Linux-Networking Digest #614, Volume #12         Thu, 16 Sep 99 21:13:44 EDT

  Re: Mail relay issue (Raymonds Doetjes)
  Re: Ipchains, Firewall, Too much! ("Dee")
  Re: Problem with log-in on NT RAS (Michael Saunders)
  tcpdump stealing packets? (Thomas M. Sasala)
  New commer needs help on ppp (Uwe Simons)
  Re: Linux, NFS, and SAMBA ("James Puttick")
  Re: Anyone using Linksys Fast Ethernet 10/100 Network in a Box ? (Jose Otero)
  isdn4linux for RH 6.0 ("José Alfonso Gómez Martín")
  Re: fwtk http-gw problems with linux-2.2.9 (Mandrake 6) (Tim Wood)
  Can't see files on NFS mount RedHat6->HP-UX (Stephen Walton)
  Slip Overruns (Rainer Canavan)
  Re: Newbie linux installation via NFS ("Blacka")
  Re: How can I connect 10Base2 and 10BaseT machines? ("kozmos")
  IP Forwarding based on hostname ("eb")
  Re: Connecting to isp with linux, letting windows connect through linux (Todd Graham)
  exim question (Michael Powe)


From: Raymonds Doetjes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.mail.sendmail
Subject: Re: Mail relay issue
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 20:37:18 +0200

Why all the fuzz?Yuo use as a fictive domainname. But you
have a registered domainname called mediaone. Then just change the whole

You only need to change the DM line in /etc/ into: (this makes sure that you get [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead

Now you have solved the problem that your clients don't need to change
their domains, since the are the local domain sendmail will deliver
directly and when they send to the outside world they have the right
domainname [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Its simple logic, since you are on the net but also internal
in your company eventhough your clients may not be connected to the
outside world on registered ip addresses.


YouDontKnowWho wrote:

> I'm finding setting up sendmail extremely confusing (no news there,
> I'm sure).  Could someone please help me out with the following?
> We want MAIN.SYSTEM.NET to be our mail hub.  All our users have an
> account there, but they run Windows machines and want to send and
> receive mail via their own machines.
> We have already figured out receiving mail.  We use fetchmail for each
> user.  fetchmail goes out, gets each user's mail from their ISP
> accounts, and hands it to sendmail for delivery to the corresponding
> accounts on MAIN.SYSTEM.NET.  The users then use their Windows clients
> to retrieve their mail from MAIN.SYSTEM.NET using POP3.  So far, so
> good.
> Sending we can't figure out (hence this message).  We need two types
> of routing/relaying.
> 1.  Mail sent to users within the domain simply gets distributed as if
> it was sent from the mail hub.  So, from John Doe's Windows machine,
> set with a REPLY TO of [EMAIL PROTECTED] and a SENT TO of
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], the e-mail is handed to sendmail, which
> replaces [EMAIL PROTECTED] with [EMAIL PROTECTED] and puts it in
> kookoo's mailbox.  We want to replace the REPLY TO so that, when
> kookoo replies, the reply is routed only through our domain, instead
> of it having to make the trip to MediaOne and back.
> 2.  Mail sent to users outside of the domain gets forwarded to the
> MediaOne SMTP server with the REPLY TO of [EMAIL PROTECTED] intact, so
> people can reply to it.
> I hope this is clearly explained.  How can we accomplish this?
> Thanks!
> --
> Principle of Minimum Access: "That which is not explicitly permitted
> is denied."
> ANNOUNCER: And now we return to our regularly scheduled, uncommonly
> entertaining thread...


Subject: Re: Ipchains, Firewall, Too much!
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 12:06:15 -0700

I would love to know how to accomplish this also.

