Linux-Networking Digest #474, Volume #12          Sat, 4 Sep 99 19:13:33 EDT

  Re: Supported Token-Ring Cards?? (Jeff Sumner)
  newbie Q: connecting mac and pc? (claire)
  Re: IP packet generator for Linux? (Sylvain GIL)
  Re: PPP over Ethernet? (Stefan Ekman)
  Need help with route (Brad Frazer)
  Re: Can an ISP detect masquerading? ("Joe O'Connell")
  Re: router performance. (Chris Mahmood)
  Re: How to start POP3 server on RH6.0?? (tomislav)
  PLEASE HELP How can I connect to my ISP? (Euclid Laghai)
  Re: Need help with route (Tom Eastep)
  why doestn't ftp work from windows client? (BM Lam)
  Re: PPP over Ethernet? (Tom Eastep)
  ip_alias.o ("Dj Browne")
  3Com Impact II ("Steve")
  DSL User: Problem with the configuration of the NIC ("Herve Dubreuil")
  Re: IP MASQ and Squid ("Patrick Law")
  DNS nightmare Help... ("Philippe Wetterwald")


From: Jeff Sumner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Supported Token-Ring Cards??
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 19:26:12 +0000

OF course this isn't true anymore. The kernel 2.2.12 has support for
OLYMPIC IBM T-R cards, pretty much all PCI from IBM that aren't Lan Streamers.

The drivers work pretty well, too (though I can't get more than about 400 k/sec
across them on a quiescent ring)


Steve Horejsi wrote:

> Sean;
>  Linux support of Token Ring is limited to the IBM 'Tropic' chipset which was
> also used by other manufacturers. In general, all ISA cards and all
> (gasp!) MicroChannel cards (with the exception of the 'Streamer' models) will
> work. The PCI ones use a different chipset and won't work with the TR support in
> Linux.
>  From a PCMCIA perspective it gets a little trickier. I know that the 'Turbo'
> cards won't work, but I believe the older 16/4 ones should.
>  I have Red Hat (5.2 and 6.0) running on several machines with the old ISA cards
> without having lost any great volumes of hair getting them working.
>  Hope that helps...
>                                     -=[ Steve ]=-
> Dele9831 wrote:
> > Does anyone know what token-ring cards are supported under Linux (RedHat 6.0
> > running on an IBM 600e Thinkpad w/docking station)?  The Hardware HOWTO says
> > that IBM and Madge cards are, but I have fairly new ones of both (PCI, Wake-On
> > LAN for the IBM), and it cannot seem to see it.  I haven't tried the old IBM
> > token ring ISA cards yet, and for obvious reason don't really want to.  Has
> > anyone else run into this problem?
> >
> > Sean

Friends don't let friends use Windows
Amigos nao permite seu amigos usar Janelas!


From: claire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: newbie Q: connecting mac and pc?
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 13:07:34 -0700

Hi I'm a newbie needing a bit of advice on connecting my two computers.
can anyone help?
I have a mac beige G3 which has macos on one partition and linux-ppc on
the other, I also have a pc with linux/windows installed. I'd like to
network these to exchange files, and preferrable share printer also (and
preferrably by the cheapest way possible-- 'cause I'm a cheap-skate;-) .

I'd like to know what options I have and what's a good place for
information, besides the LDP network admin guide and the how-tos which
I'm looking at already. Can anybody tell me specifically where to find
hardward compatibility info for connecting macs and pcs for either a
linux to macos or linux-to-linux-ppc? Somebody told me I might be able
to get by without a hub if I setup a 10TBase2 ethernet connection, but I
wasn't sure if that might just be a windows-to-windows option.

thanks for any help!



Subject: Re: IP packet generator for Linux?
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 20:27:20 GMT

Chap Harrison wrote:
> Hi folks,

> First time post from a Linux newbie - the usual caveats apply  :)
> I'm testing an ethernet-based IP router, and I would very much like to
> find a Linux tool that would allow me to create IP packets for
> transmission over the ethernet NIC.  In particular, I want to manipulate
> the IP header, including being able to insert bogus values therein.
> Anyone heard of such tool?  Anyone know a good reason it's not possible?
> Such as, "there's no published interface"?

If you know perl, you can use the Net-RawIP module to forge your own

G (°-  -[ Sylvain GIL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ||
N //\  -[          Tootella : L'information Linux au quotidien          
U v_/_
 LINUX -[     Tout le monde me déteste parce que je suis paranoïaque    


From: Stefan Ekman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: PPP over Ethernet?
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 19:39:34 GMT

> Hi,
>     How can I direct PPP to Ethernet device driver, so
>     I can have PPP over , say Ethernet?

