Linux-Networking Digest #534, Volume #12         Fri, 10 Sep 99 01:13:41 EDT

  masquarade multiple private networks ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  connect() and signals ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  DHCP-- Help... (Mikey)
  DHCP Problems (Michael Radtke)
  Re: HP Pavilion & Network Card problem ("Steve Waldo")
  Newbie Setup Questions (Walker White)
  Re: Browsers and Linux (Chris)
  Linux 2.2.10 and Novell SFT-III (Heiner Kruener)
  Re: setting up networking w/ win98 computers ("Andrew Smith")
  Re: Can't Ping External IP address ("Rob")
  Re: Can't Ping External IP address (Doug Marker)
  can't ping beyond myself... ("colin r")
  Network Setup ("Brad Ross")
  Re: modem is hanging during pppd (John Strange)
  Apache and .asp files ("Steve")
  eth0 mistake HELP :-( (Doug Marker)
  accessing SAMBA from Network Neighborhood - help! ("Dan G.")


Subject: masquarade multiple private networks
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 02:20:49 GMT

Hi to all.
Could anyone please explain if it is possible to
have multiple private ip networks work with
ip masquarading, and 2) how to do this.

By multiple ip subnets - I mean ones that will let
you forward traffic across them: thus

Real ip            1st private gw       2nd private gw --- ---
                    /               |    |    |
                   /                /    |     \
                  /                /     |      \
                 /                /      |       \
                /                /       |        \
               /                /      host 2      \
              /                /                    \
             /                /                      \
            /              host 1                  host 3

I have tried the following

ipfwadm -F -a m -S -D

then on the second network
ipfwadm -F -a m -S -D

ip_forwarding is enabled ( echo 1 > blah) both private

I can ping from both gateways to anywhere on the
internet. I cant ping from either gateway to host1, host2
etc on the second private network.
Arp tables are present and complete in both gateways,
but have no entries in host 1.

machines are pentium class or better, gateway2 is a
single board computer with a pnp lance ethernet card
on the host 1,2,3 side and an aeronet wireless
ethernet connecting it to the first private network.
The pnp lance card works when I configure it as
the first gateway and get rid of the wireless stuff.
It runs linux router project , kernel 2.0.36. Host1 has
a 3com509 card in it.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Reply-To: "Pedro RA" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "Pedro RA" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 18:21:15 +0100

Sorry to post off topic but this is EXTREMELY important!


Please take a look at the nearest
internacional news broadcast.

or the HOLOCAUST. Or remember all
of them. You may as well add
EAST TIMOR to this list.


Do what ever you can.

Better even:



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: connect() and signals
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 03:13:48 GMT

Forgive me for the cross-posting; even though it's
not a development group, I'm hoping someone there may have knowledge of
my problem.

I'm working with a small application that is doing a connect() to remote
host and am having problems with interrupting the connect().

The program was previously written, tested, etc under Solaris.

The connect() is wrapped with an alarm() and a signal handler so that if
the connect() didn't return within the alarm(x) time, the signal handler
would get thrown and interrupt the connect() call. This works as planned
under Solaris, but does NOT work under Linux either under Kernal 2.0.32
or 2.2.0-pre1 (the two enviroments I have available). I also tried
briefly testing sig_action to make sure it wasn't a problem with
signal() itself, with the same results.

The amount of time the connect() itself takes to timeout (10+ minutes)
is WAY too long for this application. I don't really care if I get the
signal application as above to work, I just need something to work, and
prefer if it will work under Solaris, HP/UX, and Linux.


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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Subject: DHCP-- Help...
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 03:07:18 GMT


I'd like to know how to setup the conf file for DHCP on a FreeBSD
server, and on Linux boxes for clients...

mike nichols


From: Michael Radtke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: DHCP Problems
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 22:07:48 -0500

Hey all,

    I've just installed Redhat Linux 6.0 on a machine with 2 ethernet
cards.  I'm using the machine as a NAT box for my private network.  The
problem is that the card going out to the Internet, (it's an AOpen PCI
card that is using the NE2K PCI driver), will work if given a static IP
address, but not with bootp or DHCP.  I read the HOWTO's and whatnot to
no avail.  I noticed that the docs talk about dhcpcd, but my script
calls pump.  When the system boots up, I get the message that it is
trying to get a network address, but that it fails.  Is it because I'm
using pump?  Or is there something else?  Any help would be appreciated!




From: "Steve Waldo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HP Pavilion & Network Card problem
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 20:33:32 -0500

Sorry I don't have specific suggestions, but as a word of encouragement I have
set up two servers on different Celeron based Pavilions (a 366 MHz and a 433
MHz) with RH6.0. On both I used the same Linksys 10/100 PCI card which works
with the tulip driver. In both cases I made a few changes in the BIOS but
nothing that should have affected the network. Also, in both cases I yanked that
silly modem/sound card. That modem is almost certainly a winmodem and so will
not likely ever be supported under Linux. I didn't need a modem for the first
box, and I added an external modem to the second (works great). On the first box
I ran RedHat's canned Server installation. On the second box I ran a Custom
install and let it install Everything. The 2nd box also got a small bootable
windoze partition. On both systems I used linuxconf to set up just about
everything and they are both running smoothly.

