Linux-Networking Digest #596, Volume #12         Wed, 15 Sep 99 11:13:41 EDT

  Re: ISP database package needed (QuestionExchange)
  Re: Problems with second network adaptor / routing (QuestionExchange)
  Re: linux not visibile samba in iwn95 (QuestionExchange)
  Linuxfeed: New Linux site looking for help ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  How to use REdhat 5.2 to simulate a hub ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: DHCP Problems (Bo Forslund)
  Re: Can't ping my router ... network problem (Angelo Maffia)
  pppd on startup (Guillaume BRIALON)
  MTOK and Kernel 2.2.10 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Anyone using Linksys Fast Ethernet 10/100 Network in a Box ? (Sean Akers)
  Re: Help: Max No. of clients supported... (Jimmy Lio)
  Re: Using Proxy Server for caching (QuestionExchange)
  Re: DNS error (QuestionExchange)
  Re: ftp and masquerading (QuestionExchange)
  Re: Recommendation for 100Mbps Switched Ethernet hardware (Rod Smith)
  Re: Masquerading & X ??? (Rod Smith)
  dhcp config ("Ugo Bellavance")
  can't locate module lo  and  eth0 (Bo Forslund)
  Re: What does "SOHO" mean ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Dial-on-demand and time limits (Clifford Kite)
  Security ("AlienFootOdour")
  Re: ipfwadm: Out of idea ("Cowles, Steve")
  Re: Netscape´s mailboxes from Linux and Windows (QuestionExchange)
  Re: Where can I get a 3C900 NIC driver from? (QuestionExchange)
  Network Development? ("Chris Rapier")
  Telnet service on different TCP/IP port? (Mark R. Holbrook)
  How do you configure a second NIC? ("Jeff")
  Re: Mandrake and PCMCIA Config (Steve)


From: QuestionExchange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ISP database package needed
Date: 15 Sep 1999 13:23:32 GMT

We are currently investigating the interest level of creating a
fairly large scale accounting, administration, and billing
package for ISPs but wanted to get a feeler for how much
interest there is.  If you would be willing to provide your
requirements for such a package, just drop me an email at
Thanks much!
Karl Meiser
Starflag Communications
> We are looking for a Linux based ISP database/billing
package.  Any leads or
> tips will be appreciated.

  This answer is courtesy of


From: QuestionExchange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problems with second network adaptor / routing
Date: 15 Sep 1999 13:24:56 GMT

> I am using a RealTek 8029 and a RealTek 8139 adaptor in my
system running RH
> 6.0 with kernel 2.2.5. Linux fails to recogninze the second
network adaptor
> (RealTek 8139). How do i solve the problem. There are no irq
conflicts or
> other hardware problems.
To make Linux recogninzing RealTek 8139:
1. Check if you have module rtl8139 installed. Just see if
there is a file
/lib/modules/<kernel-version>/net/rtl8139.o If not, recompile
the kernel whith
2. add the following line to the file /etc/conf.modules
alias eth1 rtl8139
3. create a file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1:
IPADDR=     #your IP addres here
NETMASK=  #your netmask here
NETWORK=    #your netwotk number here
BROADCAST= #your broadcast address here
ONBOOT=yes              #if you want this interface up at boot
Thats it. Reboot and than check if eth1 is up. Just type
> I will need to route traffic from the 8029 adaptor (DHCP IP,
T1 internet
> connection) to the 8139 adaptor (Static IP, local network)
and the other way
> around. What do i need to setup in order to do this.
Here I need some additional info.
Do you have a subnet of real IP addresses or will use a subnet
of private IP addresses in you LAN? If it`s subnet of private
addresses, then you`ll have to
configure IP masquerading or install some kind of proxy server.
Good luck.

  This answer is courtesy of


From: QuestionExchange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: linux not visibile samba in iwn95
Date: 15 Sep 1999 13:25:56 GMT

Make sure you answer yes to LM Announce, and raise the
frequency to 30 if its a small network.  Also make sure your
Broadcast services are available, and that the workgroup name
matches the rest of them.
> Hello i setup my samba server on linux but not browseable in
> explorer or networkneigboorhood its able to use a share using
start ->
> run - > \\linuxname\sharename
> But i want it in networkneigoorhood pls help me and
> Thanks in advance!

