/ttyS3 38400
   If you are linking two networks (using a serial link!) or have more
   complex routing requirements, you can use /etc/ppp/ip-up in exactly
   the same way as mentioned earlier in this document.

Make sure the pppd lines are single commands of course.  And make sure 
you pick appropriate private IP's (ie &

=============((  ))==================
Omegaman<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   | "When they kick out your front door,
   PGP Key fingerprint =        |  How are you gonna come? 
   6D 31 C3 00 77 8C D1 C2      |  With your hands upon your head,   
   59 0A 01 E3 AF 81 94 63      |  Or on the trigger of your gun?" 
Send email with "get key" as the|  -- The Clash, "Guns of Brixton"
"Subject:" to get my public key |     _London_Calling_ , 1979


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Patrick Hess)
Subject: Re: PPP and Diald
Date: 18 Jan 1999 22:20:53 -0800

You need "defaultroute" in your /etc/ppp/options.  Works for me, anyway...

Here's my /etc/ppp/options:

asyncmap 0


In article <780lt7$ob6$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Bruce Taber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Anybody have any clues about what the magic incantation is to get diald to
>route correctly? The connection is a dynamic one to a standard ISP. I have
>pppd calling and connecting to the ISP just fine manually. The route gets
>set and all of my lan machines can get out on the internet. When diald is
>started the modem dials out, connects, and logs in but the routing is not
>correct. It appears that the defaultroute that diald is installing blocks
>pppd from putting in the new dynamic route.
> [...snip...]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Don O'Connell)
Subject: Re: Cable modem and IP Masquerading
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 23:02:04 GMT
Reply-To: donroc @ home . net

On Mon, 18 Jan 1999 02:16:39 GMT, Scott W. Petesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Sun, 17 Jan 1999 01:32:04 -0600, "Fly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Here is the suggested way and it works for us:
>linux masq server should have 2 ethernet cards, one connected to the
>hub (internal network) and the other connected to the cable modem.
>Read the following how to's on cable modem and dhcpcd (dhcpcd will
>asign an ipaddress to the network card connected to the cable modem)
>BTW, works great but just a little concerned about security and being
>connected %100 of the time.

Use ipfwadm/ipmasqadm to set up your rules and
use the tcp-wrappers programs. It's been keeping my system secure

>>Right now I'm using an ethernet card and modem in my Win98 machine to use a
>>cable modem. It looks like they use the regular modem for upstream and the
>>ethernet card for downstream.
>>How can I setup IP masquerading to use one or two more PC's? I've got an old
>>486 in the basement I could probably use as the firewall.
>>Any ideas?
>>Would I set the IP of this 486 to or do I use the IP address the
>>cable company gave me for the ethernet card in my PC? It looks like the
>>cable modem itself has its own IP address. It looks like the PPP connection
>>is also given this same IP address. The ethernet card in my PC is assigned a
>>second IP address.
>Scott W. Petersen - N9SLA
>Web Page:
>Elgin, IL - USA
>ICQ 8287204
>Packet E-mail:
>PLEASE note e-mail address is scooter @


Don O'Connell -- email  - donroc @ home . net


Subject: Simple networking questions
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 20:52:05 +0000


Im looking for commands which can do the following.

DNS an ip adddres and vice versa. (ie putting in a host name will
producde the IP and vice versa)
Find out exactly what connections are connected to my machine.  EG, if
someone is pinging me 64 k blocks of data, I want to know their IP

Can anyone help?



Computer running under Linux 2.0.35

Rob Barnes
ICQ : 2224468
Web Page : Brother wrecked it, last time I let him use FTP..
Go to : for an education...


Subject: Re: ftp datastream sometimes failing
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 20:49:58 GMT

Try using the -vj and/or the -vjccomp options when invoking pppd. It appears
that the compression is causing some confusion in some routers and they are
dropping frames due to bad checksums. I don't understand all the details,
except to say that the above worked for me!


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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jacques Distler)
Subject: Re: Security hole with WU-FTPD
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 15:17:19 -0600

In article <%3No2.325$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Barry Margolin

>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>Jacques Distler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Color me stupid, but why does he allow root ftp logins, *period*.
>>Shouldn't root be in his ftpusers file?
>Even if it were, it wouldn't have helped in this case.  The line that the
>cracker added to /etc/passwd had a UID of 0, but the name wasn't "root".
>The ftpusers file lists names, not UIDs.

Given that the cracker must have had root access to do that, it would not
have mattered whether the ftpusers file lists names or UIDs. He could have
circumvented that, too. In this particular case, *nothing* could have

So the particular details of this attack do not seem to be salient to the
more general question about restricting ftp access by certain users. That
is controlled by the contents of the /etc/shells and /etc/ftpusers files,
not by the contents (or lack thereof) of the password field in
I don't understand why the poster thinks that this is "less secure".


