Linux-Networking Digest #556, Volume #11         Wed, 16 Jun 99 14:13:54 EDT

  Re: Linux proxy + firewall ("Roman Payreder")
  Re: Setting up two ethernet cards -Please help (James Peterson)
  Simple LDAP for Linux? ("Mark Bramwell")
  ifconfig and virtual interfaces (Matthew Snyder)
  Re: ppp and routing (James Peterson)
  Re: Comtrol RocketPort (Chukwuweta Chukwudebe)
  Re: Could Microsoft Cheat On The New Mindcraft Benchmark? (was: Mindcraft Retest 
News ("Eugene O'Neil")
  Re: Problem with "shutdown -h" and "shutdown -r"! ("Mike Somerville")
  Re: How to make lookups start with /etc/hosts? (Duncan McIntyre)
  Re: Can't FTP in as a user (William Borrelli)
  Re: Problem with "shutdown -h" and "shutdown -r"! (Stuart R. Fuller)
  Need Help with IPCHAINS (Mike B)
  Re: Help! Cannot use the gateway (another linux) (S P Arif Sahari Wibowo)
  Re: automatisches Login mit NET.EXE ?? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Samba: Had it; lost it. (Villy Kruse)
  Re: Help needed with modem ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: SuSE Linux 6.1 & PPPIOCGUNIT Operation not permitted ("Mike Worsfold")
  Re: Port Forwarding - What a gip! (Wesley Daemen)
  Re: Any Mail Application for commercial use ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  ftp quickie (Andrew Hughes)
  Re: kppp and pppd dying unexpectedly (*)
  Re: Behind firewall.. getting out? (Lyndon Hills)
  Modem Dialup Problem ("June Lim")
  Re: Help with LINUX Internet Server (Nicholas E Couchman)
  Apache not responding (gordo)
  Linux proxy + firewall ("Roman Payreder")


From: "Roman Payreder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux proxy + firewall
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 17:12:32 +0200

In the DMZ is our mail server, dns server and www server (all linux).
We are not a very big company (about 20 persons). Does this proxy server
need a special hardware features (i know: much cache place and fast hard
disks), or can i let it run on any of the other linux servers?

Otto wrote in message ...
>Should be in the DMZ, port1 LAN --> port2 DMZ (proxy server) --> port3
>Roman Payreder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>news:7k7tcs$r$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>> Hi all!
>> We plan to use a socks5 Linux proxy in our network.
>> Our network consits of a firewall (Checkpoint FW-1) with 3 ports: 1 for
>> 1 for DMZ and 1 for the Internet.
>> My question is: Where should we place the proxy server (which network) to
>> sure that everything works and everything as secure as possible ?


From: James Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Setting up two ethernet cards -Please help
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 10:36:00 -0500

I had to add the following lines in my lilo.conf modual


and in my conf.moduals
 I have something like

alias eth0 smc-ultra
alias eth1 smc-ultra
options smc-ultra eth0 0,0 eth1 0,0
optins smc-ultra io=0x240,0x280

and finally since I am running debian its called networks but if you are running
redhat or slackware you can put the following in yrou rc.local

ifconfig lo
route add -net
ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast
route add -net
route add default gw metric 1
if config eth1 netmask broadcast
route add -net

the are ipaddress and netmasks you want to use....

frank wrote:

> > Hello, I am still trying to get two Intel etherexpress cards working on my
> > machine.  I am running RH5.2.  I now have the following in my conf.modules:
> >
> >    alias eth0 eexpress
> >    options io=0x300,0x310 irq=5,9
> >    alias eth1 eexpress
> >
> > Now when I run ifconfig on eth0 the following is EXACTLY what I get for output:
> >
> >    Link encap: Ethernet  HWaddr 00:AA:00:DC:00:85
> >    inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
> >    BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
> >    RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
> >    TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
> >    collisions:0
> >    Interrupt:5  Base address: 0x300
> >
> > and when I run ifconfig on eth1 I simply get uknown interface.  Now
> > obviously something is wrong with this.(the inet addr, Bcast, and Mask
> > should not all be 0's for starters.)  I don't know what else to do.  I have
> > set up things in /etc/sysconfig/network, /etc/networks, /etc/hosts. There
> > is obviously something I am missing.  Any help would be greatly
> > appreciated.
> >
> > The most frustrating thing about this is that eth0 was working until I
> > started trying to get eth1 to work :)
> >
> > Thanks agian,
> > Seth Norris
> Not sure if I can help much, but it seems you could do a manual loading of the
> eth1 card.
> Just type       ifconfig eth1 xx.xx.xx.xx up
> Then if you do a      ifconfig -a     it should show all nics in the system with
> info.
> Now I have COL, but it is close to RH.
> I put the following in  /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1
>     DEVICE=eth1
>     IPADDR=      (whatever your number is)
>     NETMASK=
>     NETWORK=    (assuming class C network)
>     GATEWAY= x.x.x.x     (if you have or need one)
>     ONBOOT=yes
> You can make a separate one for eth0 too. Worked for me.    Good Luck
>     Frank