Check the Firewall-piercing-HOWTO I think you'll get some hints there!



From: Brad Frazer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Need help with route
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 15:46:37 -0500

Hello all,

Here's my problem.  I'm running slakware  4.0 (kernel 2.26) and have
compiled all networking options (including IP fwd and masq) into the

I am trying to get IP forwarding to work with my cable modem.  I have
two generic NE2000 cards installed and they seem to be working fine.
When I configure the second card with ifconfig (ifconfig eth1 appears to be ok but when I try to enter the intranet in the
routing table with

route add -net eth1
I get:
SIOCADDRT: Invalid argument

The routing table appears as follows however:

Destination       Gateway           GenMask           flags
Metric     Ref     use    Iface               *       
U           0            0        0     eth1
loopback              *       
U           0            0        0       lo

(I have disabled the dhcpcd for this example)

Is the network entered properly? If so why don't I see the from
the ifconfig command?  I guess its obvious but I want to make a subnet
with as a gateway.  I am stuck here and I'm pretty new to linux
so can anyone help?  TIS



From: "Joe O'Connell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can an ISP detect masquerading?
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 13:49:17 -0700

Thanks Chris -- that was very clear.

Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Wed, 01 Sep 1999 21:35:27 -0400, The Dude
> in comp.os.linux.networking:
> >How exactly the ports in the range 60000-65535 are used ?
> >When one of my masqueraded client pass through Linux to
go on
> > his ip is changed with the real one.
> >Now my question is the port source and dest remain the
same ?
> >-If yes from where those higher ports appear on outside
> >-If not and that's mean that the dest port get translated
to 60000...
> >how come it can connect to server listening only on port
80 ?
> When you connect from one machine to another, the port
numbers don't have
> to be the same.  TCP/IP communication compares quite well
to the situation
> where multiple offices each have a PBX.  When you (a
programmer in company
> A) want to call your friend (an accountant in company B),
you pick up the
> phone.  Any phone.  The PBX finds an unused outside line
and connects it
> to your extension.  You dial Company B and ask the
operator to connect you
> to your friend's extension.  He picks up and the
connection is complete.
> It doesn't matter which phone you use to make the call--
his extension is
> always the same.  He doesn't care which extension you are
using to place
> the call.
> Lets assume that your machine is and the
masquerading server
> (your gateway) is on your side of the firewall
> on the internet side.  For the sake of
argument, we'll
> assume you already did the DNS lookup and the address of
> is
> When your program tries to get a page from the remote web
site, it opens
> up a port on your machine.  It can request a particular
port or ask for a
> random one.  Your address and that port number go together
to form the
> "from" field of the TCP/IP packet.  For example, if the
outgoing port is
> 1030, then the from field would be
Since www servers
> (almost) always listen to port 80, the "to" field will be
>  Since your request has to go through a
gateway, the
> packet is actually sent to even though the
"to" field contains
> a different addressee.  The masq server receives the
packet and decides
> whether or not you are allowed to use the masquerade
feature.  Since you
> are, it opens a more-or-less random port above 61000 (say,
61111) on the
> interface and completes the call to  It
> replaces the "from" field in the packet with the
masqueraded address and
> port and sends it out.
> All the server at knows is that it's
getting a
> connection from  It serves the
request and sends the
> reply back to that address.
> When the masq server receives the packet addressed from
> to it looks in its masquerade data
table and sees that
> it has to send the reply packet to (via
> interface).  The program using thinks the
packet came
> straight back from  Neither the user on nor
> the remote web site know that any masquerading has taken


From: Chris Mahmood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: router performance.
Date: 03 Sep 1999 18:10:32 -0700

Did you configure "optimize as router not host" when compiling the
kernel?  I've seen it make a big difference.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (tomislav)
Subject: Re: How to start POP3 server on RH6.0??
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 18:54:32 +0200

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
> I have two systems, one RH5.2 and the other RH6.0.
> On the 5.2 box POP3 started right out of the installation and I have
> not fiddled anywhere to get it going.
> On my 6.0 system however the POP3 server did not start, whereas the
> SMTP service (sendmail) actually is running OK.
> I have read here about uncommenting the proper lines in the inetd.conf
> file and I have done so. But how do I start up the service after this?
> I have to do it from a Telnet login so please give me the exact
> command line syntax.

After you have uncommented the pop-3 line in inetd.conf, restart the INET 
services with "killall -HUP inetd".