Although I can't offer a solution, I think you can focus on configuration and
not hardware, as your hardware should be fine. I got the first box up and
running before I removed the modem card. I took it out later for an unrelated
reason. Good luck.

> I'm trying to get my network card to function under RH6.0.  I have an
> HP 4550z, and have tried the rtl driver for the card that came with it.
> As that didn't work, I swapped NICs for a Linksys 10/100 LAN PCI card
> (tulip).  ifconfig -a shows that it exists, and I can ping the
> interface.  When I try to set up a route to the local net or a local
> host, it gives me the error:  SIODD??:  Network is unavailable.  On the
> card, the lights LINK and 100 are on, but the ACT light is off.  It
> works fine under windoze (dual boot).  I'm pretty sure it isn't an IRQ
> problem (IRQ is 3, and /proc/interrupts? doesn't have that listed).
> There is a funky modem/sound card plugged in that isn't linux compatible
> (yet), but the IRQs are different.
> Any ideas?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Walker White)
Subject: Newbie Setup Questions
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 03:00:47 GMT

1. Let's say I have as a registered domain name.   Is it
possible/advisable to name my machine "", or should I always
add a leading name such as www?

2. What are the reasons for requesting delegation of DNS?  Is it
advisable if I only have a few machines in

3. Let's say my machine is named  If I want to host a
second domain ( on the machine, what should I
request of my DNS service provider?  Do I just tell them to add as an alias to

4a.  If I want people to be able send mail to me at, what
will my MX record look like?

4b. What would the MX record look like if I wanted all mail bound for
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to be redirected to  How do I request

Thanks for all your help.  


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Browsers and Linux
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 20:32:10 GMT

On Mon, 06 Sep 1999 23:35:25 -0400, trader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote in comp.os.linux.networking:

>> I wonder where the 'custom' of answering after the
>> question comes from?

It shouldn't matter whether the newsreader places your cursor above or
below the quoted text because an intelligent user will edit the copied
material to eliminate redundant or irrelevant bits.

>>  I've just be going thru some of
>> my offline usergroups, and I've gone through a dozen
>> appends that start with ">" and the same original
>> question ... and I have to scroll down to see
>> new stuff.

That means that the users were quoting too much text.  That's a bad habit
no matter where the quoted text is located in the reply.

>i've been reading newsgroups since 1992, and i know
>the "custom" goes back at least until then.

Actually, the point-by-point method of responding to posts has been alive
and well since I started reading news in 1983.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Heiner Kruener)
Subject: Linux 2.2.10 and Novell SFT-III
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 01:32:00 GMT

Hi there!

I've put several Linux Pc's running a stock 2.2.10 kernel in a network
to replace the same number of hpux wks. Unfortunately, they have to
access a network plotter which seems to dislike linux lpr/rcp/rsh connects, 
so I have to go through an existing Novell 4.11-SFT-III server to get plots
out. No problem, just insmod ipx and ipx_interface add eth0 802.3 and
ipx_configure -auto-interface=on -auto-primary=on; first plot gets out in
reasonable time. Then I begin to copy a large set of data from one of the
old hpux'en to one of the new linux'en: 75% packet loss when pinging each
other, strange for a lan.

The I install and activate the same ipx config on the other Linux'en:
within minutes, network connectivity is lost due to millions of collisions.
W* clients disconnect from the network, one othe the SFT-III servers goes
down due to overload in network traffic.

When I ifconfig eth0 down all the Linux'en everything is back to normal.
Seems as if the SFT-III alive packets trigger some kind of broadcast storm
down in the Linux ipx code since normal Novell server don't send these and
I know several Novell/Linux mixed networks which just work fine with single
or multiple servers, but no SFT-III.

Any hints?

see you
Remember: The Game of Life has no 'restore' Button!
Busted once, Busted forever.


From: "Andrew Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: setting up networking w/ win98 computers
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 17:04:01 +0100


see it tells you how to set up a full office server.
although in your case this may sound overkill, i think you will find it very

hope this helps,


root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I'm very new to linux and am trying to allow windows computers access
> to certain files. How would I go about doing this. I'm using Suse linux
> 6.1. I know that some things are working because I'm sending this with
> netscape for linux, and I had one of my friend login with telnet. Well
> thanx in advance for any links and additional help.
> -----Jay


Subject: Re: Can't Ping External IP address
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 14:22:54 +1000

Ensure you have no firewall rules running ... and that you have ip forwarding
correctly set up on your router ... you may want to have a look at the BPC-HOWTO
(HOWTO describing the process in connecting to Australia cable ISP) which
details this and can be downloaded


<Hebert> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I'm trying to setup my Linux box as my gateway.  I have an @HOME cable
> modem with static IP address
> I've managed to setup the two NICs,
>       eth0 gets the internal IP address(
>       eth1 gets the external IP address(
> I can ping both NICs.  I can also ping all computers on my
> home(internal) lan. The problem is  I can not ping any external IP
> address.  When attempting to ping external IP address, I notice
> activity on the modem ; however no packets return....
> Any help would be greatly appreciated....
> if replying by e-mail remove the ### from my address


From: Doug Marker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can't Ping External IP address
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 14:14:19 +1000

You need ip forwarding set for eth1 - I assume you did that ?.