jkrainak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Redhat 6.0:
> Well, I have read a number of different articles regarding setting up a
> Linux box as a firewall and I think I have read too much!  Now I'm just
> confused.  I understand the Ipchains functionality but am more confused on
> the basic issue of setting up my 2 nics.  I'm trying to find an article
> on "Getting your Linux Box Ready to Use Ipchains".  I have the NICS in,
> and they are both IP addressed - they can ping each other, they can ping
> the router, and my other workstations can ping both of them.  Using the
> Linuxconf tool in X, I "enabled routing" on the machine.  I believe this
> is working because I pointed one of my other workstations to it as it's
> default gateway and was able to reach the internet.
> Near as I can tell I need to make the internal network card (eth0) use the
> external network card as it's gateway.  How do I do this?  And, I need to
> use my router (CISCO 2524) as the gateway for my external network card
> (eth1).
> I apologize if this post is jumbled - thanks for any help and if anyone
> has a great link to this kind of information I would appreciate it.  I
> have read the howtos and they are great, but tend to provide maybe too
> much information!
> Thanks again
> ------------------  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ------------------


From: Michael Saunders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problem with log-in on NT RAS
Date: 16 Sep 1999 17:15:02 -0600

Clifford Kite <> wrote:

: The server may not be a domain controller, in which case from the pppd
: source packages README.MSCHAP80:


Thanks for the help, Clifford!  I'll give your tips a shot tonight.



From: Thomas M. Sasala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: tcpdump stealing packets?
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 19:13:05 GMT

        I'm experiencing a very odd problem using
tcpdump.  Last night I setup tcpdump to capture all
ip and icmp packets that arrive at my home PC.
I went to work this morning and tried to access the
computer via the net.  No matter what I did I couldn't
get a response (ping, netscape, traceroute, telnet).
When I got home, tcpdump showed no network activity for
the last 20 hours.  It had only captured 4 packets - they
arrived within minutes of my starting tcpdump.  Nothing

I killed tcpdump and instantly I could access my
home computer from the internet.  Now here's the
strange part.  I ran tcpdump again and tried to
access the computer.  This time I got no response
from Apache, but all my requests showed up in the
tcpdump log file.  Once I killed tcpdump again everything
worked fine.

        This is what I have:

        RH 6.0, Kernel 2.2.10, Custom build
        3Com 3C590 Ethernet card

        tcpdump -i eth0 ip or icmp > tcpdump.990915

        Has anyone ever seen anything like this before?

** Send all important email to:
** sasala at pop dot dn dot net

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: Uwe Simons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: New commer needs help on ppp
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 00:43:56 +0200

After hard working I managed to get my ppp working , but not very long!
The enviroment:
Suse linux 6.0
The pppdaemon is running untill the var/log/mess... says:

(THE imprtend lines are at the bottom!!)

Can anybody help me ? I don't have any clue.

