Linux-Networking Digest #560, Volume #12         Sun, 12 Sep 99 10:13:25 EDT

  Re: Browsers and Linux (Ian Smith)
  Re: Eicon Diva ISDN T/A, RH6.0, ppp0 never comes up (Tom Treder)
  Re: Browsers and Linux (Ian Smith)
  Making Netscape stable..? (Maarten Afman)
  How do I quote? (Was Browsers and Linux) (Maarten Afman)
  How to "slow down" a network? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: XDMCP with redhat linux 6.0 to wi98se ("Steve Cowles")
  Re: Browsers and Linux (Maarten Afman)
  openssl/apache implementation? Or IE? (Shuo Lin)
  Re: Realtek 8029 unter SUSE 6.1 (bernward halfkann)


From: Ian Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Browsers and Linux
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 18:49:34 +0100

Ernest wrote:
> And, if it wasn't for someone that up a round soccer ball (or football) in a
> town called Rugby and ran with it, rugby (or gridiron) wouldn't have
> developed. I still don't see the connection in forcing me to use your
> standard. I thought slavery has been banned?

I expect you are completely overwhelmed at the number of messages in
support of your opinion.

Ian Smith


Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 07:15:33 -0500
From: Tom Treder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Eicon Diva ISDN T/A, RH6.0, ppp0 never comes up

Well, for one thing I'm missing the options file - slipped a keystroke,
sorry for any confusion   ;^b
/etc/ppp/options contains:


However, I can comment out all lines in options, the result is the same: no
ppp0, no output to my file /var/log/isdn.msg, output to /var/log/messages
as noted.
One additional question - what exactly does that "+ua" mean?  It's not
documented in "info pppd", I picked it up from (probably) this NG.
Needless to say, this entire setup worked fine for a long time. Then after
circumstances tragically forced me to reinstall (i.e. I did something
stupid), Linux doesn't dialup (Win95 dials OK - for Windows - better hit
"send" before I GPF  :->)

Tom Treder wrote:

> What am I missing???
> From either a home-made script (included below) or linuxconf-generated
> ppp config, I get the same result: The T/A dials up and appears to
> connect, then disconnects after a couple of seconds.  No ppp0 interface
> ever comes up.  The ISP has verified that pap authentication is
> successful.
> The only output from pppd or from chat is the following (tail
> /var/log/messages):
> Sep 11 22:35:15 yakko kernel: registered device ppp0
> Sep 11 22:35:15 yakko pppd[767]: pppd 2.3.7 started by root, uid 0
> Sep 11 22:35:18 yakko pppd[767]: Serial connection established.
> Sep 11 22:35:18 yakko pppd[767]: Using interface ppp0
> Sep 11 22:35:18 yakko pppd[767]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS0
> Sep 11 22:35:20 yakko pppd[767]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
> Sep 11 22:35:20 yakko pppd[767]: Modem hangup
> Sep 11 22:35:20 yakko pppd[767]: Connection terminated.
> Sep 11 22:35:20 yakko pppd[767]: Connect time 0.1 minutes.
> Sep 11 22:35:21 yakko pppd[767]: Exit.
> Here's my homebrew dialup script:
> pppd /dev/ttyS0 115200 connect "chat -r /var/log/isdn.msg -f
> /root/bin/"
> and here is the chat script ""
> "" ATZ
> OK ATDT9537600
> 115200 \r
> and for thoroughness sake, here is the file /etc/ppp/options
> No output has ever appeared in /var/log/isdn.msg, although the file did
> get generated the first time I used the -r option.


From: Ian Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Browsers and Linux
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 18:31:11 +0100

Ernest wrote:
> So what, Nothing new. It won't be first time, nor the last. As long as you
> don't force me to use your standard (unless the specific group has developed a
> FAQ and have made it the standard to post in that group. And, until now, this
> specific group have not have so. And, all of use are newbies in some form of
> another. Or, are you now claiming you are not.

