Linux-Networking Digest #558, Volume #12         Sun, 12 Sep 99 04:13:28 EDT

  setting up dhclient ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  virtual webhosting (chris stegmaier)
  route doesn't work with kernel 2.2.9 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Using Samba to join an NT domain. (Fedro)
  Re: sound problems!!!!!! (Milosh)
  NFS Solution to mount: Program Not Registered(portmap bug?) (PseudoTensor)
  Configuring for access ("Michael L. Black")
  Re: PPPd: -- MARK -- message? (Thomas Jaeger)
  Re: Bogus ppp device after kernel upgrade? (Bill Unruh)
  Re: NetWare for Linux ("William B. Cattell")
  Re: masquerading incoming http requests? (Roderic Tse)
  Re: Browsers and Linux (Richard Steiner)
  Re: Browsers and Linux (Richard Steiner)
  Re: How Do I configure Linux so you can dial in (Anonymous)
  Browsers and Linux (Richard Steiner)
  Re: Configuring for access ("Andrew Smith")


Subject: setting up dhclient
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 04:55:17 GMT

I found out that I am definitly connected to the
network.  I tried pinging a few non-local
IP numbers and was getting like 20-80ms on my

My problem is that my $SOCKS variable is not
correctly set.  I go into netscape or ftp in linux
and I get a nameserver error. My ADSL provider
uses DHCP for everything, and it apparently works
to get me connected, but is not setting up the

Can someone tell me how to set the nameserver to
use DHCP?  Previously, someone suggested that I
need to enable the "dhclient" to lood at boot
time.  What is dhclient and how do I
install/configure it?

Thanks for previous answers,

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From: chris stegmaier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: virtual webhosting
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 00:45:02 -0400

If I've got a webhost up behind a firewall, and the webhost
is masqueraded/proxied, then how can I setup virtual hosting.

I still sort of don't understand the virtual hosting thing...

Does is look like this?

I thought I saw something like this is the mini HOWTO
on virtual hosting, but I'm not sure how it works.  

Is it all set up on the one NIC/IP address in the webhost?
How does that work?

Thanks in advance,



Subject: route doesn't work with kernel 2.2.9
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 04:47:10 GMT

i'm running RH 5.0 with kernel 2.0.31
everything was working perfectly..then I upgraded to kernel 2.2.9 and
now, for some reason, i cannot edit my kernel routing table normally.
I can still boot my old kernel and everything still works.  whenever i
try to add or delete a route with 'route' it says "SIOCADDRT: Operation
not supported by device"..and if i try to remove a route that shows up
in the routing table i get: "SIOCDELRT: No such process"...

i noticed that my eth0 showed thousands of errors on the TX packets
(and so did the loopback device) when i was in the 2.2.9 kernel.  I
booted the other kernel and removed all the entries in the table, but
when i booted the new kernel...the table had not been affected at all.

my hair is almost gone now, does *anyone* have any ideas?


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Subject: Re: Using Samba to join an NT domain.
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 05:31:21 GMT

As Steve states I have just configured my Linux Box to act as a Domain
Client to a Win NT PDC. The only missing stuff I have found is that you
failed to include the "encripted passwords", since Win98 and WinNT SP3 (as
long as I recall) use encripted passwords by default you should include it.

Remember to populate de SMB passwords file with your userīs accounts and
passwords. If there are few users try smbpasswd to do it. There is a post
around that described a way to do it by a command...

Hope this could solve your problem.

--Fedro Ponce de Leon.

