Linux-Networking Digest #959, Volume #10         Sun, 25 Apr 99 07:13:47 EDT

  Re: Can the default message of telnet be modified? (Ben Hopkins)
  Network setup tips, please? ("Kalle Svensson")
  Re: Anything wrong with using a 192.168.0.x private network? (Glenn Butcher)
  Re: Linking a device file to a TCP/IP port (Glenn Butcher)
  Re: HTTP PUT via TELNET port 80 Question ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: DHCP client questions (Mark Cooperstein)
  Re: Kernel 2.2.6 netwoking bug? (Randy Sandberg)
  Re: Help required with IPFWADM (Ush)
  Question: Download Priority on one PPP line ?? (francois)
  Re: Where do I go? ("Curt")
  Networking multiple OS's (Thomas Umar Rice)
  Firewall with one NIC? (Michael Schurr)
  Re: ETH0 problem: symbol for parameter io not found (Rino Mardo)
  Re: Networking multiple OS's (Pekka Savola)
  Re: ip aliasing (Pekka Savola)
  Re: RTL 8139 support on kernel 2.2.6?? (Pekka Savola)
  Re: Majordomo Setup ("David E. Smith")
  Re: I Have no name...and Apache trouble ("David E. Smith")
  Re: Samba vs. NFS (Barry)
  Re: [?]Dial in to my Linux box from the outside (Radovan Brako)
  Re: SMC1211 Driver -- unresolved dependency! (John Thompson)
  Re: RTL 8139 support on kernel 2.2.6?? (John Thompson)


From: Ben Hopkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can the default message of telnet be modified?
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 05:54:46 +0000

Jim Zubb wrote:
> kjei wrote:
> >
> > When we telnet to Linux, the following screen shows:
> >
> > +--------------------------------------------------------+
> > Red Hat Linux release 5.2 (Apollo)
> > Kernel 2.0.36 on an i586
> > +--------------------------------------------------------+
> >
> > Did anyone know how can I replace that message to my faviour one or
> > disable that message?
> man telnetd
> It is in the file:
> /etc/
> Change it to whatever you want.
> FYI: /etc/issue contains the banner for the console.

 . . . *and* both of those issue files get over-written at startup by


From: "Kalle Svensson" <ksvensson@bigfoo***NOSPAM***>
Subject: Network setup tips, please?
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 03:21:34 +0100

OK, this is the situation. I'm a network newbie.
I and a couple of friends of mine want to set up a network consisting of a
router/gateway/firewall/whatever-you-call-it (constantly connected to the
internet via ISDN), two servers (Pri./Sec. DNS, WWW, mail, FTP) and an
undefined amount of workstations that need internet access.
Several questions pop up in my mind:

* How many "real" IP addresses do I need to apply for? My guess here would
be three, one for each server and one for the router.

* All the machines in the network use IPs in the subnet
(suprise!). How do I make the servers work with real IPs?
This question shows just how clueless I am, but what will happen to the
network if I give them their real IP addresses, say and instead of the old and
I was thinking about something with IP-aliasing the router to all the IPs
and then port-forwarding to the servers, but this sounds a bit far-fetched.
Is there an easier way?

* Should I set up the router to IP masq. the unnamed workstations. I think
this seems natural.

* Approx. what kind of box do I need for a router of this kind? 486,
Pentium, PII or 256 PII CPU cluster (uh, I hope not)?

I suppose these aren't all the important questions, but I'm tired (it's late
here in Sweden, and I've been drinking too much coffee earlier today) so
I'll end here and see what you say. Hopefully, one of you has a setup
exactly like this, working perfectly...

Oh, yeah, almost forgot to mention, we'll be using Debian 2.1.

Thanks in advance.

/Kalle Svensson


From: Glenn Butcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Anything wrong with using a 192.168.0.x private network?
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 20:17:23 -0600

The "0" you need to stay clear of with a mask is the
fourth "0", which is the network address.  192.168.0.X (,
1 >= X <= 254,  should work just fine.