Thing is, you don't encourage others to help you if you make a point of
not cooperating yourself.  This might not be an issue for you but it
will be for others.

If I see a one-line reply sitting at the top of a huge thread, I tend to
just move on without reading it.

Ian Smith


From: Maarten Afman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Making Netscape stable..?
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 14:24:37 +0200


As long as Mozilla works so very slow I am tied pretty much to Communicator 4.08 and 
4.61 for
browsing and reading email. The Communicator program has a bad reputation, and it 
affirms this
reputation every hour or so; (yet another crash=yac). At first sight it doesn't get 
any more stable
with increasing version numbers. 

Are there any known factors that influence the program's stability? I could think of 
the following:

- Is there an up to date overview of known bugs?

- Communicator uses a helper application for DNS lookup, while the rest of the program 
is a
monothreaded thing. Is there a problem there? I once heard of someone who uses Bind 
solely for
increasing Communicator's stability.

- Is increasing or disabling things like disk cache advisable? I noticed that 
Communicator does not
properly use it's own cache quota mechanism when set too large or too small.

- Which version is the most stable? (Is there anyone who counted crashes or so?)

- Or is Motif to blame? You hear very few positive things about it.

It would be interesting to get some feedback..

 ((    Maarten Afman                         )) 
  ))   email:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ((
 ((    homepage:     ))
 ((    xxxx


From: Maarten Afman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: How do I quote? (Was Browsers and Linux)
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 15:00:08 +0200

Ernest wrote:
> > Exactly. It has to do wit hcommunication.  And the vast majority of usenet
> > users communicate via putting the apropriate portion of text that they're
> > replying to *above* their own.  Thus, you are the outsider.  The only
> > thing you're going to get is ignored as you'll look like a newbie.
> So what, Nothing new. It won't be first time, nor the last. As long as you
> don't force me to use your standard (unless the specific group has developed a
> FAQ and have made it the standard to post in that group. And, until now, this
> specific group have not have so. And, all of use are newbies in some form of
> another. Or, are you now claiming you are not.

Ernest: you have made your point. Sadly for you common use in traditional newsgroups 
comp.unix.*; comp.os.linux.*) is not what you like. Now live with it and stop being 

See RFC-1855 on Netiquette. It says something of "adhere to a group's behaviour". Do 
you know what
"FAQ" means? Usually no one asks here how to quote.

As you can see, I corrected your reply according to what I personally find proper.
Reply to a Usenet message should be done in the following way:
1. remove  - signatures
           - greetings; opening
           - closures

2. see what level of quoting previous previous messages is useful. Delete the level at 
which the
discussion is about something unrelated.

3. remove pieces of previous message to which you don't want to reply. Replace this 
content with
something like <SNIP>.

4. now start your text, below the quotations.

Using this procedure:

* I make my message easily readable. 
* The time I spent doing steps 1, 2, and 3 I use to overthing of what I am going to 
* I can reply to different parts of the message. I couldn't do that if I would have 
started typing
above the original text.

This benefits all the thousands of people who read my message. 

Cheer up,
 ((    Maarten Afman                         )) 
  ))   email:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ((
 ((    homepage:     ))
 ((    xxxx


Subject: How to "slow down" a network?
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 12:28:16 GMT

Is there any utility (or if it is possible using ipchains) to slow down
my network? I set up a network for testing purposes (database server &
client) but the speed I get to work with is not the speed it will be
working on in real internet speed. Is there any way to limit the
input/output to some fix throughoutput (in Kb/s for example)?!

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: "Steve Cowles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: XDMCP with redhat linux 6.0 to wi98se
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 13:11:48 GMT

Add the following to your /etc/inititab   file. This will enable your linux box to 
XDMCP queries/broadcasts from Exceed. I use Xwin32 instead of Exceed as my Xserver on
Windows and this works fine for me. Also, make sure your "default" runlevel is set to 
This is also in /etc/inittab. (see below).