PGP public key:


From: "Kyle Bowerman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Simple networking questions
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 20:34:59 -0700

ping will resolve the ip address
and ping -a  NNN.NNN.NNN.NNN will rolsove the name

try netstat sorry just tried it and it doesn't tell about ICMP

Rob wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Im looking for commands which can do the following.
>DNS an ip adddres and vice versa. (ie putting in a host name will
>producde the IP and vice versa)
>Find out exactly what connections are connected to my machine.  EG, if
>someone is pinging me 64 k blocks of data, I want to know their IP
>Can anyone help?
>Computer running under Linux 2.0.35
>Rob Barnes
>ICQ : 2224468
>Web Page : Brother wrecked it, last time I let him use FTP..
>Go to : for an education...


From: Mike Patterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: ip masquerading and icq
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 03:04:58 GMT

If both users are behind a firewall, then I don't think chat or file transfers will
work.  (Unless there is a socks proxy for Linux?  I haven't tried looking for one yet.)

I have been trying to use ipautofw myself, and every time I get the message:
  setsockopt: Protocol not available
This happens no matter what options I try.  Anyone know what might be causing this?
Also, ip masq modules are complaining of unresolved symbols.  I haven't been able to
test if the modules are working.  (I'm using Red Hat 5.2--2.0.36 kernel, if that makes 

Mike Patterson

"Andrew M. Petalik" wrote:

> Actually, all you have to do is configure your ICQ to go through your
> inux box as a firewall. You can get to it by choosing:
> Preferences, Connection and click on LAN connection, firewall. No socks
> server or anything.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rodger Donaldson)
Subject: Re: /usr over nfs?
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 13:30:34 +1300

On Tue, 19 Jan 1999 00:59:00 +1300, Richard Hector <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Geoff Short wrote:

>I was thinking about doing this at home (I have a machine with a 40meg
>hard disk). But what is likely to happen with Debian or Redhat's package
>management? Will they lose track of what's where, or are they designed
>to handle this?

There a couple of ways to handle this:

* Synchronised workstations.  In a situation where, say a dozen systems
  mount a common /usr and have the same packages, the fact that the Deb/RH 
  packages will be overwriting one another is irrelevant.  I do this with a
  bunch of machines sharing /usr/share/texmf.

* Seperate /usr shares on a big system.  Share /usr/local/systems/ws[1-9],
  and mount each share on another system.

Of course, for the first case, one would ideally have a ``nousr'' version of

Rodger Donaldson                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
La Cicciolina [...] Electing her was an interesting contrast to the
situation in the UK: In Italy they elect a representative from the sex
industry.  In the UK, they elect their clients. -- Peter Gutmann


From: Jayasuthan [VorHacker] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Winmodem
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.questions
Date: 16 Jan 99 07:02:49 GMT

In comp.os.linux.networking Bounty Hunter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: On Thu, 29 Oct 1998 11:24:00 -0500, Shenzhi Yang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: wrote:

:>  I got a Winmodem in my computer. So, is there anyway to make in
:>working in Linux? If not, any recommendation for a modem that can work
:>in Linux?
:>  Thanks for any response.

: I am looking right now at a package called isapnptools.
: It says that it will work with the newer win-type modems.
: Be advised though, some hacking is required! This package will help
: you get started though.

: Steve


You mean winmodem = software modem... those without normal com ports.
I will do a search for that new isapnp package... pls do keep me inform
on winmodem development.... 

thank you


[Fairchild Information System Support]




From: Paul Gress <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Connect without hub
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 23:57:30 -0500

Robin is correct, I have been using a crossover cable for many years between 2
computers.  The only problem is when you need to add a third computer/component
(printer), then you can't use a crossover cable and must use a hub or switcher.

Paul Gress

robin_u wrote:

> Rob Wiltbank wrote:
> >
> > Jan wrote:
> >
> > > All is standardized nothing to my knowledge that prevents this from working.
> > >
> > > >However, I would like to know the following points:
> > > >    (1) Will there be any degradation in performance or stability if
> > > >        I do not use a hub?
> >
> > No, a hub is designed to to take packets and distribute them as best as
> > is can to their destination.  You're more likely to have packets collide
> > on a peer to peer than through a hub.
> Pardon my ignorance, but when a crossover cable is used, isn't the
> transmit of one connected to the receive of the other, and vice-versa?
> Doesn't that mean that there is no contention (read collisions) between
> the transmitters?  Aren't there collisions with a hub because all the
> transmitters are trying to share one medium?
> >
> > >
> > > >    (2) Will there be any danger in connecting 10 Mb only (Sparc) directly
> > > >        to 10/100 Mb (PC) with a crossover cable?
> > >
> >
> > Nope.  The cable sends packets, whether they be ethernet or ring packets,
> > they're all the same on every machine -- it's a standardized protocol.
> >
> > > >    (3) Will there be any other problems if I use a crossover cable
> > > >        without a hub?
> > >
> >
> > If you use a crossover cable WITH a hub, then you'd definitely have problems.
> > Crossover cable is basically made to do a peer to peer connection with another
> > machine via RJ-45.
> >
> > > >
> > > >I would appreciate any help, comment, or pointer related to this subject.
> > > >Thanks in advance.
> > > >
> > > >---------
> > > >Mike
> > > >
> >
> > Rob


Subject: my own server
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 21:22:33 +0100

Im I able to run a dns and a (apache) webserver on one machine with one
static ip-adress so I have my own domain name?
My ISP has given me a static ip and a hostname, can I just run my own
hostname with the same ip adress par example:





From: Juan Manuel Pineda Occhiena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Problems getting local services in network
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 00:35:56 +0000

Hello there,

I have a network with a server running RedHat 5.1, and three other
computers with Linux or Windows 95/98.  I have managed to get access to
the net for all of the machines and the automatic dial out through diald
works fine.  Anonymous ftp works well, and telnet is o.k.  whenever
connecting to the internet.  Nevertheless, whenever I want to make a
simple ftp between the computers in my local network, I get a
"connection refused" message consistently.  I also wanted to run rlogin
or a secure version of it, but the service again is denied in a
consistent basis afer putting in the proper password.  I have set
hosts.deny: ALL: ALL, and then set hosts.allow to the domain of the
local network: ALL : (this is not a registered domain
though).  I have setup a firewall, but allowed local traffic (services
available for the domain).

What can possibly be the problem?  Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Juan Pineda


From: "Ronald BAL" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Hackers used my linuxserver be hacked gateway How to fixing?
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 23:58:59 +0100

David Barnes wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I could use a bit of help on this subject as well.  I spent the past three
>weeks setting up my first Linux server for testing.  I had samba, IP-Masq,
>and diald all set up and working nicely after quite a bit of work.
>Anyway, today while connected to a dial up ISP, I suddenly noticed that
>was a lot of racket coming from my disk drive.  I tail the messages log, so
>looked at that and the system was complaining of a possible SYN flood
>attack.  Further down was a note that someone had root access.  I tried to
>run a few commands like top, tail, and then the basics like ls, but it was
>too late.  Someone had decided to delete everything on the drive.  I
>even execute reboot or halt, so I powered it down and restarted it.  It
>boot.  I tried to boot to a rescue disk, but I can't mount any of the
>drives.  Well, I can mount them, but they are empty.  There's nothing left.
>I was running Redhat 5.1 and I had ipfwadm set up to allow only my internal
>boxes access, but apparantly I did something wrong.  Based on the few
>symptoms presented, can anyone tell me what was done or what I need to do
>stop it.  I'd really like to deploy Linux, but I have to figure this one
>first.  Thanks for any help.

Did u install NFS on the Linux-machine? If u did, remove it at once !
Everyone with win3.1,Win95/98 or even DOS can get rootaccess then. Install
SAMBA, but configure it properly, especially the permissions.




From: Ben Sandler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: my own server
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 00:30:30 +0000

Maat wrote:
> Im I able to run a dns and a (apache) webserver on one machine with one
> static ip-adress so I have my own domain name?
> My ISP has given me a static ip and a hostname, can I just run my own
> hostname with the same ip adress par example:

Did your ISP give you, or something else?  If the ISP gave
you something else, then you'll need to pay for and register  Go to whoever manages .nl TLDs (anyone know?).  Then yes,
you can set it up as your hostname and be on your way.

- Ben
> THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> greetings,
> Johannes

Ben Sandler
email me: sandler at ymail dot yu dot edu

"Windows is an operating system, not a religion."
- Ted Waitt, chairman of Gateway


Subject: Reconnection after WWW session terminates: WHY ?
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 11:55:43 GMT

I have my ISP configured with ppp under ISDN. Mail and news are still not
working perfectly, but Netscape works almost ok. Two points are obvious:

1. When I open Netscape and try to connect the first time, this failes. Reload
works, and all other www traffic too.

2. After I have terminated the Netscape session, the connection is terminated
after 60 seconds, as I configured it, BUT after another 60 sec interval there is
a reconnection on the www port (80) for no reason ! This continues in cycles.
Not good for my nerves and for my telephone bill ! Who knows the trick ?

Maybe it's the Apache web server ? How to trace that ?