Glenn Butcher

Tim Gibson wrote:
> Am I ever going to run into any problems if I use a 192.168.0.x private
> network?  I am afraid that the zero will be thought of as a network like
> when you have  Should I just play it safe and start with
> 192.168.1.x?  I need multiple subnets (192.168.2.x and 192.168.3.x) so I
> will be using a subnet mask.  Thanks.


From: Glenn Butcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linking a device file to a TCP/IP port
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 20:13:54 -0600

I might be making too much of this, but my first inclination would be to
write a Perl script to read from a named pipe and write to a socket. 
The camel book has complete examples, and Perl isn't too hard to figure
out if you have shell scripting experience.

Glenn Butcher

John Kenyon wrote:
> Does anybody know of a method of linking a device file with a TCP/IP
> port.
> I have a terminal server where I can access individual ports by
> telnetting to particular TCP/IP ports eg. telnet 5001
> connects to serial port 1.
> I want to be able to treat these serial ports as tty devices on my
> linux box. The idea is that I can then use existing scripts (which
> currently use a multiport serial card), to communicate with devices
> connected to the terminal server.
> The solution I've seen for Solaris was to use a program called rtelnet
> but the only Linux equivalent I've seen looks like a regular telnet
> program - and there was no source code!
> Any/All suggestions welcome - replies to the NG rather than email pls.
> /john
> ..x. becomes x for email


Subject: Re: HTTP PUT via TELNET port 80 Question
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 06:56:13 GMT

I was finally able to get the POST command to work from telnet.  What I ended
up doing was writing a simple server program that dumped whatever came over
the socket to a file.  I then changed the request port for my web browser to
the server port.

What came across was the port is what I send via telnet to access the data I'm
interested in.  The format of the POST is:

POST /scripts/foxweb.dll/loginok@app01? HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/, application/msword, */*
Accept-Language: en-us
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
Content-Length: 51
Connection: Keep-Alive


I assume there are some things listed above that I really don't need. I was
sending the request from a win 98 box to my linux box.


In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Rob van der Putten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there
> On Sun, 18 Apr 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Can I do this via telnet and how do I set up the PUT command?
> Telnet is not transparant. There is a utility called socket which is. I
> suggest you use that in stead of telnet.
> Regards,
> Rob
> +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> |                   |
> +------------------------------------------------------------------------+

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Cooperstein)
Subject: Re: DHCP client questions
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 1999 12:08:46 GMT

Thank you Stephen,
        You were write on the money.... I was using the 0.70 dhcpcd right out 
of the box. I upgraded dhcpcd and it works now!!!


In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Stephen Carville <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>Mark Cooperstein wrote:
>> I am shamefully ignorant about DHCP and am having problems.  I have kernel
>> 2.2.3.  Previously, I used static IP and /etc/hosts.  All worked just fine.
>> Now, I have a Cisco ISDN router which is providing DHCP server services.  My
>> Windows PC's can get a DHCP IP/lease.  They also get DNS servers from DHCP as
>> well as gateway IP.  Linux, however, gets squat!  When I try bring up eth0, I
>> get the following messages in /var/log/messages:
>> Apr 16 18:23:01 frodo dhcpcd[1118]: ioctl SIOCSIFBRDADDR (ifConfig):
>> Cannot assign requested address
>> Now, I've been using netcfg under X to configure my network.  For the eth0
>> device, I've specifed the protocol to be dhcp, and I've given the host name
> to
>> be 'frodo'.  Under the 'routing' tab, I've enabled IPV4 and that's all.
>> So, what's going on?  Do I need additional kernel support, or perhaps some
>> other piece of software?
>Which version of dhcpcd are you using?  The 0.70 version does not work with
>the 2.2.X kernels.
>If you are using a correct version, do your logs tell you any other things
>like is there DHCPOFFER messages being recieved?