Sep 17 00:08:32 schatzi chat[570]: CONNECT
Sep 17 00:08:32 schatzi chat[570]:  -- got it 
Sep 17 00:08:32 schatzi chat[570]: send (^M)
Sep 17 00:08:32 schatzi pppd[569]: Serial connection established.
Sep 17 00:08:42 schatzi kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set flags to 10000
Sep 17 00:08:42 schatzi kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: get flags: addr bffff638
flags 0
Sep 17 00:08:42 schatzi kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set flags to 10000
Sep 17 00:08:42 schatzi pppd[569]: Using interface ppp0
Sep 17 00:08:42 schatzi pppd[569]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/modem
Sep 17 00:08:42 schatzi pppd[569]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <magic
Sep 17 00:08:42 schatzi kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set xasyncmap
Sep 17 00:08:42 schatzi kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set xmit asyncmap
Sep 17 00:08:42 schatzi kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: get flags: addr bffff5d8
flags 0
Sep 17 00:08:42 schatzi kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set flags to 10000
Sep 17 00:08:42 schatzi kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set mru to 5dc
Sep 17 00:08:42 schatzi kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set rcv asyncmap ffffffff
Sep 17 00:08:42 schatzi kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: get flags: addr bffff5ec
flags 0
Sep 17 00:08:42 schatzi kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set flags to 10010
Sep 17 00:08:42 schatzi kernel: ppp_dev_xmit_lower: fcs is 4e73
Sep 17 00:08:42 schatzi kernel: ppp_dev_xmit: writing 27 chars
Sep 17 00:08:45 schatzi pppd[569]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <magic
Sep 17 00:08:45 schatzi kernel: ppp_dev_xmit_lower: fcs is 4e73
Sep 17 00:08:45 schatzi kernel: ppp_dev_xmit: writing 27 chars
Sep 17 00:08:45 schatzi kernel: ppp_tty_read: called buf=08066720
Sep 17 00:08:45 schatzi kernel: ppp_tty_read: no data (EAGAIN)
Sep 17 00:08:48 schatzi pppd[569]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <magic
Sep 17 00:08:48 schatzi kernel: ppp_dev_xmit_lower: fcs is 4e73
Sep 17 00:08:48 schatzi kernel: ppp_dev_xmit: writing 27 chars
Sep 17 00:08:48 schatzi kernel: ppp_tty_read: called buf=08066720
Sep 17 00:08:48 schatzi kernel: ppp_tty_read: no data (EAGAIN)
Sep 17 00:08:51 schatzi pppd[569]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <magic
Sep 17 00:08:51 schatzi kernel: ppp_dev_xmit_lower: fcs is 4e73
Sep 17 00:08:51 schatzi kernel: ppp_dev_xmit: writing 27 chars
Sep 17 00:08:51 schatzi kernel: ppp_tty_read: called buf=08066720
Sep 17 00:08:51 schatzi kernel: ppp_tty_read: no data (EAGAIN)
Sep 17 00:08:54 schatzi pppd[569]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <magic
Sep 17 00:08:54 schatzi kernel: ppp_dev_xmit_lower: fcs is 4e73
Sep 17 00:08:54 schatzi kernel: ppp_dev_xmit: writing 27 chars
Sep 17 00:08:54 schatzi kernel: ppp_tty_read: called buf=08066720
Sep 17 00:08:54 schatzi kernel: ppp_tty_read: no data (EAGAIN)
Sep 17 00:08:57 schatzi pppd[569]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <magic
Sep 17 00:08:57 schatzi kernel: ppp_dev_xmit_lower: fcs is 4e73
Sep 17 00:08:57 schatzi kernel: ppp_dev_xmit: writing 27 chars
Sep 17 00:08:57 schatzi kernel: ppp_tty_read: called buf=08066720
Sep 17 00:08:57 schatzi kernel: ppp_tty_read: no data (EAGAIN)
Sep 17 00:09:00 schatzi pppd[569]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <magic
Sep 17 00:09:00 schatzi kernel: ppp_dev_xmit_lower: fcs is 4e73
Sep 17 00:09:00 schatzi kernel: ppp_dev_xmit: writing 27 chars
Sep 17 00:09:00 schatzi kernel: ppp_tty_read: called buf=08066720
Sep 17 00:09:00 schatzi kernel: ppp_tty_read: no data (EAGAIN)
Sep 17 00:09:03 schatzi pppd[569]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <magic
Sep 17 00:09:03 schatzi kernel: ppp_dev_xmit_lower: fcs is 4e73
Sep 17 00:09:03 schatzi kernel: ppp_dev_xmit: writing 27 chars
Sep 17 00:09:03 schatzi kernel: ppp_tty_read: called buf=08066720
Sep 17 00:09:03 schatzi kernel: ppp_tty_read: no data (EAGAIN)
Sep 17 00:09:06 schatzi pppd[569]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <magic
Sep 17 00:09:06 schatzi kernel: ppp_dev_xmit_lower: fcs is 4e73
Sep 17 00:09:06 schatzi kernel: ppp_dev_xmit: writing 27 chars
Sep 17 00:09:06 schatzi kernel: ppp_tty_read: called buf=08066720
Sep 17 00:09:06 schatzi kernel: ppp_tty_read: no data (EAGAIN)
Sep 17 00:09:09 schatzi pppd[569]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <magic
Sep 17 00:09:09 schatzi kernel: ppp_dev_xmit_lower: fcs is 4e73
Sep 17 00:09:09 schatzi kernel: ppp_dev_xmit: writing 27 chars
Sep 17 00:09:09 schatzi kernel: ppp_tty_read: called buf=08066720
Sep 17 00:09:09 schatzi kernel: ppp_tty_read: no data (EAGAIN)
Sep 17 00:09:12 schatzi kernel: ppp_tty_read: called buf=08066720
Sep 17 00:09:12 schatzi kernel: ppp_tty_read: no data (EAGAIN)
Sep 17 00:09:12 schatzi pppd[569]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Sep 17 00:09:12 schatzi pppd[569]: Connection terminated.
Sep 17 00:09:12 schatzi pppd[569]: Receive serial link is not 8-bit
Sep 17 00:09:12 schatzi pppd[569]: Problem: all had bit 7 set to 0
Sep 17 00:09:12 schatzi kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: get flags: addr bffff64c
flags d000010
Sep 17 00:10:02 schatzi kernel: ppp: channel ppp0 closing.
Sep 17 00:10:02 schatzi pppd[569]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Sep 17 00:10:03 schatzi pppd[569]: Exit.