NOTE: The default RH60 distribution uses a command called "prefdm" instead of "xdm" in
/etc/inittab. (I commented out that line below) I could never get prefdm to answer
"remote" XDMCP queries/broadcasts. According to the documentation, it is supposed to
support XDMCP, but after an hour of messing with it, I reverted back to using xdm.

Steve Cowles
SWCowles at gte dot net

# Run xdm in runlevel 5
# xdm is now a separate service
#x:5:respawn:/etc/X11/prefdm -nodaemon
x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/X11/xdm -nodaemon

# Default runlevel. The runlevels used by RHS are:
#   0 - halt (Do NOT set initdefault to this)
#   1 - Single user mode
#   2 - Multiuser, without NFS (The same as 3, if you do not have networking)
#   3 - Full multiuser mode
#   4 - unused
#   5 - X11
#   6 - reboot (Do NOT set initdefault to this)

-=Abyss-One=- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Does anybody here have any idea how to get XDMCP to work with redhat linux
> 6.0 to a windows 98 workstation.
> I have some idea on how to go about it , but I am looking for a doc or
> something so I can double check , if anybody has an idea let me know please.
> My xclient on the windhoose box is Exeed 6.1.1.
> My redhat config is basic out of the box just with Samba turned on as my
> backupp domain controller.
> Thnx in advance !


From: Maarten Afman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Browsers and Linux
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 15:13:38 +0200

Ernest wrote:

> And, you would noice that I have never complained nor exused my browser. I get
> the distict feeling that it is all the people that use Netscape that have been
> complaining and insisting. All the rest of use what we have.

>From your posts and the above I conclude you really are pissed off at Netscape. Why 
>is that? Are you
convinced Netscape Corp. is "evil"? You sound a bit like a Mac user commenting on 
Windows. It also
seems that you think in dualities - Netscape or Internet Explorer/Exchange. There is 
no third way,
while in UNIX there is.

 ((    Maarten Afman                         )) 
  ))   email:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ((
 ((    homepage:     ))
 ((    xxxx


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Shuo Lin)
Crossposted-To: alt.www.webmaster
Subject: openssl/apache implementation? Or IE?
Date: 12 Sep 1999 05:55:57 -0700

Problem appears with IE only for now. Both IE4 and IE5.

1. When browsing, changing state from http to https, a purchase form
shows up.
2. Fill out form. Sends form (click submit)
3. IE 4 shows error message:
(Internet explorer cannot open internet site
The server returned an invalid or unrecognizable response)
IE 5 would show error message:
(Cannot find server or DNS error)
4. click on ok(of the error message), click on submit (sends the form
and everything works.

openssl_0.9.4 + Apache_1.3.6, on Solaris 2.6 are used on server side.
IE/Windows/X86 are used on client side.

We didn't see anything on the server log. when the error occurred. It
was as if
the submit never reached the server. So I did a look on the lower level.
some weird packets from machine running IE. (The same test with Netscape

doesn't have packets like that.... See below logs for the look of the

Below I have three sections. Dumped using tcpdump -x -s 8000
First section: Failed session
Second secton: Click on continue, and re-submit, and succeed.
Third section: A Netscape success session.