From: Randy Sandberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Kernel 2.2.6 netwoking bug?
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 00:26:03 -0700

Ernesto Hernández-Novich wrote:
> This is _not_ a bug. You didn't read the documentation in /usr/src/linux
> as you _should_ before every upgrade. The networking has changed, so you
> don't need to manually add routes for each interface, since they are
> created automatically for you by ifconfig. You have to remove the
> redundant route statements in your /etc/rc.d scipts.
> And this is all nicely explained in the docs.
> --
> Ernesto Hernández-Novich - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - ICQ #9945705
> Just another Unix/Perl/Java hacker running Linux 2.2.6
> One thing is to be the most popular, and another is to be the best.
> Unix: Live free or die! What would yo do without your freedom?

Hello Ernesto,

Thanks for the info. Now, I've tried to read every doc in the
/usr/src/linux/Documentation directory as well as the
/usr/src/linux/Documentation/networking directory that seemed to have
something to do with my problem and so far I still can't figure out
exactally which file in the /etc/rc.d/ directory I need to edit out the
redundant route statments from. Help...

Randy Sandberg          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"If Bill Gates had a nickel for every time Windows crashed... Oh wait,
he does!"
                             -- A signature spotted on Slashdot


From: Ush <usenet@[REMOVE.ME]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: Help required with IPFWADM
Date: 25 Apr 1999 09:02:08 +0100

Marcelo Iturbe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> # Forward email to your server
> ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 1024:65535 -D
> 25
> ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 1024:65535 -D
> 25
> ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 1024:65535 -D
> 110

> # Forward email connections to outside email servers
> ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 25 -D
> 1024:65535
> ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 25 -D
> 1024:65535

> # Forward Web connections to your Web Server
> ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 1024:65535 -D
> 80
> ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 1024:65535 -D
> 80

> echo "so far so good"
> # Forward Web connections to outside Web Server
> ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 209.29.144.* 80 -D
> 1024:65535
> echo "so far so good"

> # Forward DNS traffic
> ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P udp -S 53 -D

If you have a valid IP addresses behind the firewall, why would you need to
use the -F rule. (forward/masquerade). Surely you would be using the -I and
-O rules instead now??

Or have I mis-understood this :-)



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (francois)
Subject: Question: Download Priority on one PPP line ??
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 07:21:19 GMT

Hello world !

When I'm downloading http or ftp files and when I want to surf during
this time, it's very slow
e.g. ppp daemon did not dynamically adjust priority

So I read FAQS and HOWTOS without success.

Maybe exists a kernel patch or proxy which can delay the TCPIP ACK
send by myself

Any idea or other solutions ?

Config i386 Redhat 5.2 Kernel 2.0.36

Thanks in advance
Geneva, Switzerland


From: "Curt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Where do I go?
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 23:59:41 -0500

Try this site:

Matthew King wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>please cc to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>I have RH4.2 and two computers. One has a tiny HD and a different
>graphics card to the other (server) and I probably won't be able to
>install X on the smaller one.
>Could you please tell me where to go in the mountains of READMEs and
>HOWTOs to find out about installing linux on a tiny HD with the X server
>elsewhere on the network.
>Many Thanks,
>Matthew King,


From: Thomas Umar Rice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Networking multiple OS's
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 11:42:18 +1000

Hey there,

I don't know a lot about networking computers, so could someone either
point me to a FAQ which answers my question, or answer the following

How do you go around networking computers with different operating
systems?  For example, say I had three computers I wanted to network,
with Computer A running Linux, Computer B running Win95, and Computer C
running Win95 in Dos mode.  How would I go about networking the three?
Recommendations for networking software are more than welcome.

Thank you very much in advance!

- Thomas Rice.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Schurr)
Subject: Firewall with one NIC?
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 09:44:49 GMT


I'm connected to the internet with a cablemodem using SUSE 6.0. So far
so good.
Due to security-consideration I wanna install on my computer a
firewall. I already read the Firewall-HOWTO and other articles but all
descriptions assume one is using 2 NICs and there exists one computer
who makes nothing else than being a firewall.
But this isn't valid for my cause because first I only have ONE NIC
and second I work on the system with is as well the firewall as my
personal computer for daily works.

Can anybody give my some hints how to setup the firewall and how to
setup the rules for ipfwadm.
There only shall work http, ftp and mail (-sending  and -receiving).

Thanks a lot...