  This answer is courtesy of


Subject: Linuxfeed: New Linux site looking for help
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 13:13:05 GMT

        I am part of a new Linux site called Linuxfeed. We're looking for
help in numerous areas.  If you're interested, check us out at and go into the 'jobs' section.

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Subject: How to use REdhat 5.2 to simulate a hub
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 12:36:26 GMT

Hello, I am new to linux and networking. I would
like to use Redhat 5.2 with two ethernet cards to
emulate a HUB, and as a server. The problem is
that I can not use the same subnet for both cards.
With different subnet to each workstatinos, I can
only doing file sharing, using static route. I
can not play network games, or anything than do
not let me to choose an IP address.

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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: Bo Forslund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: DHCP Problems
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 15:20:35 +0200

I also had problems with pumpsimilar to yours the first time I installed
6.0.  The last time I tried the latest version of pumt and it worked.

But there is another problem with pump.  One shall get the same ip number
the next time one gets online.  With pump one always get an ip number
randomly. It was the same with the earleier dhspcd.  The latest dhcpc gives
the same ip number as the last time.

If you will get the same ip number depends on how long leasing times your
ISP's dhcp server have.  1 day, 1 week or whatever.

I suggest that you get the latest dhcpcd and make changes it the proper
startscripts in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/.   Change pump ta say

Below is the changes that I made.  It wasn't yesterday i did it so I might
have forgotten something.  Tell if it doesn't work, then I'll take a closer
look into my netscripts.


This is my ifup around line 104 and onward

elif [ -n "$DHCP" ]; then
    echo -n "Determining IP information for $DEVICE using dhcpcd..."
    /sbin/dhcpcd -c /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifdhcpc-done ${DEVICE}
    echo "echo \$$ > /var/run/dhcp-wait-${DEVICE}.pid; exec sleep 30" | sh

    if [ ! -f /var/run/dhcp-wait-${DEVICE}.pid ]; then
 echo "failed."
 exit 1

And here is my ifdown around line 62 and onwards

#  This is RedHat-6.0 original.  The lines below uses dhcpcd
#  for dhcp connections and pump for bootp connections
#if [ "$BOOTPROTO" = bootp -o "$BOOTPROTO" = dhcp ]; then
# pump -r -i ${DEVICE}

if [ "$BOOTPROTO" = bootp ]; then
 pump -r -i ${DEVICE}

if [ "$BOOTPROTO" = dhcp -a $ISALIAS = no ]; then
    if [ -f /var/run/dhcpcd-${DEVICE}.pid ]; then
 kill `cat /var/run/dhcpcd-${DEVICE}.pid`
 rm -f /var/run/dhcpcd-${DEVICE}.pid
 exit 0


From: Angelo Maffia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can't ping my router ... network problem
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 15:06:36 +0200

1) Have all subnet-attached devices same subnet mask?
2) Have you setted the gateway under Linux?

In the lab where i work, we have a Linux-PC Router connected to two different subnets 
(netmask fffffff0), and all works fine.
 I hope to help you.


Knut I Foshaug wrote:

> Get this !
> A 586 PC ( that was running windows98 with networking up and running ) has now got 
>RedHat 6.0 installed. All went fine except from a small detail.. After setting the 
>subnetmask (0xffffffc0), Ip adress (x.x.x.207), the linux system could ping all PC on 
>the local net, but could not ping the router ( which of chourse has an IP adress : 
>x.x.x.193 on the same subnet as all PCs.)
> I really thought that since  neighbour PCs  ( IP x.x.x.206  and x.x.x.208 ) could 
>reach the router, the linux system with (x.x.x.207) should be able to.
> The pc has a network card called 3C509B from 3com , but it should be in tier 1 ..
> As I mentioned it ran fine under win98
> Can somebody help on this
> -k
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Knut Ivar Foshaug
> Presens AS,   Email: knut(at)presens(dot)nl(dot)no
> Teknologiveien 12  Tel: 76967310 (*7312 dir.innv)
> PostBoks 373,   Fax: 76967319
> 8500 NARVIK   Mob: 91646549
> -----------------------------------------------------


