Linux-Networking Digest #708, Volume #10          Thu, 1 Apr 99 21:13:49 EST

  Re: HELP with TELNET/FTP/POP mail check from client (Doug S)
  COM ports switching? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  IP Tunneling in 2.0.x ("Alex Nobert")
  connected but network unreachable?? ("Franc Vernet")
  Re: assigning IP address to jetdirect EX card? ("Adam Bartels")
  Re: Backup-to home network HD ("Mike Harris")
  newbie nic problem ("George D. Brown")
  Re: IBM EtherJet 10/100 is not running !!!!!!! (David Hinds)
  Re: Help me spend $2,000 on a new Linux-based computer (Christopher Michael Jones)
  Installing 3com 3c509 ethernet card with Redhat 5.2 (Chris Plachta)
  Re: How to connect ISP news through Linux server ?? ("The Lone Scribe")
  postupgrade to 2.2.1 kernel ppp problem ("Ovidiu Dressler")
  Re: smbmount used to work (John Seniuk)
  Notebook PCMCIA Etherlink III LINUX support ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Encripted password (Nick Farley)
  Re: PPP connections problem with RedHat 5.2 / debugging problems (Jon-o Addleman)
  Re: Setting Up Email (Oliver Cook)
  Liux proxy (autodialing) server (Walt)
  routing by source address problem (Michael Surette)
  Pinging eth1 (AMAE)
  Re: DMA errors ("TURBO1010")


Subject: Re: HELP with TELNET/FTP/POP mail check from client
Date: Fri, 02 Apr 1999 00:11:19 GMT

You're using your Linux box as a proxy.  You need to run some proxy
software such as SOCKS5.

Squid proxies ftp from web browsers.  I wonder why that's not working.
Check squid.conf to make sure it's configured properly.

Good luck,

On Thu, 1 Apr 1999 14:44:27 -0800, Gaku Shimizu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Hi, I am very new to this linux world and have been learning little bit at
>a time.  
>I have a problem...  I run Redhat 5.2 on my server.  I have my linux box
>connected to an existing network and assigned it the only static IP
>address I have.  Then, I attached my client computers using a hub. (I have
>2 nics in my linux box)  I run IP masquerading using the
>format and assigned dummy IPs to all my client computers attached to my
>Problem.  From the client computer, I cannot TELNET, FTP, or check POP
>mail beyond my linux box.  it almost seems like my linux server is
>restricting my Telnet, FTP and POP requests to leave the server.  All my
>client computers see the web...I am using squid.  Any ideas on how I can
>fix the FTP TELNET and POP problem I have?  Please assume that I know
>nothing about linux when you respond. :-)  Thanks...
>Gaku Shimizu
>Gonzaga University
>Spokane, Washington

The email & reply-to addresses in this post's headers are not real.
If you need to e-mail me, my real address is:

  dee oh you gee ess @ c3net . net (Read aloud and type what you say.)


Subject: COM ports switching?
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 20:06:17 GMT

My system:

homebuilt w/TX PRO II motherboard and Cyrix MII-300 CPU
ATI All-in-Wonder 4MB PCI
CMI8330 on-board audio chipset
Zip Zoom SCSI card (Adaptec 152x)

I'm running Win98 and Linux-Mandrake 5.3 (Red Hat 5.2 + KDE) and have
developed a problem.  My motherboard has two onboard serial ports, only one
of which is enabled via the BIOS.  Up until a few days ago, the serial port
was COM1 and my modem (Motorola MODEMSURFR 56k) was listed as COM2.  Now, for
no apparent reason, my serial port has become COM3 and my modem COM4.  This
presents no problems in Win98, but under Linux I can't access the modem now. 
The KPPP setup program finds the modem as /dev/cua3 (it can't use /dev/cua1
anymore), but the ATI tests return no codes and the dialer locks up at the
"setting modem speaker volume" screen.

So, my question is -- how do I force my serial port to stay as COM1?  There
seem to be no jumpers on the motherboard that would be relevant for it.