Steve Cowles wrote:
> Brad,
> At first, I thought your "security=domain" was the problem (never heard
of that security
> option in Samba), but I decided to read the man pages along with the
/usr/docs/samba stuff
> (before I replied) and discovered Samba actually does support this type
of authentication.
> My Linux/Samba box was configured to for "security=server" along with
> server=NetBios Name of domain controller". That combination has worked
for over a year
> with out any problems. All authentications went to my domain controller
for "share access"
> to my linux box. Exactly as configured!
> Anyway, I reconfigured Samba for the security=domain as described in
> /usr/doc/samba-2.0.5a/docs/textdocs/DOMAIN_MEMBER.txt. and was able to
execute the
> smbclient example without any problems. In fact, I was also able to
execute the smbclient
> example when Samba was configured for security=server. BTW: The on-line
status DID change
> in server manager when I executed "smbpasswd -j DOMAIN - r PDC" only
after I restarted
> samba. (which makes since)
> As for your question... you did not mention this in your post, but have
you enabled
> "encrypted passwords" in your smb.conf. I already had this option enabled
in my previous
> configuration and left that setting "as is". In fact, that was mentioned
in the
> DOMAIN_MEMBER.txt as a prerequisite for accessing NT.
> Hope the encrypted password setting fixes your problem
> BTW: thanks for "teaching an old dog a new trick!!!" Guess I should start
reading those
> damn "release notes"
> Steve Cowles
> SWCowles at gte dot net
> Brad Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Hello, folks. I hope I can find here the solution to a problem I've
> > having for some time.
> >
> > I've had a good deal of experience with Samba on my home LAN (Linux and
> > '95) but I've never tried to fully integrate a Linux system into an NT
> > domain until now.
> > I have my machine set up such that I am visible and can export shares
> > the NT machines in the domain, but when I try to browse their shares,
> > the following happens:
> >
> > [root@localhost /root]# smbclient -L nt-machine -U bradsmi
> > Added interface ip=171.71.xx.xx bcast= nmask=
> > Got a positive name query response from 171.71.xx.xx ( 171.71.xx.xx )
> > Password:
> > session setup failed: ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (Access denied.)
> >
> > If I try with no password or with the -N option, I see the machine
> > listed with no shares available and an accurate list of all the other
> > machine in the domain. This happens on any machine I try and they all
> > have shares that are accesable to the other NT machines.
> >
> > My conclusion is that my machine has to be joined to the domain for
> > to work.
> >
> > I gave myself a computer account on the PDC and did smbclient -j
> > MY_DOMAIN_NAME, which gave me back a positive response but the online
> > status of my machine in the server manager never changed and smbclient
> > still fails to browse any shares.
> >
> > My smb.conf has WORKGROUP set to my domain, security=domain and there
> > no hosts_allow entry so everyone should be able to connect.
> >
> > Is there something I am missing? Any help (pref. via email) would be
> > greatly appreciated.
> >
> > --Brad

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From: Milosh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: sound problems!!!!!!
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 01:03:10 +0200

First of all, don't crosspost your sound problem to networking , hatdware
and other news groups. It is not realy polite:-)

Now, about your sound problem..
Perhaps your X envoirment (gnome ,kde ..) system uses your sount card.
Enlightenment, for example loads (by default) esd (enlig. sound deamon)
,so the sound card is in use when you try to play mp3 witn some player.
In enlightenment (and gnome+enlightenment) you can say is shell
killall esd
then you will be able to play music..


On Sun, 12 Sep 1999, exploser wrote:

> I have set my soundcard by sndconfig, it work in the test and i have heard
> Linus Torvald's sound!! but when i started the X-window, it does not show
> any sound effect, even if i try to use X11amp,it failed to play any
> MP3!!Why??Please help me to solve it!!!!!thx!!


From: PseudoTensor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: NFS Solution to mount: Program Not Registered(portmap bug?)
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 00:52:43 -0500

After trying to follow the NFS-HOWTO I kept getting that message even
though I figured I had all correctly setup.

Turns out that I guess portmap can't handle DNS lookups on
hosts.allow/hosts.deny checks.  I say this because upto a moment ago I
had been using names.  All other services handled this fine.

However, I kept seeing, upon an attempted mount, in my server logs:

Sep 12 00:40:19 xxservernamexx portmap[1428]: connect from xxclientIP#xx
to dump(): request from unauthorized host

Immediately after I changed the hosts.allow entries to IP#s and tried
mount, it worked.

I would think portmap SHOULD handle DNS lookups in hosts.allow, I mean
it doesn't have a problem with /etc/exports!  It's still names there.