Subject: pppd on startup
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 13:07:46 +0000

Hi gurus,

We have a suse 6.0 box with kernel 2.2.5 and pppd compiled into the
This box is the masquerader for our LAN.
So pppd is run on startup, in script /sbin/init.d/rc2.d/S50ppp and with
options demand and idle.
The problem is that it does not launch correctly, and we have to run the
script manually after boot for a correct work.
Here is a part of /var/log/messages :

Sep 15 08:17:27 jorasses modprobe: can't locate module ppp0
Sep 15 08:17:27 jorasses pppd[241]: Failed to open /dev/ttyS0: Device or
resource busy(16)
Sep 15 08:17:27 jorasses pppd[241]: This system lacks kernel support for
PPP.  This could be because the PPP kernel module is not loaded, or
because the kernel is not configured for PPP.  See the README.linux file
in the ppp-2.3.5 distribution.

We can't figure which part of boot process is involved in logging the
modprobe error message.
(furthermore, ppp kernel support is not compiled as a module!)
Why does /dev/ttyS0 is busy at boot time?

We think that it exists a problem with such a startup sequence.

Can U help?


Subject: MTOK and Kernel 2.2.10
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 12:53:52 GMT

I have a Madge Smart 16/4 PCI Mk2 to get to work under Kernel 2.2.10
The original Madge driver doesn't work under that Kernel Version.
I downloaded the driver source from

The README in the source describes how to compile a new version.
If I do exactly what is said, I get a whole bunch of errors:

/usr/lib/asm/pgtable.h:408: 'PAGE_OFFSET_RAW' undeclared

I have no idea at all what I can do to fix it. Is anybody out there
who knows how to fix it?

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sean Akers)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Anyone using Linksys Fast Ethernet 10/100 Network in a Box ?
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:11:55 +0100

I've just discovered a local PC shop selling the 'Linksys Fast Ethernet 
10/100 Network in a Box' product for what seems like a very reasonable 
price. It says on the box that it is Linux compatible. 

Are any of you Linux users out there using one of these ? If so, what are 
your thoughts ? I am thinking of getting one of these (plus a third 
network card) for my home network which is currently running using old 
3Com 3C503 ISA cards. My network consists of one Linux server, one W98 
machine and one multi-boot W98, NT4, Linux machine. 


Sean Akers. 


From: Jimmy Lio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help: Max No. of clients supported...
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 20:10:51 +0800

> Yes IT can but changing the structure of net will be better e.g. serwer net
> on 100MB connected to the switch with 10MB (about 1000USD) , the dual
> processor mainboard with more RAM etc., in my network the main serwer has
> 256MB RAM Dual PII 450, SCSI II with 200 clients and works pretty fast.

Thanks a lot for your suggestions...

What other servers are running on your server in addition to the Samba server?
Do your clients do I/O on the server very often?  The coaxial cables in school
is giving us lots of headache because they're pretty old and the connections
seem to be rather loose... still thinking of a way to get around it.



From: QuestionExchange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Using Proxy Server for caching
Date: 15 Sep 1999 13:25:10 GMT

The finest cacheing proxy server available for linux (for web
cache's) would be Squid.  Just search on for it.
I would reccomend you also get socks for other apps, Dante
usually works well (Also at freshmeat)
> Hello forum,
> I going to set up a linux box as a proxy server, between my
ISP and a
> local network. Due to the slow connection to the ISP I would
like to
> have a caching system for the clients within the local
> I know that a proxy server can be used for caching. Do you
have any
> recommendations, regarding to a special product, or can I use
just every
> proxy server, like SOCKS etc., which are available.
> Is there maybe a smarter solution for solving my problem?
> Thanks for any comments
> Carl
> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.