============Begin Section one: Failed Session================== submit the form to
packet2.gallimardmontreal returns some response.
****packet3. sends back a weird packet (the length
is not
the same as documented in the header, 0x28, but 6 bytes longer)
packet4. sends something back
** Now IE shows up the error message.
+++++++++++++Begin the failed  packets+++++++++++++++++++++
13:28:19.357376 >
P 15696
                         4500 029e 9304 4000 7406 06df cdcd 7848
                         d13a 5326 f6cb 01bb 5d8e d231 19c8 8f04
                         5018 2221 cf96 0000 1703 0002 717a ae89
                         a6cf 2bce 1cc5 2386 2d42 b9d7 c2e8 1008
                         bd3c ea96 0acf d960 ede8 5528 4ef6 3b78
                         c46d e544 265e fa7b 334e 7f03 6ada 0bf1
                         22a2 d98c 7153 a4c5 3026 3fe4 0a4c 0e96
                         7e57 c896 79ca dddf 792a bdc9 9587 3c56
                         5364 0abe 0f9d 4007 340f 00d0 b99b db7e
                         0cf5 9fa6 59d2 2568 b41d 37a1 9b93 fc11
                         e3df dce8 b5f5 abb2 eff1 fa76 8fe9 d5c3
                         9fdb 9260 1c2d 3219 2700 589e dd4a e2eb
                         26d9 77f8 ccdd 5dc1 3f3c 36c0 5c9f 3d4d
                         b209 4e8e 6da2 f78c 1733 828f 9863 d177
                         d5cc fa40 90d9 c5f8 bdba 45ba c20b 9ad2
                         561b dc88 40d9 8e2c 26f2 a6c8 7ffd bde6
                         944b e55c 77d6 76d6 3548 63bf 1fce 18a6
                         ae77 3a37 4867 e167 7d71 6ab6 edc7 cd40
                         5f57 33d3 99d2 3d3b 3f66 b02b b50c b979
                         33c3 fc5c a08a 5a15 8e5e 321f 7427 d20e
                         a183 a863 c9c0 e7ec 538f b4ac 9467 af14
                         c5e1 4257 3f46 ba51 edea 7242 a7b9 6993
                         0701 6b26 6645 21bb 6370 062f 4da8 0731
                         e65d eb81 1e4e 236b 6d0d 29a6 b70b b7d7
                         2117 ffd9 a226 6a3a 98f5 7810 ee04 f8f2
                         395b be73 a15f b8fe be63 b7ed 59f8 dd08
                         ceff 4df8 25ac 223a 7aee 7e94 12c1 facd
                         3029 f7a8 cf2b 3a3c 9b34 b5e4 6c88 51c5
                         afd5 9932 76cc be6a ac3b e8fa 46df 841e
                         38b9 8a90 6a3e c9bd 2d27 cd07 ee9c ffee
                         0cd8 299c 5066 8bc5 f684 a622 d814 e858
                         ba7e f41d 50d5 433c 80bf 4814 899c 2596
                         838d c8ef 1211 2480 8511 3b8e 4216 386b
                         0dc4 6b0c 69aa e5d7 a11e 8239 6c87 d6d3
                         82e7 f92e ee7f ce4b e092 9f62 3533 2f65
                         13ef e3b2 4321 d87a a530 b920 78dc 764a
                         d50c 720e 05b0 5654 dbc9 8839 ddca 3e71
                         defb 537b 821f 6a5f 17a6 4898 4cb8 b83b
                         46de ae8b ef29 3277 5c94 68cb ac47 4b66
                         36a5 03d6 e320 998c 9f8d c872 0821 077c
                         5f09 1611 ea56 5dc5 10e6 f518 a227 cf15
                         3bff ae15 edbe c923 9edc da00 273a
13:28:19.357409 >
R 43257
                         4500 0028 8159 4000 ff06 8fff d13a 5326
                         cdcd 7848 01bb f6cb 19c8 8f04 0000 0000
                         5004 2238 81de 0000
13:28:19.383577 >
F 630:6
                         4500 0028 9404 4000 7406 0855 cdcd 7848
                         d13a 5326 f6cb 01bb 5d8e d4a7 19c8 8f04
                         5011 2221 4fb2 0000 0000 0000 0000
13:28:19.383611 >
R 43257
                         4500 0028 815a 4000 7406 1aff d13a 5326
                         cdcd 7848 01bb f6cb 19c8 8f04 0000 0000
                         5004 0000 a416 0000
+++++++++++++++++++++++end packets++++++++++++++++++++++
===================End first section: Fail=========================