James Peterson
Network Administrator
Roman Meal Milling Company, Inc
Phone (701) 282-9656
Fax (701) 282-9743


From: "Mark Bramwell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Simple LDAP for Linux?
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 11:38:49 -0400

I have a couple of thousand names and email address in a file.
e.g.   "Full Name","Email Address"

I want to be able to point the Outlook Express program at my linux box and
have it do a LDAP query.  I can put the data in any format but I don't want
a large x.500 server app.  Anyone have any recommendations for a quick and
dirty bare bones LDAP server daemon ?

PS:  I have downloaded and compiled Open LDAP.  It passes all of the tests
but can't figure out how to put my data into the server.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthew Snyder)
Subject: ifconfig and virtual interfaces
Date: 16 Jun 1999 15:36:38 GMT

does linux ifconfig support more than 255 virtual interfaces (assuming
multiple NICs)?   i've heard that there is a 255 limit hardcoded as a 
#define in the ifconfig source, but i don't have the source to check...
i'd rather not set up the 256th virtual interface and realize that my
plan wasn't going to work...



From: James Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ppp and routing
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 10:49:16 -0500

you should check with your IPS to see if they are using pap/chat athenacation ...
that could be the problem

Clifford Kite wrote:

> Apocalypse ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> : It actually seems it is not a routing problem. I tried connecting to another
> : ISP (a friends', so I still need to fix the problem) and everything worked
> : fine. The discovery I made was that with the first ISP (mine) the local ip
> : address was not being assigned properly.
> : My eth0 ip is and this was the address the remote server was
> : assigning me for ppp0.
> : The second ISP assigned a local address that was in the same domain as the
> : server I was connected to (remote ip). This is the correct situation as I
> : understand it.
> Try adding the pppd option noipdefault .
> --
> Clifford Kite <>                       Not a guru. (tm)
> /* 97.3% of all statistics are made up. */

James Peterson
Network Administrator
Roman Meal Milling Company, Inc
Phone (701) 282-9656
Fax (701) 282-9743


From: Chukwuweta Chukwudebe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,
Subject: Re: Comtrol RocketPort
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 08:43:16 -0700

Thank you,
I'll try that.

Clint Byrum wrote:

> >    I installed the hardware, downloaded the drivers from
> > and recompiled them as per the instructions,
> >(make clean; make; make install;) Everything went  smoothly.
> >The machine detects the board during the boot process.
> >The problem is that after rebooting the machine, I dont see the 8 new
> >ttyR*
> >in the /dev directory. Consequently, the attempts to load the driver
> >fail.
> >
> You need create device nodes for the ports. I'm not sure if the stock
> MAKEDEV script supports the ttyR's, but the install instructions should tell
> you how to make them(either through MAKEDEV or mknod).


From: "Eugene O'Neil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Could Microsoft Cheat On The New Mindcraft Benchmark? (was: Mindcraft 
Retest News
Date: 16 Jun 1999 16:30:03 GMT

Philip Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
> If you read the supplied URL above, you'll learn that microsoft doesn't
> to cheat, to give a better performance than linux on an SMP box.

No, they didn't need to cheat to win... but they cheated anyway, out of
sheer habit I guess. That is even MORE pathetic than cheating when it is
the only way you can win.



From: "Mike Somerville" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problem with "shutdown -h" and "shutdown -r"!
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 12:34:17 -0400

shutdown -h now
        you have to give it a time frame.

