Linux-Networking Digest #546, Volume #12         Fri, 10 Sep 99 23:13:37 EDT

  Re: ipchains & smb (Chris)
  Re: named fails since upgrading from RH5.1 to RH5.2 ("Steve Cowles")
  Re: Linux-Router (winrip)
  Re: Accessing Linux server on a DOS client (Jeff Volckaert)
  Re: Home network, wingate, linux as proxy, etc. (Scott Nolde)
  Re: can't dial up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (winrip)
  Re: DNS and demand dialing (Dale Pontius)
  Re: Cable Modem woes ("HillBoy")
  Re: Routing via DSL ("Chris Platts")
  Re: DHCP Problems (Scott Nolde)
  SOHO 2000, Cable Modem, Mandrake, and Win98 Networking ("Jayden")
  Re: cable modem can't ping gate way ("HillBoy")


Subject: Re: ipchains & smb
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 00:30:22 GMT

On Sat, 11 Sep 1999 00:04:38 +0000, mindas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

>W95 <-> eth1/linux box/eth0 <-> smb network <-> gateway to internet
>eth1 address:
>eth0 address:

>Problem: W95 computer cannot access smb network. Internet (on W95
>computer) works o.k., ping/tracert/etc goes through, but smb packeds
>does not reach W95 box. I've made my linux box as WINS server, and W95
>is now able to see smb names (but not shares).

The WINS server is keeping a list of all visible SMB-compatible machines
using the IP address as seen from the Linux (WINS) server.  Your Win95
machine does not go through the masquerade to get to the WINS service, so
it is being registered as 10.0.100.X.  Since your Linux machine is
masquerading all ports, the Win95 machine is then connecting to the smb
network as  Not only is it coming on an unadvertised address
(and therefore may be ignored for security reasons), but there is no way
for the smb machines to connect back to the Win95 machine because
masquerading is a one-way deal.  When the smb machines try to send
information to the Win95 machine at the Linux server happily
throws the packet away.

Turn off masquerading on the Samba ports so the Win95 machine can
communicate directly to the Windows network (using the Linux machine as a
router only).

ipchains -P forward DENY
ipchains -F forward
ipchains -A forward -b -p TCP -s -d 10.0.0/24 137:139
ipchains -A forward -b -p UDP -s -d 10.0.0/24 137:139
ipchains -A forward -j MASQ -p TCP -s -d 0/0 -i eth0
ipchains -A forward -j MASQ -p UDP -s -d 0/0 -i eth0


From: "Steve Cowles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: named fails since upgrading from RH5.1 to RH5.2
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 01:30:32 GMT


Bind now uses named.conf which has a totally new syntax from named.boot. I can't 
the location of the "converter" utility on RH5.2, but I think it is in the 
directory. Look for a filename of ''
This is a perl script that will take your existing named.boot file (as input) and 
it to the new format required for named.conf. Worked great for me...