From: "Michael L. Black" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Configuring for access
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 01:25:51 -0500

I am taking control of my domain by attempting DNS management
because I had an ISP that thinks that their shit doesn't stink.  I have
them 2 error in their DNS configuration that effects my domain.
I have attempted to cut ties, but they will not resolve their

I have changed ISP and they have allowed me to do my own
DNS'ing.  So far everything is going well. However, I am unable
to configure my system so people can access it via

Any assistance or a point in the right direction would be appreciated.

Michael Black


From: Thomas Jaeger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: PPPd: -- MARK -- message?
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 06:52:17 +0000


there is no reason for concern at all:

the "MARK" message is generated by the "syslogd".
Check "man syslogd" for details: default is every 20 minutes

you can change that with the "-m" switch in one of your boot scripts

use "-m 0" to turn it off.


Young4ert wrote:
> Hi,
> Why pppd put out the following message on the /var/log/messages:
>    Sep 11 11:00:38 abc -- MARK --
>    Sep 11 11:20:38 abc -- MARK --
>    Sep 11 11:40:38 abc -- MARK --
> DO I have to be concern with such a message?
> --
> PS> Remove the "4" from e-mail address to respond.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Bogus ppp device after kernel upgrade?
Date: 12 Sep 1999 07:03:04 GMT

In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "G. Georgiev" 

]       When I dial from one comp. to another the serial link is
]established OK, the ppp device appears in /proc/net/dev, but ifconfig does
]not show it and it can not be accessed or included in the routing table.
]pppd leaves a message 'ioctl(SIOCADDRT) device route: Network is down' in
]the syslog and that's all. The result is the same on both machines I want
]to connect. One is still with kernel 2.0.30, other is with 2.2.11, the
]pppd is version 2.2.0, I do use slackware on both of them.

]       So, if the kernel opens the device why ifconfig does not recognize
]it and why it may not function?

]                       Thanks, George.

]       /var/log/messages:
]Sep 12 01:47:17 gate pppd[651]: pppd 2.2.0 started by solex, uid 517
]Sep 12 01:47:17 gate pppd[651]: Using interface ppp0
]Sep 12 01:47:17 gate pppd[651]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS3
]Sep 12 01:47:21 gate pppd[651]: local  IP address
]Sep 12 01:47:21 gate pppd[651]: remote IP address
]Sep 12 01:47:21 gate pppd[651]: IPCP terminated at peer's request

Your ppp connection is NOT made. Note this last error message. To
find out what is happening, you need to switch on debugging.
in /etc/ppp/options and turned on in /etc/syslog.conf.


From: "William B. Cattell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: NetWare for Linux
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 06:42:16 GMT

"Herminio Alvarez, Jr." wrote:
> Hi Folks:
>     If I had NetWare for Linux from Caldera, could that replace my
> existing NFS for NetWare?  Meaning, could I enable NFS on that NetWare
> for Linux box, could NDS users access that NFS filesystem?
> --
> *** There is no great genius without a touch of madness ***

Theoretically, yes.  I'm having a heck of a time with NFS so I've been
considering running SAMBA or NetWare (Mars) between two Linux boxes.  If
the (current) NFS server is running as a NetWare server and I config my
other Linux box as a NetWare client then I should be able to get files from
one to the other.  In effect, NFS is just a protocol for letting two
machines exchange information - same as NCP and SMB.


Park not thy Harley in the darkness of thine garage, that it 
may collect dust for want of being oft ridden. Ride thy Harley 
with thy brethren, and rejoice in the spirit of the road.


From: Roderic Tse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: masquerading incoming http requests?
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 14:40:59 +0800

> I am now slowly learning more, that apparently port 80 is used for webservers,
> and so I should redirect 80 to my web-server.  However, this limits the
> number of webservers I can have to just 1 on my LAN.  What I was hoping for,
> actually, was to have a way to interpret different sub-directories within
> the incoming URL and use that to redirect appropriately.  Is that possible?

port 80 is the default port, but you can run at other ports just fine. also,
redirecting is done at the ip layer, so it cannot interpret URLs, so you won't
be able to do that with ipchains redirecting.

what you could do is set up two ports on your gateway for your two webservers
and redirect accordingly.