From: "James Puttick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux, NFS, and SAMBA
Date: 16 Sep 1999 20:12:23 GMT

I give up. What's the secret? :-)

Our Linux machine has an NT share mounted at, say,

The Linux machine has "/mnt/server/dir1" exported, which is mounted by the
HP-UX system, at (say) "/mnt/linux".

When I log onto the HP system, I can do the usual stuff (create, delete,
look at files; create & delete directories) for stuff under "/mnt/linux".
All is well. However, if I try to do anything with "/mnt/linux/export"
(which maps to the NT server), I get weird errors. An "ls -l" will complain
about particular files not being found. If I try to "ls -l" for a
particular directory which does exist, I sometimes get complaints about the
directory not existing; sometimes it says the directory is okay, but spits
out the error "<file> not found" for each file in the directory.

Similar results happen if Linux re-exports the actual NT mount point,
rather than a parent directory.

There are no errors reported in the SAMBA logs. NFS (on Linux) is logging
some very cryptic error messages.

Do you have any suggestions?

-- James

Raymonds Doetjes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
> Yes this is possible you can build a transparant NFS<->SMB gateway with
> (or infact with any other Unix system).
> SambA runs also on HP-UX. Small suggestion the HP-US versions <10 are not
> completly millinium proof. Patches should also come out but upgrading is
> recommended.
> Raymond
> James Puttick wrote:
> > We have 3 computer systems: an old HP-UX (Unix) system (HP-UX version
> > a WinNT v3.51 system, and a Linux system (Red Hat release 5.2).
> > is running TCP/IP.
> >
> > We have some NT shares mounted by the Linux system (via SAMBA).
> >
> > We have some directories on the Linux system mounted by the HP-UX
> > (via NFS).
> >
> > Question: Is it possible to do a "double-redirection", so that the
> > system can mount a Linux file system, which is actually a WinNT share?
> > have tried several things, but have not got it to work properly.


From: Jose Otero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Anyone using Linksys Fast Ethernet 10/100 Network in a Box ?
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 17:01:09 -0700


> I had LinkSys cards in all my windows boxes. I tried getting the
> linksys cards to work in RedHat6 and Slackware4 and was unsuccessful.
> I think the decision is better determined by knowing if you are a linux
> newbie or a guru. I am more a newbie so recompiling kernels or modules
> seemed over my skills.
> AND I noticed a considerable speed increase on my game servers with the
> 3COM cards over the linksys cards (10% - 20%)
> hope this info is of use
> Andy

I would have to agree, although I have tried recompiling the kernel and
have not had any luck.  I tried the card in windows and it worked okay,
although every two mins or so, windows "locked" up for about 3 secs and
then resumed.  (i.e. mouse, screen refresh, everything would just hang)
It may be my card.  I also have a 3Com card, and although expensive they
seem to run faster and cleaner.

If anyone has got there Linksys card to work (the one with wake up on LAN
support) please write me with some info.  Also, although I am doing this
backwards, has anyone networked linux through windows running a proxy



From: "José Alfonso Gómez Martín" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: isdn4linux for RH 6.0
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 18:03:32 +0200

Hi guys

    I am currently using RH 6.0, where can I get isdn4linux ? I don't
know why but it is not included in this distribution.

    Can you help me ?


From: Tim Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: fwtk http-gw problems with linux-2.2.9 (Mandrake 6)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 17:08:10 -0700

barfoo wrote:
> To solve the problem, modify the code of http-gw to always send HTTP/1.0
> when forwarding HTTTP requests
> (for example, edit process_request() and check if the proto is http, if so,
> make it "HTTP/1.0")

Actually, I'm looking for any insight into http-gw to support either
HTTP 1.1 or 1.0 with keepalive, to improve performance.  Has anyone
gotten this to work?