======Begin Second section: click on okay, and re-submit, and
(Here I don't know each packet is about, but it worked. packet 3 looks
weird in size still)
16:55:16.115961 >
S 15821
                         4500 002c 2309 4000 7406 794c cdcd 7848
                         d13a 5326 f475 01bb 5e4d 07b3 0000 0000
                         6002 2000 b17e 0000 0204 05b4 0000
16:55:16.115994 >
S 21442
                         4500 002c a180 4000 ff06 6fd4 d13a 5326
                         cdcd 7848 01bb f475 7fcf 61e5 5e4d 07b4
                         6012 2238 cd80 0000 0204 05b4
16:55:16.224593 >
. ack 1
                         4500 0028 2409 4000 7406 7850 cdcd 7848
                         d13a 5326 f475 01bb 5e4d 07b4 7fcf 61e6
                         5010 2238 e53d 0000 0000 0000 0000
16:55:16.236631 >
P 1:89(
                         4500 0080 2509 4000 7406 76f8 cdcd 7848
                         d13a 5326 f475 01bb 5e4d 07b4 7fcf 61e6
                         5018 2238 8023 0000 1603 0000 5301 0000
                         4f03 00e7 52b1 697b 6976 cd2b 53fb 7f55
                         d0ba df3b e3cc 4d07 6ce1 8a63 bf91 a823
                         e65a 1820 040e 528c 84e3 218a 62c2 23db
                         38ca 55a4 2a2f bd86 95c9 e315 1cd7 ef7f
                         28e3 fe5a 0008 0003 0008 0014 0006 0100
16:55:16.236742 >
. ack 8
                         4500 0028 a181 4000 ff06 6fd7 d13a 5326
                         cdcd 7848 01bb f475 7fcf 61e6 5e4d 080c
                         5010 2238 e4e5 0000
16:55:16.283992 >
P 1:102
                         4500 0428 a182 4000 ff06 6bd6 d13a 5326
                         cdcd 7848 01bb f475 7fcf 61e6 5e4d 080c
                         5018 2238 fbab 0000 1603 0000 4a02 0000
                         4603 0037 d970 34e1 80c1 f655 5b67 120b
                         e142 d3d9 d332 4a81 3b04 f9b7 d52e cfb1
                         4bbc 1a20 9d1f 1731 38e3 87a3 9b85 dbbb
                         b350 806d 125a 4c71 f613 e3be 69c7 22b8
                         409e d401 0003 0016 0300 02eb 0b00 02e7
                         0002 e400 02e1 3082 02dd 3082 0246 a003
                         0201 0202 027c c030 0d06 092a 8648 86f7
                         0d01 0104 0500 3081 c431 0b30 0906 0355
                         0406 1302 5a41 3115 3013 0603 5504 0813
                         0c57 6573 7465 726e 2043 6170 6531 1230
                         1006 0355 0407 1309 4361 7065 2054 6f77
                         6e31 1d30 1b06 0355 040a 1314 5468 6177
                         7465 2043 6f6e 7375 6c74 696e 6720 6363
                         3128 3026 0603 5504 0b13 1f43 6572 7469
                         6669 6361 7469 6f6e 2053 6572 7669 6365
                         7320 4469 7669 7369 6f6e 3119 3017 0603
                         5504 0313 1054 6861 7774 6520 5365 7276
                         6572 2043 4131 2630 2406 092a 8648 86f7
                         0d01 0901 1617 7365 7276 6572 2d63 6572