Stuart R. Fuller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Mark Kliegl ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> : Hi,
> : whenever I use any of the shutdown functions in root, it views: options
> : are some (some stuff).
> : What's the problem?
> Hmm,
> #/sbin/shutdown -r
> Usage:    shutdown [-krhfnc] [-t secs] time [warning message]
>                   -k:      don't really shutdown, only warn.
>                   -r:      reboot after shutdown.
>                   -h:      halt after shutdown.
>                   -f:      do a 'fast' reboot (skip fsck).
>                   -F:      Force fsck on reboot.
>                   -n:      do not go through "init" but go down real fast.
>                   -c:      cancel a running shutdown.
>                   -t secs: delay between warning and kill signal.
>                   ** the "time" argument is mandatory! (try "now") **
> If you just typed "shutdown -h" or "shutdown -r", the problem is that you
> didn't read the (some stuff) that it printed.
>         Stu


Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 15:46:35 +0000
From: Duncan McIntyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to make lookups start with /etc/hosts?

My brain has obviously gone. I meant /etc/resolv.conf, not /etc/hosts. Of
course you are all right - the correct file is /etc/host.conf.  Netscape is
still screwed though, even if you start it with another page - it always
seems to go off and look for some Netscape pages in the background anyway.
When will kfm support Java and JavaScript??

Thanks for your replies,


Duncan McIntyre wrote:

> I have just installed Netscape 4.6 on my Redhat 6.0-ish system, and I
> now have a need to finally sort out a problem which has been bugging me
> for a while.
> My setup is a number of linux and Windows boxes on an ethernet LAN. I
> use one of the Linux boxes to dial-up my ISP and masquerade for the
> other boxes. I also have Squid running on the box since masquerading
> doesn't seem to work 100%.
> Anyway, the issue is that I would like my Linux Workstation to use its
> /etc/hosts file for name resolution before trying any nameservers. I
> have
> /etc/hosts:
> order hosts,bind
> .
> .
> /etc/nsswitch.conf
> .
> .
> hosts: files dns
> .
> .
> But nslookup never goes to /etc/hosts. Apparently Netscape uses the same
> mechanism as nslookup to resolve names, because when I start it it hangs
> for several minutes while it tries to resolve a bunch of names. If I
> start ppp on the server before I start Netscape there is no problem.
> However the mechanism I have to start ppp uses a web-page on the server
> to bring it up and down and give statistics. Which means I'm screwed,
> since Netscape can't find the address of the server unless ppp is
> already running.
> What am I missing? I'm sure this must be simple.
> Other info. kernel is 2.2.2, glibc-2.1-0.990222
> =========================
> Duncan McIntyre


From: William Borrelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can't FTP in as a user
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 13:07:21 -0400

Ok, I have fixed the problem. When creating a user using the KDE user
manager, the settings are not quite correct. When I used userconf it seems
to have corrected the issue. The only thing that I can see that is
different, userconf puts the default shell (/bin/bash) in whereas KDE user
manager does not add one.

William Borrelli wrote:

> I have user accounts set up on my Linux box, but whenever I try to FTP
> in, I get a login incorrect login failed. I can Telnet in with the same
> account no problem. I can also ftp in as anonymous. Everything else
> network wise seems to be working fine also. Samba is acting as a domain
> server. Logging in through the Win98 boxes to a domain, file sharing is
> fine. Just no FTP.
> Any help as to where to look would be greatly appreciated.
> And no I have not added the users to the ftpusers file in /etc. :)
> Thanks.
> Bill Borrelli


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stuart R. Fuller)
Subject: Re: Problem with "shutdown -h" and "shutdown -r"!
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 16:00:02 GMT

Mark Kliegl ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: Hi,
: whenever I use any of the shutdown functions in root, it views: options
: are some (some stuff).
: What's the problem?