  This answer is courtesy of


From: QuestionExchange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: DNS error
Date: 15 Sep 1999 13:25:45 GMT

> I am running RedHat 5.2 as a primary dns server and I get
this error when i
> type nslookup
> Can't find server name for address server failed
> Default servers are not available
It looks like a problem with your DNS zone.
Check in the log files if name server loads zone. If it does
not, try to fix the error.
Generaly, BIND gives out SERVFAIL responses only in cases when
DNS zone is
not loaded or has expired.
Probably, I`ll be able to give more helpful advise after seeng
your log files.
Good luck.

  This answer is courtesy of


From: QuestionExchange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ftp and masquerading
Date: 15 Sep 1999 13:25:24 GMT

> I have a problem with ftp. I have a linux router for the
local net.
> The router does masquerade and uses ipchains for firewalling.
> Now I want to ftp from my Windows-Client to the webserver.
> Getting files is no problem, but if I want to put files to
the server.
> The ftp-client says the file is sent, but then hangs.
> And on the webserver there is a file with size 0.
> If I put the file from the router with ncftp there is no
Sounds like you haven't got the ftp masquerading module loaded
in your kernel.  Try typing
 insmod ip_masq_ftp
If that works, you can put that line in rc.local or compile the
module into your kernel.

  This answer is courtesy of


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Smith)
Subject: Re: Recommendation for 100Mbps Switched Ethernet hardware
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:08:30 GMT

In article <NpED3.355$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Bryan <Bryan@[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> In comp.os.linux.networking David C. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>: Yep.  You can get cheap 4-port unmanaged switches for around $100.
> -switches- or dual speed (dual segment) repeated hubs?
> cheapest I've seen is the bay unit (something '104' as the model #) for
> about $165.
> if there's truly a 10/100 switch for $100, I'd like to know!


As near as I can tell from Linksys's web site, this is a true switch, but
it's conceivable that Linksys is hiding something in the fine print. 
(It's the Linksys EtherFast 5-port switch, model EZXS55W.)  The price at
Buycomp is $93.95.

The last time I checked, Buycomp also had a 4-port switch for about the
same price, but now I can only find it for $137.95.  (Buycomp's prices do
tend to bounce around a lot.)

Rod Smith
Author of _Special Edition Using Corel WordPerfect 8 for Linux_, from Que


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Smith)
Subject: Re: Masquerading & X ???
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:10:50 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Stefan Schagerberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Sure, you only need an ssh client on the windows box. You can find one (free)
> at
> But for a windows machine you also need an X server like Exceed, Xwin-32 or so
> There is a free one called MI-X (I believe) but it's not so fancy.

The combination of Windows SSH clients and Windows X servers I've tried
don't seem to forward X connections.  Is this a general characteristic
under Windows, or have I just been unlucky in my selection of Windows SSH
clients or X servers?

Rod Smith
Author of _Special Edition Using Corel WordPerfect 8 for Linux_, from Que


From: "Ugo Bellavance" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: dhcp config
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 08:51:45 +0200

I am with videotron cable modem, I have a smc ultra compatible card, which I
installed properly, but i cannot get my ip by dhcp.  When i run the dhcp
daemon, it says that it cannot find the dhcp.config file.  Please help me if
you can... thanks


Reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or on ICQ

 Ugo Bellavance

If you have ICQ you can message me. My ICQ# : 20627131


From: Bo Forslund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: can't locate module lo  and  eth0
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:46:44 +0200

I get this in /var/log/message using kernel-2.2.12.  Actually i have got
theese messages since i started using 2.2 kernels somewhere around
version 2.2.3.

Sep 12 12:38:37 chris modprobe: can't locate module lo:1
Sep 12 12:38:37 chris modprobe: can't locate module lo:2
... <snip> ...
Sep 12 12:38:39 chris modprobe: can't locate module lo:49
... <snip> ...
Sep 12 12:38:40 chris modprobe: can't locate module eth0:0
Sep 12 12:38:40 chris modprobe: can't locate module eth0:1
... <snip> ...
Sep 12 12:38:42 chris modprobe: can't locate module eth0:49

Everything works, so actually it is no bigger deal.  I just want to get
rid of the messages.  Something must be a little wrong.