                         7473 4074 6861 7774 652e 636f 6d30 1e17
                         0d39 3930 3832 3430 3834 3030 395a 170d
                         3030 3039 3036 3038 3430 3039 5a30 7c31
                         0b30 0906 0355 0406 1302 4341 310f 300d
                         0603 5504 0813 0651 7565 6265 6331 1130
                         0f06 0355 0407 1308 4d6f 6e74 7265 616c
                         3125 3023 0603 5504 0a13 1c4c 4942 5241
                         4952 4945 2047 414c 4c49 4d41 5244 204d
                         4f4e 5452 4541 4c31 2230 2006 0355 0403
                         1319 7777 772e 6761 6c6c 696d 6172 646d
                         6f6e 7472 6561 6c2e 636f 6d30 819f 300d
                         0609 2a86 4886 f70d 0101 0105 0003 818d
                         0030 8189 0281 8100 b91f 7c3d 7cf7 4be8
                         2678 4dac 178a 30ba f60a 3f9e 7a15 dede
                         9646 3484 4d28 1e39 e6f5 5e45 ad8f 077f
                         b97b 105b 2bdb 8303 31e3 91d3 efe3 4d89
                         f1c6 75c1 e711 c56e eb7a 39c8 0665 06bc
                         6aa7 b136 f104 774f 84b3 3350 e2fb c976
                         e5cb 93d1 2868 1d1d d704 7fb0 f8e8 59ac
                         a840 15ef d186 72cb 3dd9 9138 383b 55a4
                         93dd 10bc a481 3ee9 0203 0100 01a3 2530
                         2330 1306 0355 1d25 040c 300a 0608 2b06
                         0105 0507 0301 300c 0603 551d 1301 01ff
                         0402 3000 300d 0609 2a86 4886 f70d 0101
                         0405 0003 8181 007b ff28 cb5f 67f9 280f
                         0f6a 42a7 5b23 9f64 c23c 6003 5af0 44a3
                         dd9d d993 5b95 6f22 0a3a b5b9 5f93 7e31
                         9fdc a7d5 76d9 0a88 3359 2712 0d1c b76c
                         4786 def3 0460 24d9 ad3a 4775 23fc 15ab
                         8c88 0e97 e2fc b907 9836 2757 d2b0 e6e6
                         a0a2 07ad 7fe2 1c30 6250 0bf1 18e3 0c8a
                         3564 19a3 a880 6fbb 5419 ecfe 1fec d2e5
                         29b0 34bb 5aa0 dc16 0300 00cd 0c00 00c9
                         0040 c68f 6460 911c ca0c 00fd 9a5a a614
                         62f6 adf4 0e2a deaa 81b4 a363 1036 9b12
                         ffd0 7eb2 8538 1d81 83ad fd23 f42a 170c
                         b539 ca7d 6587 0976 5ea4 0472 774a eb95
                         8339 0003 0100 0100 80b7 3058 18e7 496d
                         09b3 da67 df1e aff7 94ee 10af 9feb 03d8
                         4c29 8ae3 2007 d14b a23c 0df0 27ac 9b0f
                         05da 0df6 8a13 4f17 442b 5fee 8c0b e8f8
                         d8c7 c378 ec23 7728 3be2 766a 88d5 9038
                         06cd d9c4 3714 0809 881e f517 78af b4b7
                         a690 9ec2 b357 564e 8dd4 0aba 5c68 68d6
                         ae03 c76c 153d 934f
==================End section 2=================
===================Begin section 3===============
Netscape browsing session. Success. Nothing parculiar...