From: Rino Mardo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,alt.linux
Subject: Re: ETH0 problem: symbol for parameter io not found
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 17:49:33 +0000

B3 / AM wrote:

> all was going great, i felt like a genius. i had webadmin configured, i
> setup Linuxconfig to run over http, Apache was all set, telnet and ftp
> were working fine and i was in process of tweaking SAMBA to work, i
> rebooted and BLAMMO, no more network. My 2 NICS seem to have lost there
> setting or something and on boot i get the following:
> next to eth0 : symbol for parameter io not found
> eth0 delayed
> if anyone has a solution, i would greatly appreciate it. Thanks a
> million
> Brian

add "alias eth0 NIC" to your /etc/conf.modules.  NIC is what your network
cards name.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Pekka Savola)
Subject: Re: Networking multiple OS's
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 06:03:39 GMT

>How do you go around networking computers with different operating
>systems?  For example, say I had three computers I wanted to network,
>with Computer A running Linux, Computer B running Win95, and Computer C
>running Win95 in Dos mode.  How would I go about networking the three?
>Recommendations for networking software are more than welcome.

You must choose a protocol that is supported in every operating system
you're going to run. 

 You must also define, what do you network these for?  Do you want to
have a shared access to the internet?  Share some computer's disk
space, or a printer? 

Nonetheless, I recommend TCP/IP.

I'm not 100% certain TCP/IP works in Win95 Dos Mode, but there are
some freeware TCP/IP implementations for Dos only if it doesn't. 

NET-3-Howto explains some basic things about TCP/IP, you might want to
check that out.

Pekka Savola                    pekkas at netcore dot fi
Across the nations the stories spread like spiderweb laid upon spiderweb, 
and men and women planned the future, believing they knew truth. They 
planned, and the Pattern absorbed their plans, weaving toward the future 
foretold.               -- Robert Jordan: The Path of Daggers


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Pekka Savola)
Subject: Re: ip aliasing
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 05:59:00 GMT

>will ip aliasing allow me to assign a different ip address and subnet
>mask to the device ?


>will ip aliasing allow me to assign the same ip address and a different
>subnet mask to the device ?


Pekka Savola                    pekkas at netcore dot fi
Across the nations the stories spread like spiderweb laid upon spiderweb, 
and men and women planned the future, believing they knew truth. They 
planned, and the Pattern absorbed their plans, weaving toward the future 
foretold.               -- Robert Jordan: The Path of Daggers


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Pekka Savola)
Subject: Re: RTL 8139 support on kernel 2.2.6??
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 05:55:45 GMT

>  I know the  RTL 8139 Fast Ethernet Adapter Card is supported in the
>kernel that comes with RedHat 5.2. However, I did not find the option
>for  RTL 8139 Fast Ethernet Adapter Card driver support in the kernel
>2.2.6. Any comment?

I have RTL 8139.  I think you have to check 'prompt for development
code' to be able to enable it, but the support is there all right.

Pekka Savola                    pekkas at netcore dot fi
Across the nations the stories spread like spiderweb laid upon spiderweb, 
and men and women planned the future, believing they knew truth. They 
planned, and the Pattern absorbed their plans, weaving toward the future 
foretold.               -- Robert Jordan: The Path of Daggers


From: "David E. Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Majordomo Setup
Date: 25 Apr 1999 10:08:35 GMT

In comp.os.linux.networking Daniel Goh wrote:
> I have created a pop and smtp server for my server and it works perfectly
> but I was wondering if it is possible to create a majordomo mailing list
> or something similar to that.

Indeed it is. Get the Majordomo software from

and follow the instructions in the package. If you can handle setting up
sendmail, Majordomo should be a breeze. :)



From: "David E. Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: I Have no name...and Apache trouble
Date: 25 Apr 1999 10:16:28 GMT

In comp.os.linux.networking "James Atkinson" wrote:

[I'll pass on 1 as it frankly boggles me.]

> 2) The second problem is with Apache...whenever I goto the document root
> ( everything is fine, however when I try a users page
> ( it comes up with a 404 or a Forbidden....