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From: "Alex Nobert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IP Tunneling in 2.0.x
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1999 15:24:41 -0500

Does anyone have any experience with IPIP and the tunelling modules in Linux
2.0.x (Specifically -- 2.0.36 in RH5.2).  I can't for the life of me get
this to work outside of my LAN.  Can anyone give me a sample setup for
talking between two machines?

Machine A is in the subnet and Machine B is in
Machine A's IP is, B's is  I want B to have

Throw me a bone, guys =)

Is it possible my provider (Videotron Cable in Canada) is filtering out the
necessary packets?  I believe this is transmitted through UDP.  Is there an
easy way to test it?

Thanks in advance.


From: "Franc Vernet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: connected but network unreachable??
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 23:00:13 +0200

I finally got my cable modem to work....took me a lot of scripts to write,
but ok..
I can make a ppp-connection with ppp-on and I can see the modem connecting
to my ISP. Pining to the installes DNS-server works fine but anything else
fails: network unreachable....WHAT IS WRONG?
I'm confused......can anyone help?



From: "Adam Bartels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.samba
Subject: Re: assigning IP address to jetdirect EX card?
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 08:49:30 -0800

Make sure the JetDirect will bind to the TCP/IP protocol. Some models will
only talk IPX.
Adam J. Bartels
Aegis Technology Systems
Comm/Data Solutions That Work!

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From: "Mike Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Backup-to home network HD
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1999 16:09:18 -0800

Assuming your NT file system and proposed backup hard drive are both visible
from the Linux box, you should be able to tar them to your backup drive. You
could then gzip the tar file. The whole deal could run as a cron job and
you'd have scheduled, automatic backups. However, having lost track of the
number of failed hard drives I've replaced over the years, I have real
reservations about using a hard drive as a backup medium. Current tape
backups considerably eased the sting of restoring applications and data when
the inevitable occured. And it didn't matter that three drives were still
under warranty and were replaced free of charge when they failed. The data
was still gone, as will be your backups when (not if) the 13 gig drive dies.

Mike Harris
Bob Nixon wrote in message ...
>It seems that if you want to do backups then TAPE is expected. I don't
>have or want a tape for my home network but want to store backups for my
>three home boxes on a large HD ~13GB's, purchaced solely for this purpose.
>Here is where the trouble lies. Both Linux and NT backup software assumes
>you have a tape backup system. I ended up using quick backup on the
>Windows 98 machine for itself and the NT server (cable modem firewall
>box), becuase it DOES allow using a file for backups.
>I checked out Linuxburg (TUCOWS), downloaded and installed Kbackup after
>Caldera's BRU failed the verification test on the NTFS (compressed) backup
>drive. Kbackup didn't work either and it's a CLI, so you can't tell what's
>going on, in progress and is a pain to configure. BTW, I thought a network
>drive was a network drive and as long as it will write files, & NT should
>do most, then why is the verification failing?
>Any Idea's? I'd like the linux box to do scheduled backups for all three
>machines via samba and base 100 internal network. The Windows 98 quick
>backup will probably do the linux box too but it's a little scary running
>the backup software on the most likely to fail machine.
>PS. Is the preponderance of tape systems something that's lagging in
>networking? It seems there are better choices, with large floptical or
>HD's more reliable than any tape system. Am I missing something?


From: "George D. Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: newbie nic problem
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 14:56:47 -0600

when i go into linuxconfig and set up my info for eth0 i get erros when
i exit.  I think that the problem is the module for my nic...

i am running rehat 5.2 and have a 3com fast etherlink XL 10/100 card.
Please help.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Hinds)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.portable
Subject: Re: IBM EtherJet 10/100 is not running !!!!!!!
Date: 31 Mar 1999 20:11:51 GMT

Zlatko Baumberger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

: There exists a driver for it if you look at the end of
: the file 'SUPPORTED.CARDS':
:     [cs89x0_cs driver]
:         IBM EtherJet
:           (Danilo Beuche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
: but i think the problem is in the cardbus support

This driver is for a 16-bit card that is not related to the 10/100
CardBus EtherJet card.