#/sbin/shutdown -r
Usage:    shutdown [-krhfnc] [-t secs] time [warning message]
                  -k:      don't really shutdown, only warn.
                  -r:      reboot after shutdown.
                  -h:      halt after shutdown.
                  -f:      do a 'fast' reboot (skip fsck).
                  -F:      Force fsck on reboot.
                  -n:      do not go through "init" but go down real fast.
                  -c:      cancel a running shutdown.
                  -t secs: delay between warning and kill signal.
                  ** the "time" argument is mandatory! (try "now") **

If you just typed "shutdown -h" or "shutdown -r", the problem is that you
didn't read the (some stuff) that it printed.



Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Need Help with IPCHAINS
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 12:40:26 GMT


I need help getting my firewall setup correctly. I have read the
IPCHAINS-HOWTO.html over and over again, followed the examples and
can't get it working.

I have two ethernet cards on my system, both are working fine.  eth0
is my internal network (ip and eth1 is on the external
network using DHCP.  I can access the internet using FTP, HTTP, MAIL,
etc... and on the internal network (eth0) I can TELNET, FTP, etc to my
firewall without a problem.  I also have another PC on the internal
network (ip setup to have the firewall as my default
gateway and default DNS (which is working fine).  I have RedHat Linux
6.0, Kernal Version 2.2.5-15 using IPCHAINS.

I know I am so close to getting it working, it's driving me insane.
Does anyone with a similar configuration have a sample ipchains config
they can upload here for me to review or use on my network.

Thanks in advance!

Mike B


From: S P Arif Sahari Wibowo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.install
Subject: Re: Help! Cannot use the gateway (another linux)
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 08:30:37 -0500

On Mon, 14 Jun 1999, DanH wrote:

>S P Arif Sahari Wibowo wrote:
>> I forgot to mention that I use RedHat Linux 6.0 in the second machine and
>> I used its linuxconf to configure the network. Well, apparently whether
>> the linuxconf didn't do the job right or the network scripts was faulty,
>> it doesn't put the gateway right:
>Put these two lines in your /etc/sysconfig/network file:
>GATEWAY=192.168.1.x (whatever your gateway device's IP is)
>I'd be willing to bet they're not in there.

Well, you lose! :-) It was there, but the routing still was not set. I
guess some of the network scripts that suppose to pick this number up is


                                   S P Arif Sahari Wibowo
  _____  _____  _____  _____ 
 /____  /____/ /____/ /____           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
_____/ /      /    / _____/


Subject: Re: automatisches Login mit NET.EXE ??
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 15:24:41 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ingo Ciechowski) wrote:
> Hallo zusammen,
> kann mir jemand sagen, ob - und vor allem wie - man die
> nach dem aufruf von "net start" beim DOS-Login auf einen linux samba
> fileserver umgehen
> kann?
> Es wäre kein Sicherheitsproblem, wenn das Paßwort irgendwo im Klartext
> abgelegt werden müsste...
> Ingo

so weit ich weiß -KEINE CHANCE!!!

unter win3.11 gab es die möglichkeit das pw zu cachen - im prinzip
musstest du dich genau einmal anmelden und das wars -
und unter win9x kannst du 'abbrechen' machen ( oder ein leeres passwort)
und bist trotzdem am netzwerk ( soweit die shares entsprechend sind)
aber bei dem dosclient  ( ms-dosclient für nt-netzwerke) den ich kenne
wüßte ich nicht wie du's machen willst.

frage dich mal , ob du deinen awern nicht die paar keyboard-klicks
zutrauen willst?

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Villy Kruse)
Subject: Re: Samba: Had it; lost it.
Date: 16 Jun 1999 19:00:29 +0200

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Yuki Taga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>This one always seems to work:
>smbmount //<nt_box_name>/<nt_share_name> -c 'mount <mount_point> -u 123 -g \
>456' -U <nt_user_account_name>
>I haven't tried yours yet, but I will, because it's shorter.  <g>

Maybe you shouldn't if yours are a new version and mine is an old one with
a different syntax I don't know about.



Subject: Re: Help needed with modem
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 16:02:22 GMT

Nigel Feltham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have just installed suse linux v6.1 on my pc and am unable to make linux
> see my my internal isa pnp modem. Using a ms-dos pnp setup utility, I set
> the modem to it's default settings of port 2e8, irq 10 but linux detects the
> modem as being at 2e8, irq 3 which is incorrect. Trying to dial then returns
> modem busy error. My modem only supports irq settings of 9,10,11 and 12.
> Is there any way to correct detection of modem. I use Loadlin to boot linux
> and can add any necessary kernel boot commands if somebody can email the
> correct settings to me. I have tested the dialer using a borrowed external
> modem and this is working, just need to configure internal modem irq
> correctly. This is not a winmodem as it works with Arachne dos web browser
> when windoze is not running if I use the dos isapnp utility I have.