From: Euclid Laghai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PLEASE HELP How can I connect to my ISP?
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 15:03:42 -0700

Hi there
I just installed red hat 6.0 on my computer. Nnow I want to be able to
connect to my ISP. I am using a  AOpen FM56-H 56k data fax speakerphone
PCI  modem on port COM3
Please some one tell me in step by step what should I do.( please be
more specific)


From: Tom Eastep <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Need help with route
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 22:11:26 +0000

Brad Frazer wrote:
> Hello all,
> Here's my problem.  I'm running slakware  4.0 (kernel 2.26) and have
> compiled all networking options (including IP fwd and masq) into the
> kernel.
> I am trying to get IP forwarding to work with my cable modem.  I have
> two generic NE2000 cards installed and they seem to be working fine.
> When I configure the second card with ifconfig (ifconfig eth1
> appears to be ok but when I try to enter the intranet in the
> routing table with
> route add -net eth1
> I get:
> SIOCADDRT: Invalid argument

You need to specify a netmask with a net route....

Tom Eastep               \    Opinions expressed here
[EMAIL PROTECTED]        \    are my own and not 
Shoreline, Washington USA  \    those of my employer
Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] \________________________


Subject: why doestn't ftp work from windows client?
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 22:10:42 +0200

This is a cut-and-paste from an old thread about an old problem that I
still can not fix:

********* BEGIN OF CUT AND PASTE ***********************************
On Sun, 29 Aug 1999 21:18:23 +0200, BM Lam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>after installing Red Hat Linux 5.2 on my PC connected to a LAN, I was
>quite disappointed to find out that telnetting from a Win 95 or Win NT
>PC to the Linux machine failed. The TELNET window just hangs, apparently
>not getting any connection.

It will hang for a minute or two if you do not have names for machines
connecting to it in /etc/hosts or DNS.  Linux is paranoid and does a
reverse lookup of any connecting machine.  It has to go through DNS
timeout if there is no name for the remote.

>Ping from the Windows PC to Linux DOES work.
>FTP from the Windows PC to Linux failed as well, but at least I got the
>message "connection closed by remote host" immediately. 
>Is there something that I need to fix in the Linux sys files?

Just make sure you have in.telnetd and in.ftpd installed and enabled in

********* END OF CUT AND PASTE ***********************************

Ok, the telnet problem has been fixed with the suggestion of David who
provided the solution.

The FTP problem still remains. In my   inetd.conf   file, both telnet
and ftp services are enabled. 
The thing is, how do I verify if in.ftpd is installed? When I run a "ps
a" I dont even see the pid for inetd which on other Unix platforms is
the "parent" for standard tcp/ip services.

Any ideas?


From: Tom Eastep <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: PPP over Ethernet?
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 22:20:02 +0000

Tom Eastep wrote:
> Hartmann Schaffer wrote:
> >
> > In article <7qpjaj$5p7$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >         [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > >     How can I direct PPP to Ethernet device driver, so
> > >     I can have PPP over , say Ethernet?
> >
> > Why would you want to?
> >
> Many ISPs that offer ADSL are requiring PPP over ethernet (PPPoE). Also,
> PPPoE would be required to build a PPTP client for Linux that would work
> over ADSL and cable modems. I don't believe that there is a current
> solution -- I'd love to be proven wrong though...
> -Tom
> --

Please pardon me for responding to my own post -- I came accross the
attached on the kernel mailing list. Hope this helps...

Tom Eastep               \    Opinions expressed here
[EMAIL PROTECTED]        \    are my own and not 
Shoreline, Washington USA  \    those of my employer
Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] \________________________


Subject: Re: PPPoE?
   Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 02:14:58 +0200 (CEST)
   From: Bernhard Kaindl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
     To: Rene Chaddock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
     CC: Linux Kernel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
         PPP Over Ethernet Mailing List <pppoe@i

On Tue, 24 Aug 1999, Rene Chaddock wrote:
> Are there any plans to implement PPP over Ethernet in the linux kernel?
> The local telco is switching over to an ADSL 'solution' that uses PPPoE,
> and so far it doesn't seem like linux supports it.. 
> any information would be appreciated :)

Rene, I´ve reviewed plenty if info, stripped of the redundand info and
quickly put the links which are useful for developers on a page:

Through the first link one finds find the RFC for PPPoE, and much other
info on PPPoE.
The second is a refercence to the PPP over Ethernet Mailinglist and the
third is a link to the Ethereal protocol analyzer which is said to have
PPPoE support.

There exist (at least) 2 Linux Client Implementations for PPPoE. One
Network TeleSystems(NTS), which (what I´ve heard) is a 100% user mode
which converts asyncronous HDLC-framed PPP frames from the PPP stack to
non HDLC-framed PPPoE frames and communicates with the Kernel over ptys.