-- Dave Hinds


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher Michael Jones)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Help me spend $2,000 on a new Linux-based computer
Date: 31 Mar 1999 21:08:39 GMT

Eugene wrote:

> Here is my dream machine:
> Celeron 366 overclocked to 550

Why a celeron?  A 350 MHz _real_ Pentium II is only ~$150.

> Abit BH6 mobo

Ugh, get a good mb.  Check out Tyan, Intel has some good boards too.

> 128 Mb SDRAM (PC-100) (one piece)

Sounds good.

> Nvidia TNT2 (when it comes out - should be soon!)

Ohhh yeahhh...

Make sure to get the proper X server upgrade to max out the
full potential of (/work correctly with) your vid. card.

> Optiquest V95 (19")

Good, but you might think differently about the size.  I find
that the best thing about a monitor is its quality.  A 17"
flat square, hi-res, good color, monitor will probably give
you a better experience than a low cost 19 incher.

> 12+ gig HD


> etc...

There's probably some important stuff in that etc.
For example, make sure to get a good modem, some 
modems don't work well / at all with linux.

> anyone else thinks this is a nice system?

This looks like a good system.  Make sure to get a good case.

P.S. Here's my (current) setup

Intel SE440BX mb (w/ sound, the sound is actually pretty good)
Pentium II 233 MHz processor (I know it's not great, but I'll upgrade later)
192 mb PC-100 SDRAM (1 128mb, and 1 64mb)
9 gb Seagate Medalist pro IDE hd
5 gb Western Digital Caviar IDE hd
8x CDROM (I should probably upgrade, but I don't see a big need yet)
Starfighter AGP 8mb video card (with any vid. card, you buy it, it's obsolete)
USR 56K fax internal modem (V.90 compliant, works great with Linux)
15" Phillips-Magnavox monitor (not great, but very good, and low cost)


A couple things of note

A black keyboard (way cool)

And, most importantly, a kick ass case (check out, 
Model 720, in black).

Also, I multi-boot Win NT 4.0, Win 98, and RedHat 5.2.  I
use NT most of the time, but I use Linux sometimes.  Although,
I just got my 9gb hd, and RedHat fairly recently.  Nevertheless,
I managed to get Linux up and running within a couple of days
(running X-window, using ppp, etc.), so it's very functional


Chris Jones

My Web Page - ""


From: Chris Plachta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Installing 3com 3c509 ethernet card with Redhat 5.2
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 13:47:10 -0800



From: "The Lone Scribe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to connect ISP news through Linux server ??
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 13:57:29 -0800

ppp wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>access the WWW by using squid but coundn't read news on ISP through the
>Linux server. Am I need to config NNTP ?? Could anybody help me, thanks

What are you trying to use to read news with? Some news readers can be set
up to read directly from a remote nntp host, or you can use suck to pull
down news into your own innd setup and read locally.


From: "Ovidiu Dressler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: postupgrade to 2.2.1 kernel ppp problem
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 1999 00:16:18 +0300

Recently I upgraded my kernel to 2.2.1 wanting to install ipchains instead
of ipfwadm.
I have a ppp connection and an ethernet on my linux box which connects our
internal private network to the internet.
After the upgrade the ppp connection doesn't work anymore.
I configured the firewall according to the instructions from the man pages
but the ppp connection doesn't work.
When I run ifconfig ppp0 I receive the correct answer but when I ask about
the status of the network with
netstat -nr there is no ppp0 device.
Can anyone tell me where is the error ?
Fortunately I kept the 2.0.34 kernel and it works this way (ppp and ipfwadm
for masquerading).

Ovidiu D.


From: John Seniuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: smbmount used to work
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 1999 17:06:45 -0800

I've had problems with this too and it took running smbclient to sort out the
problems.  It gives better diagnostics during failure.  What I had to do was make
sure my username was in CAPS.  that solved it for me anyways.