Steve Cowles
SWCowles at gte dot net

Mark Worsdall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi,
> Well, as the subject says:-) Here are some logs the 1st was when rh5.1
> was in operation:-
>    UW PICO(tm) 3.4          File: /var/log/messages.old
> Sep  6 23:39:11 jilldando chat[256]: send (ATDT0845 079 8668^M)
> Sep  6 23:39:11 jilldando chat[256]: expect (CONNECT)
> Sep  6 23:39:11 jilldando chat[256]: ^M
> Sep  6 23:39:12 jilldando named[287]: starting.  named 4.9.7-REL Tue Jun
> 30 15:$
> Sep  6 23:39:12 jilldando named[287]: cache zone "" loaded (serial 0)
> Sep  6 23:39:12 jilldando named[287]: primary zone "
>" loade$
> Sep  6 23:39:12 jilldando named[287]: primary zone ""
> loaded (se$
> Sep  6 23:39:12 jilldando named[287]: primary zone "
> addr.arp$
> Sep  6 23:39:13 jilldando named[287]: primary zone ""
> loaded (ser$
> Sep  6 23:39:13 jilldando named[287]: primary zone "shadow" loaded
> (serial 1)
> Sep  6 23:39:13 jilldando named[287]: primary zone "wizdom" loaded
> (serial 1)
> Sep  6 23:39:13 jilldando named[287]: primary zone "hinwick" loaded
> (serial 1)
> Sep  6 23:39:13 jilldando named[287]: primary zone "spartan" loaded
> (serial 1)
> Sep  6 23:39:13 jilldando named[287]: primary zone "ppmusic" loaded
> (serial 1)
> Sep  6 23:39:13 jilldando named[287]: primary zone "camad" loaded
> (serial 1)
> Sep  6 23:39:13 jilldando named[287]: primary zone "radwell" loaded
> (serial 1)
> Sep  6 23:39:13 jilldando named[287]: primary zone "simon" loaded
> (serial 1)
> Sep  6 23:39:13 jilldando named[287]: primary zone "" loaded
> (seria$
> Sep  6 23:39:13 jilldando named[287]: primary zone ""
> loaded (se$
> Sep  6 23:39:13 jilldando named[972]: Forwarding source address is
> [].13$
> Sep  6 23:39:13 jilldando named[973]: Ready to answer queries.
> Now all I get is:-
> Sep 11 00:49:14 jilldando named[972]: starting.  named 8.1.2 Thu Sep 24
> 02:47:0$
> Sep 11 00:49:14 jilldando named[972]: cache zone "" (IN) loaded (serial
> 0)
> Sep 11 00:49:14 jilldando named[972]: master zone ""
> (IN) l$
> Sep 11 00:49:15 jilldando named[972]: listening on [].53 (lo)
> Sep 11 00:49:15 jilldando named[972]: listening on [].53
> (eth0)
> Sep 11 00:49:15 jilldando named[972]: Forwarding source address is
> [].13$
> Sep 11 00:49:15 jilldando named[973]: Ready to answer queries.
> Sep 11 00:49:15 jilldando named[973]: sysquery:
> sendto([].53): Netwo$
> Could it be that since rh5.2 it has compiled something different, it
> seems not to be reading all my primary files like it once did?
> directory                               /var/named
> cache           .             
> primary    named.local
> primary         10.rev
> primary
> primary
> primary
> primary         shadow                  shadow
> primary         wizdom                  wizdom
> primary         hinwick                 hinwick
> primary         spartan                 spartan
> primary         ppmusic                 ppmusic
> primary         camad                   camad
> primary         radwell                 radwell
> primary         simon                   simon
> primary  
> primary
> forwarders
> ;
> ; In addition to the "forwarders" clause, you can force your name
> ; server to never initiate queries of its own, but always ask its
> ; forwarders only, by enabling the following line:
> ;
> ;options forward-only
> All the files exist, it's just named ain't even bothering to read them,
> what has named.conf got to do with this?
> M
> --
> Mark Worsdall - Oh no, I've run out of underpants :(
> Web site Monitoring:-   


From: winrip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux-Router
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 16:02:37 -0400

Micha wrote:

> hello,
> has anyone dealed with the disks of the Linux Rputer Project? (LRP)
> My Problem:
> ne.o is loading with some error-messages
> /dev/eth0 does not exist
> Who can give me some help to solve this problem.
> Or give me some hints for HOWTOS etc.
> Has anybody a working installation with NE2000-compatible card?
> Thanx a lot for any help!
> (please do a CC to [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Holger

Well first off is it multi-homed??? next ne2000 compat isn't hard you
just have to have the correct irq's and i/o. If you are multi-homing
using two ne2000 compats, I'd suggest copying ne.o to ne1.o and assign
one module to each card i.e. etho gets ne.o and eth1 gets ne1.o.

If you need more help e-mail me


From: Jeff Volckaert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Accessing Linux server on a DOS client
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 16:09:15 -0400

You need a packet driver for your nic and a package like NCSA telnet.
You could also use a package like bobcat to run lynx-in-dos and view

Jeff Volckaert

Jimmy Lio wrote:

> I've got a DOS box and I want it to access my Linux server.  What do I
> need to install on my DOS box?
> Jimmy


From: Scott Nolde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Home network, wingate, linux as proxy, etc.
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 01:30:31 GMT

In the simplest terms, Linux does not restrict how many clients you have
masquerading behind the gateway IP address.  Linux has firewall
services, too.  Please look into Linux before buying Wingate.  It could
save you several bucks.  Plus Linux is 'free' or very inexpensive.

Linux is an ideal solution for your needs.  Inexpensive and simple to

Also, look into the HOWTO's in the Linux Documentation Project:
mirror site:

- Scott

Jason Rosenberg wrote:
> Hello,
> I am interested in setting up a home network.
> Currently, I have a single Windows NT machine,
> connected to a cable modem.  I am looking at
> expanding things, so that I will have a second
> NT workstation, an NT laptop (which will come
> and go), and eventually a linux system.
> I have been looking at using WinGate to access the
> cable modem from anywhere on the local net.  I am
> wondering if linux (and other Unixes, Macs, for that matter),
> will work as clients to the wingate server, which will
> be one of the NT systems.  The WinGate home page doesn't
> seem to indicate much support for varied client os support,
> but I am wondering whether it will work anyway.
> I am looking at WinGate since it has been highly recommended,
> and it seems easy to install and use, and it has firewall
> capabilities.
> Naturally, I am also interested in knowing what linux has to
> offer in terms as acting as my proxy server and fire-wall.
> I'm not too educated on linux to date, but I do have extensive
> experience with other flavors of unix.
> Thanks for any info,
> Jason