The other Client Implementation is made by somebody I´ve a contact to.
has also made a PPPoE Server for Linux and his client code likely does
the same as the NTS code, except that it avoids the HDLC layer with a
kernel patch, which is a good thing even if the rest is still
user space.

Since we have a generic PPP layer in 2.3 now, a native (full-performant)
in-kernel PPPoE layer should be much easyer to do for the new PPP code.

The think I´ve not looked yet too deep is where to put the connection to
the ethernet layer. Comments on this would be very welcome.

I can´t say excatly when this new pppoe-layer will be there because I´m
in terrible need of the two-week vacation I´m going to take now, but I
hope I'll have an PPPoE test environment up and running after it and at
least participate in pppoe testing and development.

best regards, bernd



From: "Dj Browne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ip_alias.o
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 21:57:02 GMT


  Probably a simple answer....

 I am trying to set one NIC to have 2 ip's external and one in the
192.168.0.x private range.

  I keep getting the 'no such device' error  because I guess I do not have
IP_ALIASing set in the kernal.  from what I understand I can load this with
a module called ip-alias.o

  I cannot seem to find this file or the source anywhere....can some one
(any one !!!) please send this to me for a 2.2.6 kernel?



From: "Steve" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 3Com Impact II
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 22:34:49 +0100

First sorry about spelling I am deslex!

This is the TA one gets in the UK if you join ISDN though Cable&Wireless.
Has any one had experince of this ISDN Taminal Adapter running under
Slackeare. and Kernel 2.2.2.

Can one do It?
If so how can one do it?

Please E-mail




From: "Herve Dubreuil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: DSL User: Problem with the configuration of the NIC
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 16:01:43 -0700

I'm a DSL user and have 2 Network Card.
The first is a EtheRx VP 10/100:  KNE110 TX from Kingston
It's the one I use under Windows to access internet.

The second on is a 3Com 905B and is used on the Local Area Network

I configured both of them in the kernel (I put them in, no as module).
I configured the card:
The kingston:
Eth0 using the tulip driver and the corect DNS IP IRQ
The 3com
Eth1 using the 3c509 driver and the correct DNS IP IRQ

And linux doesn't even detect the cards.

Can anyone help. I've tried Red Hat and Mandrake and both don't go with it.
I've reinstall several time and still nothing.

Ireally need help !!



From: "Patrick Law" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,
Subject: Re: IP MASQ and Squid
Date: Sun, 5 Sep 1999 00:37:07 +0800

For newsgroups, setup INN to accept news feed from your upstream news
server, i.e. from your ISP. If your hardware resource is limited try
leafnode instead, it's very easy to config.

I've the same problem as you, I use squid for http, but no mail or icq can
get thru the linux box.

Anybody got any suggestion?


William Lessard wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Excuse the wording but im a newbie to Linux.
>Running RH6.0  with cable modem.  Trying to convert from NT server for
>many years to Linux. Yes i have seen the light. But anyway.   Have
>configured squid on port 8080. win machines can go out. but email, icq,
>newsgroups etc. wont go.  using ipchains i set up with accept all just
>to open everything up. and they still wont work.   on win machines
>entered ip address .nmask and gw but have not put dns servers from
>external network.  the only thing that does work is web browsing.  any
>help would greatly appreciated.
>If possible could you please email me.


From: "Philippe Wetterwald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: DNS nightmare Help...
Date: Sun, 5 Sep 1999 00:17:15 +0200

I spent already hours trying to figure out why my system does not work the
way it should and, I know that out there someone knows the answer... would
you help?

Goal: a linux box that act as a file (Samba) and Internet server for PC
(win95, win98 and Dos 3.11. The Linux box is connected via a modem to an ISP
and is configured as a Firewall (or I think I configure it as a firewall..).
Linux box has an ethernet card as, Suse 2.0 is the Linux
currently installed.
PC's are 198.162.0.X with X different from 0 and 1 (Samba works thus...)
Samba works OK

Netscape from the linux box works OK

If from a remote PC (Win98) I use the explorer (network is configure using
TCP/IP address as and DNS is set ON with IP addresses as my
Linux box and two IP addresses provided by my ISP):
The Linux box Diald call the ISP provider,
While the modem is connected I can ping from the remote PC a valid Internet
 and get response,
I can FTP and download files (Yes it works)
I can browse throught Newsgroup and read news BUT,
I CANNOT display any Web page (I get DNS error)
I cannot send or receive any mail.

I lost already a bunch of my hairs...

What's wrong? My PC setups? My linux box setup?
I really do not know where to look and Help would be very appreciated!!

Thanks, Philippe.



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End of Linux-Networking Digest

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