I said Y to ehternet not M when I compiled the kernel.  And lo must be
there by default I guess.  I have never touched anything about lo.



Subject: Re: What does "SOHO" mean
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 13:59:48 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> I just bought a SOHO Hub, I'm beginning to
> gather that the term "SOHO" means something.
> What is it?
> Thanks
> Jason
Small Office \ Home Office

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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: (Clifford Kite)
Subject: Re: Dial-on-demand and time limits
Date: 15 Sep 1999 06:20:54 -0500

Linux_User ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Every 480.1 min. my connection is dropped (it connects immediately
> back). I just want to know if this is a time limit built in the pppd daemon
> or it is my ISP limiting my connect time.

Your ISP kicks you off after 8 hours..

Clifford Kite <>                    Not a guru. (tm)
/* Better is the enemy of good enough. */


From: "AlienFootOdour" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Security
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 21:34:09 +1000


From: "Cowles, Steve" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ipfwadm: Out of idea
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 06:36:24 -0500


See my reply below

Steve Cowles
SWCowles at gte dot net

Benny HU <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:7rnde5$qjk$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hi all,
> I can not get IP masquerade to work and have read almost every related
> article. Please help.
> Our network has a router (The setting of router is working fine) for
> dial up and I tried to setup IP masquerade on my linux box. I'm running
> Redhat 5.2 with 2 network card. One connect to local network and the
> other one connect to a small hub. The router is connected to the small
> hub too.
> Router address: 203.XX.XX.1
> Linux Box eth1: 203.XX.XX.2
> Linux Box eth0:
> Kernel IP routing table
> Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use
> Iface
>     *        U     0      0       14
> eth0
> 203.XX.XX.0     *        U     0      0        4
> eth1
>       *            U     0      0        8
> lo
> default         203.XX.XX.1         UG    0
> 0       46 eth1

Looks correct based on above information

> IP firewall forward rules, default policy: accept
> type  prot source               destination          ports
> acc/m all       anywhere             n/a

It's been a long time since I have used ipfwadm (I use ipchains), but the above looks
correct... accept/masq from network address destination anywhere. 
your default policy should be deny.

> I have also set all rules to accept but it doesn't help.
> I have setup WIN95 client for both DNS (I have setup DNS
> forwarder and it works)& Gateway. I couldn't ping outside from WIN95
> client.

Can you ping the internal address of your linux box from the windows box? If I 
the above paragraph, you have set the default route of your windows box to

> Should I be able to ping outside even IP masquerade doesn't work, right?

Not necessarily,
If IP_FORWARDING is enabled (without ipmasq setup), you should be able to ping the
external interface of your linux box ONLY (from your windows box), not anything past 

If IP_FORWARDING is NOT enabled you would not be able to ping the external interface of
your linux box (from your windows box). Obviously, ipmasq rules would not work too...

Once you enable ip masq rules (as you did above) along with enabling IP_FORWARDING, you
will be able to ping a registered IP address on the internet from your windows box.

BTW: Have you enabled IP_FORWARDING ? Without this setting turned on, linux TCP/IP 
will NOT forward a packet of data from eth0 to eth1. To enable IP_FORWARDING do the

echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

You should now be able to ping an outside address from your windows box. On Redhat 5.2,
edit the following file to have the above command executed at system startup.

1) edit /etc/sysconfig/network
2) change the line within this file from

> Is there any debugging tools I can use to solve this problem or is there
> any good suggestion (other than upgrade to use ipchains)?