> Thanks in advance for your help,

Instead of using the DOS program, you can use isapnptools.  To fix
the hardware settings, use setserial /dev/whatever port 0x2e8 irq 10 uart whatever

Adam C. Emerson                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Movesource Network Systems Specialist


From: "Mike Worsfold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: uk.comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: SuSE Linux 6.1 & PPPIOCGUNIT Operation not permitted
Date: 16 Jun 1999 16:34:41 GMT

I have exactly the same problem.  I re-installed the original kernel from
the YaST menu, which overwrites /usr/src/linux/.config and then re-made the
kernel.  Then pppd works.  I then just changed one parameter in the .config
to enable SMP support and then re-made the kernel again and then I get the
PPPIOCGUNIT error.  I am very frustrated as I would like to use both

Anybody have any ideas.  The interesting thing is that the RedHat 6.0
pre-compiled SMP kernel (also 2.2.5) and the RedHat pppd do not seem to
have the problem.  But RedHat do not supply the .config file, so I have no
idea of the configuration they used to generate their kernel.

Mike Worsfold

> > >The actual error is `ioctl(PPPIOCGUNIT): Operation not permitted'


From: Wesley Daemen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Port Forwarding - What a gip!
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 19:06:25 +0200

Mike Bowie - CITYPRO wrote:
> Oki, sounds good... I'm running RH6.0 native (K 2.2.5-15)
> Are you using ipportfw or ipmasqadm?  What firewalling options do you use to
> backup the masqing of the port?
> Cheers,
> Mike.

I am using ipmasqadm 0.4.2 (
I start the forwarding from my bootscripts: I have a bootscript that
initializes the firewalling rules and the forwarding rules

The command I am using to enable the portforwarding is:
ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L 55556 -R 23

Hope this helps you,



Subject: Re: Any Mail Application for commercial use
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 14:03:12 GMT


>>Besides Zmail and Sendmail, is there any mail application suitable for
>>commercial use ? As Sendmail seems too complicated for commercial and
>>the user interface is not so user-friendly.

qmail works well commercially, and has fewer security holes.

Adam C. Emerson                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Movesource Network Systems Specialist


From: Andrew Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ftp quickie
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 18:40:26 +0100

I have an ftp site using wu.ftpd (standard ftp deamon which is shipped
with redhat) and would like to know how to allow users to access only
their home directory (i.e. their home dirctory on the box is their root
directory) when they ftp to the box.

any ideas?

Thanx in advance



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: kppp and pppd dying unexpectedly
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 13:29:36 GMT

On or about Tue, 15 Jun 1999 10:46:57 +0200, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
=> First, thanks to all those that helped me to solve my connection problem:
=> I now can setup a PPP connection using a script, which works for both root
=> and "normal" users accounts, or using kppp ...
=> BUT kppp works only when I'm logged as root.
=> When logged as user, it dials out, receives the CONNECT statement, and then
=> I get the message:
=>         "pppd daemon died unexpectedly"
=> (I off course did chmod on pppd, and even a chown on
=> $HOME/.kde/share/configg/kppprc)
=> Any clue?
=> Michel Roux

You may get that error any time kppp loses the connection so it doesn't point
to the problem. Perhaps running kppp from a shell will give you an idea where
to look? And an obvious, chmod opt/kde/bin/kppp.

unclebob at nym dot alias dot net                                             |
'idiot box (id'ee-ut) n. singular'
'linux box connected to an idiot.'


From: Lyndon Hills <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Behind firewall.. getting out?
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 18:49:04 +0100

> I'm behind a proxy and firewall on which only web ports for traffic are
> allowed out. I was wondering if there's any sort of application set so
> I could use a web browser (and maybe run a JAVA app) to use the web
> port to communicate with something on a Linux system which I have on
> the outside world to FTP, telnet, or other applications from. 