17:19:56.908589 >
P 37535
                         4500 01f5 abb3 4000 3406 2ed9 cdcd 7848
                         d13a 5326 eeaf 01bb dfba 3231 8b2a 7409
                         8018 7c70 2ad9 0000 0101 080a 0363 74b9
                         035e 6ec5 1703 0001 bcda d766 969e 3c10
                         aa57 be06 8a61 5047 e75e 75a4 31c7 b865
                         d140 1058 0f78 612f 732a 3fb0 b1c9 9674
                         1c94 a4d5 6b52 ce49 4ad5 3140 dcf9 42be
                         7a3f e20e 2345 054a 8283 3f33 b71d 80b1
                         7235 5bee 9237 41e9 7bde fb59 3a79 e876
                         c796 0cd6 c0ed 608f 71ad 02d9 313b a907
                         dc2b 96bd f8ab 4787 756c 4456 1100 8639
                         6c3a 2fae 6551 a1cf 3742 eb3f 0647 ad4a
                         216e 5fed 8a21 81b9 503b a709 5f2d 545a
                         e98c 0fd2 546c 90c5 f9fb 2724 db56 84e6
                         e2e3 dd23 2472 a2e1 6f8b fcfb 9b72 0c26
                         99e3 cf8c 9329 a133 090b 2ea3 6bce dae2
                         09ac eff3 b556 1eac 2d82 2c29 8ce1 7d3f
                         7e77 8bf2 1285 a564 d598 bff2 98e0 64d1
                         8fe0 a668 fb26 f5be 47a0 c503 3f57 30bb
                         645a fee2 1363 c649 e186 9023 bb1e d0ad
                         3f32 beff eddf bb12 cd1a 6b52 6bcf 3d86
                         23f7 d690 c00c e095 d5fe fd25 b966 7195
                         7cb1 c458 7b07 cdde 7455 a5bd 804b a290
                         10ff a385 9a55 250c 993a 9c52 53d4 7f4f
                         372f 1cc3 fe41 a7eb 695d 14d6 5ce4 3f0d
                         f658 f2c8 00ee d1a1 5e24 340e 76f3 589b
                         46c9 61aa aa73 de0e fc8a 5286 e9ae b8e7
                         ee88 d1f9 188e 35c3 f183 1d6a ec87 7c5a
                         1476 af2c 6f17 137a ec1d 61f7 e30f 9af5
                         f0bc 0b2a 2752 93b0 6677 bc30 fcb1 7be8
                         cd41 9284 22d8 7726 3c78 1f59 8cc7 c1c9
                         3e7e 93ad 3e
17:19:56.955581 >
. ack 4
                         4500 0034 30a3 4000 ff06 e0a9 d13a 5326
                         cdcd 7848 01bb eeaf 8b2a 7409 dfba 33f2
                         8010 2798 f149 0000 0101 080a 035e 749e
                         0363 74b9
17:19:57.085917 >
P 449:7
                         4500 013d b697 4000 3406 24ad cdcd 7848
                         d13a 5326 eeaf 01bb dfba 33f2 8b2a 7409
                         8018 7c70 bb0a 0000 0101 080a 0363 74cf
                         035e 749e 1703 0000 5632 5c84 55b9 c6e0
                         9949 1445 b2c8 70a3 9d56 1b44 6747 29c5
                         a86e 5baa bf91 f41a f129 0903 6498 5179
                         c2e0 f4e5 018a dccb c997 3979 c9ba ca25
                         eec7 2e55 05ac 30ee 7169 232c 5800 3607
                         0f27 e3d7 2f79 86af f7df 0385 8426 a917
                         0300 0011 0ad9 50a6 0c8b b05d 5b08 4a14
                         6822 8552 8517 0300 0011 d960 7917 2e0e
                         f928 8419 7760 9193 4b5a 3717 0300 007d
                         5bf0 34e8 1b2a bd6c c73f 996a b3c7 4f69
                         429a 2d94 b27c c843 2851 1e80 e7c1 5036
                         bf88 94d0 0404 1edc 4e05 52d8 8520 3fcb
                         7c1d 2de5 8259 1e20 42df 24ab 5fb6 1df8
                         224b 7583 5e48 618a 69fc 616a e412 b2d6
                         d7bd ae0b 309d 26ad d90d 4d8e 3ae3 b3a2
                         c748 85c0 bc13 ebd1 9515 773e d5a2 360b
                         b7f5 3672 b7da 828b e4ce c5c7 6f
=======================End Section 3==========
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From: bernward halfkann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Realtek 8029 unter SUSE 6.1
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 15:11:02 +0200

Daniel Saegert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hallo zusammen,

> also ich habe folgendes Problem.
> Ich möchte auf meinem Rechner (Pentium III 500, Win98 SE + SuSE 6.1) meine
> Netzwerkkarte REALTEK 8029 zu laufen bewegen.
isa or/oder pci? What/welche kernel-options/optionen?




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