Subject: Notebook PCMCIA Etherlink III LINUX support
Date: Fri, 02 Apr 1999 01:01:41 GMT


I have installed Red Hat Linux 5.2 on my DELL Latitude CP notebook PC

The LINUX seems to work OK but I need a network connection and the Linix does
not recognise my 3 com Etherlink III PCMCIA 3C589D card.

I inderstannd I may need third party drivers, can anyone advise where I can
get these , I have been searching the web for almost four days and all I can
find are advertisents for card hardware and windows drivers

Any assistance would be very welcome

Peter Bate
61-2-9150 6762

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From: Nick Farley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Encripted password
Date: Fri, 02 Apr 1999 01:14:49 GMT

I'd suggest just not using encripted passwords.  To do this follow these
instructions for the windows clients.

1) Launch the Registry Editor as follows:
 Click on: /Start/Run
 Type "regedit" and press enter.

2) Double click on: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE

3) Locate the following Key:

4) From the menu bar select Edit/New/DWORD Value

5) Rename the entry from "New Value #1" to:

6) Press Enter, then double click on the new entry.
 A dialog box will pop up and enable you to set a value.
 You must set this value to 1.

Dereks2nd wrote:

> I now have Win98 workstation linking to a Linux RedHat 5.2  server ( works
> Great ) only problem is I am having to use plain text passwords which requires
> a registry change. In order to use Encripted passwords the documentation says
> that samba has to be linked with 'libdes'. Does anyone know how to check
> whether it actually has been ... I am using Samba 2.0.3 and if it hasn't how I
> link it.
> Derek


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jon-o Addleman)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: PPP connections problem with RedHat 5.2 / debugging problems
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 1999 21:29:17 GMT

Once upon a  Wed, 31 Mar 1999 10:20:42 +0200, "Jean-Claude"

>I am trying to debug my ppp connection and I wonder why I can't get
>connected from this line :
>/usr/sbin/pppd /dev/ttyS1 57600 debug connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v   ''
>'AT&F0'   OK   ATD5555555   CONNECT   '\d\c' "
>I am not sure where to place single or double quotes. That may be the

For one thing, that chat script is not very likely to work. You aren't
entering in a username or password or anything.

Look in /var/log/ppp.log. Since you have the -v switch on chat, there
should be a lot of info there.

If you get stuck still, post excerpts of the log file to the
newsgroup, and we'll see what we can do.

Jon-o Addleman


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Oliver Cook)
Subject: Re: Setting Up Email
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 21:51:03 GMT

On Wed, 31 Mar 1999 13:43:35 -0800, "The Lone Scribe"

>Oliver Cook wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>>I have a linux box running Caldera OpenLinux Lite 1.2 connected 24/7
>>to the internet. Internal mail works fine, and receiving email from
>>the net works, however, i can't figure out how to setup outgoin email.
>You can set up sendmail to do both internal and external email, but sendmail
>is pretty tough for the beginner (and even sometimes the experienced) to
>master. You might want to give qmail ( a shot because it's
>much simpler and easier to set up and maintain.

Thanks - I'll give it a look



Subject: Liux proxy (autodialing) server
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1999 00:35:16 +0200

Hi folks,

I'm looking for a proxy server for my linux box that automatic dial my
ISP (I already have a PPP and all) when I'm connecting with a browser
on a specific port (eg. 8080).

I've looked at squid, but it's a lillte to complex ( I need it for 2 or 3 boxes
connecting with 1 modem and the others "netwoked" together).

I've tried webroute too, but it doesn't go ...  .-/

Can you give me others names of ? ....

bye to all and thanks


From: Michael Surette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: routing by source address problem
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 19:39:07 +0000

I would like to route all requests for Internet traffic  from my network  to the outside world through the ppp1 interface
while everyone else goes through the ppp0 interface.  Is this possible/
how is it done?  I am using linux 2.2.1 with ipchains.