Obviously, it's a permissions problem. :-)

Most newer distributions do thus: When a new user account is created, its
home directory is set mode 700. Good for security, but...

httpd usually runs as `nobody', a user with very few permissions. So it
can't read users' ~/public_html directories.

Solution: Tell users that, if they want their Web pages to be viewable as
http://yourhost/~username, to chmod 755 their home directories. There are
other possible implications of this, as it does just what it sounds like -
makes their home directories world readable. Encourage them to read up on
things like umask before doing this.



Subject: Re: Samba vs. NFS
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 10:36:46 GMT


I follow this discussion with interest as I have to do a college assignment
comparing SMB & NFS.
Does anyone know of any links comparing functionality, features, security &
possibly efficiency of the two protocols?
Also info on the underlying works like packet sizes etc. would be very helpful!



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Radovan Brako)
Subject: Re: [?]Dial in to my Linux box from the outside
Date: 25 Apr 1999 12:25:37 +0200

Brown) writes:

>>> >I'm interested in dialing in to my Linux box at home 
>>> >from my laptop while I'm on the road.
>>> >
>>> >What do I need to know and where do I find the info?
>>I was under the impression that the original poster wanted help with 
>>how to stick a modem on the serial port, setting it to autoanswer mode,
>>and respawning getty out of the inittab.
>I've been trying to do this for about a week.  I've got mgetty set up 
>(I wanted to be able to do faxing, too, and it's working).  I can 
>dial in from another machine using a chat script, and the modem 
>answers,  I send the userid and password and it authenticates, but 
>I don't get a pppd started (apparently).  How do you get Auto_PPP 
>to act?  I suspect a problem in my dial-in chat script... or what's 
>supposed to follow it (maybe it's not tickling the mgetty/login 
>process at the host end to Auto_PPP).  
>If I dial-in with minicom, it actually starts up a shell... but that's
>not what I want... I want a ppp connection.

   Then you can manually start "pppd", if this solution is OK
   for you. (You must have the appropriate permissions, be in the
   "dip" group or whatever, and have the /etc/ppp/options correctly
   configured.) You may also create a special user which has a
   script which calls pppd as the login shell in /etc/passwd. And
   mgetty can be patched to detect PPP negotiation without log-in,
   and do PAP authentication, I was told. Thre must be a HOWTO
   about this.


>Also, I'm trying to assign fixed IP addresses to each end of the 
>dialup connection, to the host side, and 
>to the dialin client.  The systems already on the lan are 
>192.168.0.x.  And ultimately I'd like to be able to have the dial-up
>host also be able dial the ISP and masquerade for the dial-in client.
>Any clues would be appreciated (I've read the HOWTOs and manpages 
>many times, but not scoring high on "reading comprehension").
>Dave Brown   Austin, TX


From: John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SMC1211 Driver -- unresolved dependency!
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 21:26:07 -0600

Mark wrote:
> Hoyt wrote:
> > Jeffrey Rice wrote in message
> > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > > Opps, I goofed a bit.  The error I'm getting is "unresolved symbol", not
> > > dependency.  I'm missing an header file, right?  I'm lost...
> >
> > I got this error message when I called my NE2000 clone driver "ne.o" instead
> > of just "ne" as an argument for insmod.
> >
> > Hoyt
> Isn't the SMC1211TX a PCI card?  I think it may need the ne2k-pci.o file.

The SMC1211TX is a PCI card but it uses the RTL8139 chip and
needs the rtl8139.o module file.




From: John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RTL 8139 support on kernel 2.2.6??
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 21:30:16 -0600

Simon Su wrote:

>   I know the  RTL 8139 Fast Ethernet Adapter Card is supported in the
> kernel that comes with RedHat 5.2. However, I did not find the option
> for  RTL 8139 Fast Ethernet Adapter Card driver support in the kernel
> 2.2.6. Any comment?

When you're configuring the kernel you have to select the
"prompt for experimental or development drivers" to be able
to see and select the rtl8139 NIC support.  Don't ask me why
it's considered experimental in the v2.2.x kernels but was
in with the normal drivers for the v2.0.x kernels. Go





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