I use "tcpdump"

> Thanks in advance.
> --
> Benny
> -
> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: QuestionExchange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Netscape´s mailboxes from Linux and Windows
Date: 15 Sep 1999 13:25:34 GMT

> Hi,
> Can You think of possibilities to share Netscape´s mailboxes
> Windows and Linux ? I found the general problem is that Linux
> cannot write to a Windows partition (only root can). The
mailboxes have
> to be located on the Windows partition, because else, Windows
can´t see
> them.
If you can lay your hands on another server or your ISP/network
admin supports it, the best option would be to use IMAP instead
of POP3.  The messages and folders are stored on the server,
and your imap client (Netscape Mail) downloads the headers, and
bodies as you read them.  If it's an option I'd suggest looking
If, however, you're on a stand-alone system you can try
mounting your windows partition with write permissions to all
users.  Assuming it's hda1 your /etc/fstab file could be
written as such
/dev/hda1  /dos  vfat  noexec,nodev,nosuid,rw,umask=0  1  1

  This answer is courtesy of


From: QuestionExchange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Where can I get a 3C900 NIC driver from?
Date: 15 Sep 1999 13:26:7 GMT

Use the kernel driver, and install "3c59X" driver, or do insmod
-n 3c59x.o
I personally reccomend a kernel install for that one.
> When I installed Mandrake 6.0 on my computer, I skipped the
installation of
> my network card. Now I want to install it. Windows tells me
that it is a
> "3Com EtherLink XL COMBO 10Mb Ethernet NIC (3C900-COMBO)".
After reading the
> ethernet HOWTO, it seems like I have to recompile my kernel,
and add the NIC
> (as a module?). But I noticed that there is not an ethernet
module in the
> /lib directory called 3C900, or 3C905. Where can I download
this driver
> from? I tried the place listed in the HOWTO, but I got a
permission denied
> error. Is the 900 the same as the 905?
> Thanks in advance,
>  JW

  This answer is courtesy of


From: "Chris Rapier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Network Development?
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 09:57:53 -0400

I work with a network research group and we've been discussing incorporating
some of our results into a linux kernel and tcp/ip stack
( Since we've little experience in linux, most of
our work is developed under NetBSD, I've been looking for appropriate
mailing lists and resources. I was hoping someone here might be able to
point me in the right direction.


Chris Rapier

Network Programmer / Lacky
NLANR Engineering Services
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark R. Holbrook)
Subject: Telnet service on different TCP/IP port?
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 13:30:28 GMT


I will be setting up a Redhat 6.0 Linux box within our LAN.  Because
of requirements of other programs running on the LAN I cannot use the
standard TCP/IP port assigned to Telnet.

How can I change the Linux Telnet service to listen on a different
port for logins?

Thanks in advance!



From: "Jeff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: How do you configure a second NIC?
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 09:40:07 -0500


I am a newbie to Linux, but I am fairly knowledgeable with other
networks(NT/98/Cisco).  I am running RH 6.0 with GNU as my window manager.
I have successfully configured one NIC.  Everything works on it.

I have a second identical NIC installed in my PC.  How do add it to my Linux
configuration and configure separate settings for it?

I am going to make this box a firewall.  My first NIC uses DHCP and is
connected to the Internet via a cable modem.  The second NIC needs to have a
static IP address and connect to my internal network.

I appreciate any help that you can offer.

Jeff Hall


Subject: Re: Mandrake and PCMCIA Config
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:01:40 GMT

Found this message by a search in Deja, Did you ever get an answer?

I have the same Linux and netcard.  I have gotten it to work (albiet
flakely) with the tulip driver and 3c59X driver. Did you find a driver
that works better?

One other thing I noticed is that the init scripts loads the eth0 device
first THEN PCMCIA, by reversing them I can get the card to respond.  I
get a lot of errors though and trouble connecting.

Email is appreciated.


  "R. W. Eckhoff, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> New to Linux and Unix ...
>  Running RH Mandrake 6 with a multi-function 3COM 3CCFEM556B PCMCIA
> After reviewing the NET-3, PCMCIA, and ETHERNET how-to - it appears
> this card is supported via the 2c574_cs module.
> I am able to successfully make a ppp connection via kppp without
incident -
> however - the NIC side will not work.  If connected to my 10 mbit LAN
> home - I get a solid green light.  At work on my 100 mbit LAN - a
> green.  Either way - I can't even ping.  ifconfig, linuxconf and
netcfg all
> report activated.
> Mandrake's help has been unhelpful.
>  Is anyone else using this card?
>  What am I doing wrong?
>  Any and all help is appreciated.
>  Thanks,
>  Bob

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End of Linux-Networking Digest

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