Also unless you are using valid ip addresses (or ip masquerading) your
addresses are going to wreak havoc on the net.

I'm guessing you are sending packets onto the net & replies are being sent
the real ip owners or the bit-bucket (for the range you indicate) ???
possible  :-)

You need to look into ip-masquerading - it is not difficult  there are
some good HOWTOS on the


Doug Marker

Hebert wrote:

> I'm trying to setup my Linux box as my gateway.  I have an @HOME cable
> modem with static IP address
> I've managed to setup the two NICs,
>       eth0 gets the internal IP address(
>       eth1 gets the external IP address(
> I can ping both NICs.  I can also ping all computers on my
> home(internal) lan. The problem is  I can not ping any external IP
> address.  When attempting to ping external IP address, I notice
> activity on the modem ; however no packets return....
> Any help would be greatly appreciated....
> if replying by e-mail remove the ### from my address


From: "colin r" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: can't ping beyond myself...
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 02:27:33 GMT

Got both the nics detected by passing params to modprobe.

I assigned IP addrs to them.  I can ping their own IP addr, but if I try to
ping the router it just sits there.

My IPs:, netmask


This should work, it works from my laptop.

Any hints?

thx,  Colin


From: "Brad Ross" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Network Setup
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 00:06:21 -0400

I Just installed Mandrake 6.0 with 3Com EtherLink XL nic..

My network config is as follows:
IP =
Mask = (which I think is causing my problems)
Gateway =

When I do a route I get my IP back with the mask of and I
cant ping my gateway just my local net.

Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Strange)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: modem is hanging during pppd
Date: 9 Sep 1999 19:31:51 GMT

Check your modem's user manual.
There is a register you can set to define the escape character.

Leolo ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: Red Hat 6.0
: Kernel 2.2.12
: pppd version 2.3.7
: Modem is an old USR 36.6 sportster internal

: When i transmit ++ + (w/o the space, eh) over a ppp connection, the
: modem switches to "command mode" and blocks all furthur PPP
: communication.  While I can avoid doing it by hand, it can (and does)
: occure in MIME encoded attachements.  What's more insiduous is that
: sendmail will spool the mail, and try to send it every 30 minutes,
: knocking me off the net each time.  (It took me 12 hours before I
: figured out what the hell was going on.)

: pppd's "escape" option doesn't allow me to escape 0x2b (+) :  "The
: characters which may not be escaped are those with hex values 0x20 -
: 0x3f or 0x5e."

: Is there another work around?  Or do I have to grin and bare it?

: -Philip

While Alcatel may claim ownership of all my ideas (on or off the job),
Alcatel does not claim any responsibility for them. Warranty expired when u
opened this article and I will not be responsible for its contents or use.


From: "Steve" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Apache and .asp files
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 20:57:41 -0700

Are .asp files supported by Apache? Or is this a Microsoft-IIS-only file



From: Doug Marker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: eth0 mistake HELP :-(
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 13:56:42 +1000


When I installed my Caldera 2.3 I couldn't recall the ether card I had
installed so left out the
net config in the belief I could set it up later.

What is happening is that I select
    COAS  / Network / Ethernet Interfaces
then select
    New Device & from the list select  WD8013, SMC Elite 16  (this works
fine - I have Redhat
    dual booted on this m/c & RH6 comes up no problems)

As soon as I select that driver I ger error msg

The kernel driver wd has neither been installed as a loadable module on
this system, nor has it been
compiled into the kernel

The wd.o module is sitting in /lib/modules/2.2.10/net/wd.o
it is listed in /lib/modules/2.2.10/modules.dep

Can someone steer me in the right direction re getting this working -
sure don't want to have to
do a re-install just to get the network right  :-(


Doug Marker


Reply-To: "Dan G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "Dan G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: accessing SAMBA from Network Neighborhood - help!
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 21:56:13 -0600

I set up SAMBA and it appears to be working fine. I can mount my shared
drives on the linux machine and see the Windows machine fine. The problem is
the other way 'round. I can see "linux1" (the name of my linux machine) in
network neighborhood, but when I try and access it, it wants a password. To
the best of my knowledge, I did not setup any passwords to access it! Just
in case, I tried all the passwords I have entered onto the linux machine -
none of them work.

how can I disable the password feature in SAMBA. Or if I can't how do I set
up encrypted passwords, and then set the password to NULL or something?
Thanks very much for your help.

-Dan G.



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End of Linux-Networking Digest

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