Regards, Eggert

Answers please in this newsgroup!



From: David Steuber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Network Video Broadcast (not conference) Available?
Date: 18 Jan 1999 16:02:55 -0500

Patrick Shomo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

->      I've checked out vic and other mbone tools for Linux, but they seem to
-> all take advantage of the Quickcam for Video Conferencing. The nv tool
-> looks like a winner (can operate in recvOnly mode for the client), but
-> again everything is based around the QuickCam.

Where can I get these?  Is source available?

David Steuber
s/trashcan/david/ to reply by mail

SYSTEM ALERT: /dev/null is full.  Please delete any unnecessary files.


From: Marius Bezuidenhout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Samba and file permissions...
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 08:43:55 +0200

Under the resource you want to modify in the /etc/smb.conf file insert this
   create mask = 0660        # This is for the files
   directory mask = 0770    # This is for the directories

It can also be a good idea to insert:
   follow symlinks = no

Unfortunately I can't help you with your case problem at this time.

"Ryan C. Payne, BSN, RN" wrote:

> Hello there,
>     Another strange question:  Say I have a file with the permissions
> set at -rw-r--r--. I open in on my windows 98 machine, make some changes
> and then save it. Now the file has the permissions -rwx-r--r--.... It
> appears that it currently doesn't matter what the settings are in the
> beginning, after I save from Windows, the file is set to rwx for the
> owner... Is there any way around this?
>     Also, I had a file named DailyThought.c. Opened it in MS-VC++ and
> did some stuff and then saved it. Now, on the linux machine the name is
> dailythought.c, all lowercase. Is there any way to preserve the case
> too... (It also changed the file permissions...)
>     Thanks for any help!!
>         Ryan
> --
> ----------------------------------
> Ryan C. Payne, MSIS, BSN, RN
> Computer Support Consultant
> Department of Radiology
> Division of Radiology Informatics
> University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
> 200 Lothrop Street
> Pittsburgh, PA  15213-2582


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stephen R. Savitzky)
Subject: Re: This is Linux, not Windows, so why not superior flexibility AND 
Date: 17 Jan 1999 10:12:59 -0800

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Allan Olesen) writes:

> >*CAN* you grep in windows?
> Sorry for my Linux ignorance. My experience with Linux is one week
> old, so I may have misunderstood the purpose of grep. Grep is the
> function that can search several files for a text string, right?

Command, not function, but basically yes.  It can also search for
"regular expressions" -- that's the "re" part of the name.  You can also
control case sensitivity, and so on.  The following finds all instances
of "q" not followed by "u" in files with ".html" extensions.:

  grep -i 'q[^u]' *.html

(Note that selecting the .html files is done by the shell, not by grep.)

> You can do that in W95 too. It is part of the standard built-in file
> search function, which can search for file names, sizes, dates and
> text strings. But it cannot replace text strings (don't know if Linux
> grep can), and it cannot be used from a prompt instead of GUI (suppose
> that Linux grep can).

All these functions are actually performed by the "find" command (in
combination with "grep" for text searching and "sed" or "perl" for
replacement).  For example, I use the following little script for
computing line counts and displaying them graphically (using a program,
"xdu", originally designed for displaying disk usage):

find ${*-.} -type f ! -name '*~' ! -name '#*' ! -name '.#*' \
    ! -name '*.class' ! -name '*.o' ! -name '*.log' ! -name '*.zip' \
    -exec wc -l {} \; \
    | xdu -c 4 -name "Line Counts: $*" -geom +105+80

and this one for doing a global replace (replacing "aux" with "util") in
all files named "Repository".

  find . -name "Repository" -exec perl -p -i -e 's@/aux/@/util/@' {} \;

(exactly _why_ I had to do that is left as an exercise for the reader.)

Bottom line: it is Unix's ability to _combine_ commands that makes it so

 /   Steve Savitzky   \ 1997 Pegasus Award winner: best science song--+  \
/ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> \    V   \
\  hacker/songwriter:   \
 \_ Kids' page: MOVED ---> ______/


From: Rob van der Putten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: PPP/SLIP/Null Modem Connection Help
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 12:04:44 +0100

Hi there

On 17 Jan 1999, Brian McCauley wrote:

> That looks like a standard null-modem cable to me.  What do "most"
> look like then?

All sorts of wierd stuff.

> >  The screen of the cable should be connected (soldered) to the connector 
> >  shell at both ends of the cable.
> Both?  I thought that was not recommeded.

I know it is not recommended. I just don't agree with the recommendation.
Never mind the ground loops. If they are small they don't pick up much
hum. If they are big you shouldn't be using RS232 in the first place.




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End of Linux-Networking Digest

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