Sig? Oh yeah... here ya go:


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Steiner)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Browsers and Linux
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 01:35:52 -0500

Here in comp.os.linux.setup, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeremy Crabtree)
spake unto us, saying:

>Richard Steiner allegedly wrote:
>> Either that or he's being intentionally difficult.
>I pick the second one, I would suggest just throwing him into your
>killfile and forgetting him.

I hate doing that.  I only killfile people who are being serious jerks
on the newsgroups I read, and he doesn't qualify for that.

Besides, this is a chance to educate.  Many people here have taken a
position contrary to his, some of them fairly experienced in this type
of thing, and that (if anything) should make some sort of impression.

   -Rich Steiner  >>>--->  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  >>>---> Bloomington, MN
     OS/2 + Linux + BeOS + FreeBSD + Solaris + WinNT4 + Win95 + DOS
      + VMWare + Fusion + vMac + Executor = PC Hobbyist Heaven! :-)
                 I was an only child.  Eventually.  :-)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Steiner)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Browsers and Linux
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 01:27:10 -0500

Here in comp.os.linux.setup, "Ernest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
spake unto us, saying:

>That is all I expect. May I then request I never see the message to
>post at the bottom again? Just ignore it!!!!

I do hope you understand what we were trying to say, though, and that
most of us are trying to educate you about the expectations here (and
FWIW, those expectations have been fairly consistent across the 60+
technical newsgroups I read on Usenet, not just the Linux groups).

Good luck on Usenet, Ernest -- in my opinion, you'll need it.

   -Rich Steiner  >>>--->  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  >>>---> Bloomington, MN
     OS/2 + Linux + BeOS + FreeBSD + Solaris + WinNT4 + Win95 + DOS
      + VMWare + Fusion + vMac + Executor = PC Hobbyist Heaven! :-)
         Buddhist to hotdog vendor: "Make me One with everything".


Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 09:20:33 +0200 (CEST)
From: Anonymous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How Do I configure Linux so you can dial in

On Sat, 11 Sep 1999 02:31:18 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I have RedHat6.0. and I have being trying to configure my Linux
> so I could dial-in using moderm.  I am not even sure if that is
> possible.  Can someone please help.

Yes, it is possible.  Read the "man" page on "agetty".


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Steiner)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Browsers and Linux
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 02:23:18 -0500

Here in comp.os.linux.setup, "Ernest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
spake unto us, saying:

>Andre van Dijk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> Do you agree that a consistent method of quoting increases
>> readability in long threads?
>There seems to be some confusion here. This newsgroup insists that you may
>only post at the bottom. No matter the length of the thread!! Read again
>BOTTOM ONLY!! What has the thread length got to do with consistency?

Hmmm.  How could you possibly know beforehand how many follow-ups will
appear in a given thread?

I agree that your quote-below-the-reply style is fine as long as you
know that a thread will end with your response.

However, if someone is wanting to answer a posting which follows yours,
your quote-below-posting style means that a lot of block-shifting will
have to be done in order to place your quote in a conversational
context (see my two-level nested quote above for an example).

By using your style, you make it more difficult for others (IMhO).

   -Rich Steiner  >>>--->  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  >>>---> Bloomington, MN
     OS/2 + Linux + BeOS + FreeBSD + Solaris + WinNT4 + Win95 + DOS
      + VMWare + Fusion + vMac + Executor = PC Hobbyist Heaven! :-)
               All hope abandon, ye who enter messages here.


From: "Andrew Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Configuring for access
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 08:33:21 +0100


you'll need to contact InterNIC (i think) and tell them that you've chaged
servers. InterNIC is the authority in charge of all domain names, and you
need to tell them to update THEIR DNS to your new IP address/ISP. if nothing
else, they should be able to help you with this problem...

hope this helps,


Michael L. Black <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:PHHC3.47284$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I am taking control of my domain by attempting DNS management
> because I had an ISP that thinks that their shit doesn't stink.  I have
> shown
> them 2 error in their DNS configuration that effects my domain.
> I have attempted to cut ties, but they will not resolve their
> problems.
> I have changed ISP and they have allowed me to do my own
> DNS'ing.  So far everything is going well. However, I am unable
> to configure my system so people can access it via
> Any assistance or a point in the right direction would be appreciated.
> Michael Black



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