You might try looking at

They had a telnet client written in java. I don't recall much else about
it, except it seemed to work and was rather slow.
I think the page heading was Java Telnet Pro.



From: "June Lim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Modem Dialup Problem
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 09:54:44 -0700


I have connected an ext sporster modem to my redhat and it works but not
what I expected... because the modem is not dialing immediately after I
execute the ppp-on script ! I have to wait like 3-5 mins then it dials ! Why

Any ideas what's wrong with the config ? I appreciate your help.



From: Nicholas E Couchman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help with LINUX Internet Server
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 16:57:32 GMT

Here is what I would do, and have already partially done:
1. Use RedHat version 6.0 for your O/S.
2. As far as protocols, this is not going to affect security, depending on how
you set it up.  Make sure you have TCP/IP running on NT, otherwise you won't be
able to access the Linux web page internally (because Linux uses TCP/IP, and
HTTP and FTP protocols run on TCP/IP).
3. The image you have of your network looks good.  It is perfectly secure to
attach your linux machine to/by a standard hub, unless you start playing with
Linux routing and end up routing all of your NT computers out to the internet,
which is very hard to do if you try, and impossible by accident.
4. Linux and NT software ?! Are you kidding?  They are NOT intercompatible.  If
you want a virusscan for Linux, your best bet is to go download one off NT and Linux are mortal enemies (at least Gates hates Linux
anyway).  RedHat 6.0 has an applications CD, which includes Corel WordPerfect
Suite, and you might find a virusscan on there, too.
5.  I have no idea about backups.  I use a Jaz drive on my tiny network, but I
would think Tape would be the cheapest.
6.  Hardware configuration.  Hmmm...Since you are going to be exporting this to
the internet, get at least a high end pentium, if not a multiple oentium
processor computer.  This isn't going to be cheap, but if you plan on doing any
business via web, it will role in the dough.  Get at least a T1 to the internet,
if you dont alreay have one.  As far as an NIC, a 100mbs will do (I recomend
3com products).
Make sure you write a message to the group when the page gets up!
guarrand DiThon wrote:

> Who can help me.
> I need to install a LINUX internet server which is attached to a "normal"
> NT4.0 network, which includes about 20 workstations and a Fileserver (NT
> 4.0).
> Our own Internet site must be installed on the LINUX server and also the
> mailboxes (i am thinking about Exchange or something?!)
> The Internet server has to be "separated" from the Fileserver BUT it has to
> be accessable by the workstations so they can access both servers, but
> someone who is accessing our internet site can't reach the Fileserver.
> Attached is how we think we should do it, but there are some questions that
> are left blank....
> 1. Should we use a Router a Bridge or just a HUB to attach the Linux server
> onto the excisting network? ( keeping in mind : The security!)
> 2. Is it possible to use different protocols at the same time? ; TCP/IP on
> the LINUX-server and another protocol on the NT Fileserver ?
>     and what do you suggest for the other protocol?!
> 3. Which LINUX-version is the best ?? REDHAT ?? SUSe ??
> 4. What is the best way to BACKUP our environment? We would like to keep the
> costs at a MINIMUM! ( raid levels, tape, diskmirroring....)
> 5. What about the compatabilty between LINUX software and NT software ??
>  virusscanners, worddocuments etc etc etc....)
> 6. What is a 'normal' configuration for a LINUX Internetserver ??
> (hardware!)
> ALSO......: Any suggestions you have are welcome !!!
> Many THANX!
> TC, RS from the Netherlands.
>  [Image]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (gordo)
Subject: Apache not responding
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 17:03:31 GMT

I have a stand alone RH5.2 system. I attempted to configure apache
with the Comache program but it may have caused an error.

I tried naming my local serever and then got a bunch of errors from
Apache. The errors apparently come from the httpd.conf file but I
don't understand what needs to be done. 

Any advice?


From: "Roman Payreder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux proxy + firewall
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 15:43:06 +0200

Hi all!

We plan to use a socks5 Linux proxy in our network.
Our network consits of a firewall (Checkpoint FW-1) with 3 ports: 1 for LAN,
1 for DMZ and 1 for the Internet.

My question is: Where should we place the proxy server (which network) to be
sure that everything works and everything as secure as possible ?



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