                 Scott Nolde


From: winrip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: can't dial up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 16:07:21 -0400

Phreakazoid wrote:

> I am not sure, please correct me if i am wrong, but after you logon to your
> ISP a ppp connection will be put up, minicom is not capable of handling such
> a connection.
> You should be using a ppp capable dialup program. I like to use WVDIAL
> because it's easy to configure and use.
> greetz & good luck
> Bruno Tony
> ESC Brussels
> exploser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:7rbbsv$a03@rain...
> > When I use Minicom,
> > i type ' atdt300143000' then the modem started to dial up to connect the
> > server,but after finished type in the user ID & Password, it gives out
> many
> > strange code,then a message "No carrier" appeared!!!!??
> > Why ???????? and How to solve it!!!!!!!??Please help me!!!!!
> >
> >

Actually minicom can handle ppp, I used to use it before i found wvdial. I
think the user is forgetting to type ppp to start the session tho'.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dale Pontius)
Subject: Re: DNS and demand dialing
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 19:03:12 -03-59

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mike Jagdis) writes:
> "General consensus" is wrong then. It does work and is in
> fact pretty much the only way you are going to be able to
> control things if you want systems to be able to resolve
> external names. But you have to be able to get the configs
> right *for your circumstances*.
So how have you set it up, and how do you keep BIND from
kicking off a connect when it does its periodic maintenance?
Are you running a caching-only nameserver, or a 'real' name-
server? Are you using diald, or pppd with demand?

Dale Pontius
DEPontius AT usa DOT net


From: "HillBoy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Cable Modem woes
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 02:04:22 GMT

I'm having the same problems hooking up to ATT's @Home. DHCPCD does not
appear to be working at all in mandrake 6.0. It fails to get the IP info
from the cable modem. All I should have to do is edit the
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup and replace the $PUMP references with
dhcpcd -h <hostname> which I did. Of course, everything works just fine
under Windows 98. If you find an answer please send it to me.

Chuck Hancock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:7rbimq$9l0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> So I have been trying to get DHCP client to work for a while and getting
> desperate, I have tried a new test.  This is what I know.
> Setup:
> 1 Win2000 machine
> 1 RH Linux 6.0 machine
> 1 hub (obviously with Linux, win machine, and cable modem attached)
> 1 LAN City Cable Modem (Mediaone RR SE region)
> Winblows works fine.
> At boot, DHCP (linux) fails to get IP.
> After trying many times, I figured, forget DHCP for a min, lets try a
> IP.
> On my win machine, I ping a few machines on the network to find an
> IP on my subnet.  When found, I hardcode the available IP, gateway,
> DNS servers, network into RH network config.
> I can now ping my win machine and my win can ping my linux.  My win can
> telnet to my linux.  My linux can telnet my win.  My linux can not ping
> other computer on the network (including gateway or DNS servers).
> IT would seem as though it is a hardware issue, but my 2 computer can see
> eachother fine.  At one point I tried the cable modem straight to the NIC
> the linux with no luck, but of course straight to the win works.
> I'm pretty much lost now.  Any suggestions?  It must be something I'm
> overlooking.
> -chuck


From: "Chris Platts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: Routing via DSL
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 22:40:18 +0100

I'd just like to add that yup - IP Masqerading works great, and is really
easy to set up too!  But make sure you've got decent firewall rules -
especially with the combination of the 'always on' nature of DSL connections
and having a static IP address.


Bill Somerville <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:ajmB3.616$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> You shouldn't need Apache or anything else protocol-specific to do what
> want to do.  Take a look at the IP Masq mini-HowTo
> ( for info on how
> should set up your Linux box to route all traffic.
> --  Bill
> Walker White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > I have just received a DSL account with a single fixed IP.  I have a
> > linux box with two ethernet cards, eth0 (to the dsl line) and eth1 (to
> > a hub in my basement).   I want my wife to be able to use the fast
> > connection to access the web and email from her existing ISP.  It is
> > easy to route the HTTP requests via Apache.  It is her access to her
> > IMAP server that befuddles me.  How can I get her access to her
> > existing email serfer via IMAP without paying the ISP for another
> > fixed IP address?
> >


From: Scott Nolde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: DHCP Problems
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 02:12:10 GMT

How does your /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 look?