Subject: Pinging eth1
Date: 31 Mar 1999 23:03:48 GMT

Hi all,

I am pinging eth1 but it is not responding.  Also, no packets are
transmitted over it.  Any ideas or suggestions what I should do.

eth1 is a second eth card I installed on my linux cobalt microserver.  The
kernel recognizes it and I cofigured it after installation like this
ifconfig eth1 IP address netMask


Ayman Elsaedi
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332


Subject: Re: DMA errors
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 15:03:06 -0800

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Well, it did this when I flashed, and I received one that I ordered too, =
and they both do the same thing.  I noticed in the bios menu that there =
is something for UDMA.  This board recognizes UDMA, but doesn't support =
it.  If I disable UDMA on the hard drives, then I don't get this error =
message when I boot linux.  I don't know what the deal is.  Maybe I'll =
get tyan and see why I'm getting this error message, but I know they =
don't support linux, and they'll just give me the run around.
    Jeff Schuyler wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
    TURBO1010 wrote:=20
         Why, after updating the bios on my Tyan 1564/D do I get DMA =
errors on all the hard drives, and tells me DMA not available.  It tells =
me bad CRC.  What does it mean?  It used to work fine with version 1.01, =
now with 1.02 it gives me this error.=20
    The bad CRC is in reference to a "Cyclic Redundancy Check" could =
possibly be telling you that the binary image of the bios that you used =
was corrupted, maybe? A CRC is a unique number calculated on a file that =
can be used to validate the file, is used in some data comms protocols =
where it is particularly important to get correct data (like your bios). =

    If your floppy drive control isn't also screwed you might want to =
get a new copy of the 1.02 bios and build a dos boot floppy with the =
flash program and take another try at it. If you still don't have any =
luck you may want to call tech support and ask them to mail you a disk. =
It could be that you had a bad download if you pulled it off the web =

    Hope this helps.=20

    -- Jeff=20

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable


<META content=3Dtext/html;charset=3Diso-8859-1 =
http-equiv=3DContent-Type><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 =
<META content=3D'"MSHTML 4.72.3110.7"' name=3DGENERATOR>
<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Well, it did this when I flashed, =
and I received=20
one that I ordered too, and they both do the same thing.&nbsp; I noticed =
in the=20
bios menu that there is something for UDMA.&nbsp; This board recognizes =
but doesn't support it.&nbsp; If I disable UDMA on the hard drives, then =
I don't=20
get this error message when I boot linux.&nbsp; I don't know what the =
is.&nbsp; Maybe I'll get tyan and see why I'm getting this error =
message, but I=20
know they don't support linux, and they'll just give me the run=20
style=3D"BORDER-LEFT: #000000 solid 2px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-LEFT: =
    <DIV>Jeff Schuyler<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message &lt;<A=20
    <BLOCKQUOTE TYPE =3D CITE>&nbsp;<FONT color=3D#000000><FONT =
        after updating the bios on my Tyan 1564/D do I get DMA errors on =
all the=20
        hard drives, and tells me DMA not available.&nbsp; It tells me =
        CRC.&nbsp; What does it mean?&nbsp; It used to work fine with =
        1.01, now with 1.02 it gives me this =
    <P><BR>The bad CRC is in reference to a &quot;Cyclic Redundancy =
    could possibly be telling you that the binary image of the bios that =
    used was corrupted, maybe? A CRC is a unique number calculated on a =
    that can be used to validate the file, is used in some data comms =
    where it is particularly important to get correct data (like your =
    <P>If your floppy drive control isn't also screwed you might want to =
get a=20
    new copy of the 1.02 bios and build a dos boot floppy with the flash =
    and take another try at it. If you still don't have any luck you may =
want to=20
    call tech support and ask them to mail you a disk. It could be that =
you had=20
    a bad download if you pulled it off the web page?=20
    <P>Hope this helps.=20
    <P>-- Jeff </P></BLOCKQUOTE></BODY></HTML>




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End of Linux-Networking Digest

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