Like this??
GATEWAY=xx.xx.xx.xx (gateway address)

Michael Radtke wrote:
> Hey all,
>     I've just installed Redhat Linux 6.0 on a machine with 2 ethernet
> cards.  I'm using the machine as a NAT box for my private network.  The
> problem is that the card going out to the Internet, (it's an AOpen PCI
> card that is using the NE2K PCI driver), will work if given a static IP
> address, but not with bootp or DHCP.  I read the HOWTO's and whatnot to
> no avail.  I noticed that the docs talk about dhcpcd, but my script
> calls pump.  When the system boots up, I get the message that it is
> trying to get a network address, but that it fails.  Is it because I'm
> using pump?  Or is there something else?  Any help would be appreciated!
> Thanks!
> Mike

                 Scott Nolde


From: "Jayden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SOHO 2000, Cable Modem, Mandrake, and Win98 Networking
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 17:51:35 -0500

Ok, here's the situation.  When my cable company finally releases cable
internet service I'm going to buy a BeadleNet SOHO 2000.  What it does is
act as a firewall/hub, and masks 4 machines behind one IP.  If you enable
DHCP and allow DHCP for WINS resolution it will allow up to four machines to
share files and the Internet connection.  My question is how do I make my
Mandrake 6.0 machine do that.  I think I remember how to tell it to use
DHCP, but I'm kind of lost on the DHCP for WINS resolution.  It's easy on my
wife's Win 98 machine, it's just a checkbox.  Any Ideas?


From: "HillBoy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: cable modem can't ping gate way
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 02:37:50 GMT

I'm in the same boat. How do you look at the routing table.

KevinDTimm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Well, I tried it and (by god) the little devil works like a charm!
> Thanks from the bottom of my heart, I have been working on this since
> 6:00 pm (plus a little playing yesterday) and all of the hollering
> could have been over hours ago!
> Hallelujah!
> KT
> KevinDTimm wrote:
> >
> > Andrew,
> >
> > Well, its a little on the late side tonight (I'm dying to get to bed,
> > but I think you probably hit it on the head)  The routing is a good
> > guess, actually my route table looks almost exactly like this.
> >
> > I will try it now (because I can't bear to wait)
> >
> > Thanks much, I'll report back.
> >
> > KT
> >
> > "Andrew J. Norman" wrote:
> > >
> > > First off check your routing table.  You should have your default
> > > ( look something like the one below
> > >
> > > Kernel IP routing table
> > > Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref
> > > Iface
> > >   U     0      0
> > > eth0
> > >   U     0      0
> > > eth1
> > >   UG    0      0
> > > eth1
> > >       U     0      0
6 lo
> > >         UG    0      0
> > > eth0
> > >
> > > Note: the and are internal private networks
and I
> > > provide them just in case you also are routing internal traffic.
> > >
> > > Once you have verified your routing table, reset your cable modem
> > > should be a switch on the back which when pressed for 10+ seconds will
> > > reset the modem completely)  This is primarily so that the modem will
> > > your MAC address and report it correctly (thus allowing the gateway to

> > > properly route back TO you)
> > >
> > > At this point you should be able to route through the specified
> > > and have it recognize you.
> > >
> > >         Andrew J. Norman
> > > ______________________________________________________________
> > > Dept. of Physics                        Phone:
> > > College of William & Mary               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >
> > > "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly;
> > >  what is essential is invisible to the eye" -The Little Prince
> > > ______________________________________________________________
> > >
> > > On Mon, 6 Sep 1999, KevinDTimm wrote:
> > >
> > > > I know this looks like a previous post, but it is subtlely
> > > > I am attempting to connect to @home also, but cannot ping the
> > > > gateway (  I am however able to ping another machine on
> > > > same network, (this is my real @home address).  I have
> > > > switching the addresses of the machines (thinking that maybe my
> > > > modem and the @home switching center have some knowledge of my
> > > > but that doesn't seem to have any affect.
> > > >
> > > > Here is my ifconfig output:
> > > >
> > > > lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
> > > >           inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
> > > >           UP BROADCAST LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:3584  Metric:1
> > > >           RX packets:88 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
> > > >           TX packets:88 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
> > > >
> > > > eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:50:04:12:8E:6D
> > > >           inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
> > > >           UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
> > > >           RX packets:37 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
> > > >           TX packets:23 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
> > > >           Interrupt:10 Base address:0xe880
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Thanks in advance,
> > > >
> > > > Kevin
> > > >
> > > > p.s. remove the XYZ to email back, BTW I will read the posts here
> > > > do not expect to get email.
> > > >
> > > >



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End of Linux-Networking Digest

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