Thanks in advance.

Tim Wood


From: Stephen Walton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Can't see files on NFS mount RedHat6->HP-UX
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 13:26:00 -0700

I have spent too many hours on this, so I hope someone can help.  I'm
exporting the CD-ROM on a Linux box (call it "rh" since it runs RedHat
6) to an HP-UX system ("hp") and a Caldera 1.0 486 ("caldera"). 
"caldera" can mount and read the "rh" /cdrom just fine.  If I "mount
rh:/cdrom /cdrom2" on "hp", it succeeds, as in there are no errors on
"hp" and /var/log/messages on "rh" reports a successful mount.  But I
can't see anything;  "ls /cdrom2" on "hp" returns nothing (no error, but
also no files).  The same setup worked fine when "rh" was at RedHat 5.2.

Worse yet, even after "unmount /cdrom2" on "hp", I can't "unmount
/cdrom" on "rh" unless I shut down the daemons first with
"/etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs stop", as if nfsd still had a lock on rh:/cdrom
even after the unmount on hp.

Are these known problems?  Are there fixes?  Should I drop back to RH

Stephen Walton, Professor, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Cal State


From: Rainer Canavan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Slip Overruns
Date: 16 Sep 1999 23:43:46 GMT


for now i have no cable to connect the ethernet port of my sparcbook,
so i'm using a slip connection to my PC running Linux. 

Now if i run ifconfig sl0, there's an alarming rate of TX and
RX overruns, and i just can't believe that. I looked in dejaNews,
and people suggested in the past, that this were the just an indicator 
for compressed headers. Is that true? I also believe that
the performance is pretty bad - i get only around 2k/s 
on a 38400bps link so this would be an indicator for some overruns...
I have the MTU the same on both sides. What more is there to do.
Oh, yes the SparcBook runs Solaris 2.5.1, if that matters.

          RX packets:396627 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:96006 frame:0
          TX packets:174520 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:124451 carrier:0

Rainer M. Canavan


From: "Blacka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Newbie linux installation via NFS
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 17:18:26 -0700

Thanks for your help, my hardware is coming by the weekend, so then I will
try it, i hope it works,. then I will continue building my knowledge of
linux until I am good enoguh to answer questions like you guys.

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Blacka wrote:
> > Ok, I just bought a Pentium 90 with the intent of installing linux on
it. I
> > am trying to learn linux on this box. It doesnt have a cd rom however,
> > it has a network card. I was planning installing it via NFS, using my
> > machine which has a cdrom drive. Problem :The network card won't load in
> > (it's running a slim version of DOS 6.22).
> >
> > My question is : Since DOS won't load the driver, when I try installing
> > Linux via NFS, will linux recognise the Network card and start the
> > installation or will it fail?? The network card works fine, its just
> > the driver won't load in DOS.
> >
> > Thanks Much
> > Orrin Jolly
> If you are using a distribution that allows an install over nfs and has
> for your nic then everything should work. I've had it work with slackware
> redhat that way.


From: "kozmos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How can I connect 10Base2 and 10BaseT machines?
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 22:34:45 +0200


The best thing you do is to get all computers on 10baseT and buy 8-port hub.
It will cost some more money than other solutions, but UTP cables are much
more reliable and secure than coax. (if one segment of cable goes to hell,
network will still be working. With Coax, if one part is down, all network
is down. And with 4 or more computers you will have quite a lot of work to
find out where the problem is )

Za domovino,


Frank McKenney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:7ror0d$f7u$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I'm trying to hook a new machine into my current 10Base2 network, and
> would appreciate hints, pointers, or appropriate search terms.
> Current network:
>  - 'griffin': Linux (SuSE 5.3) on a 486DX4-100
>    EC-9400 (NE2000 clone) "combo" adapter: 10Base2, 10BaseT
>  - 'Office': OS/2 Warp4 on a Pentium(I) 100
>    EC-9400 adapter
>  - Cabling: 10Base2 (coax)
> This works fine so far. I can run XFree86 as an X Server under OS/2 and
> run X apps on 'griffin', the Linux box. I can ftp both ways with no
> problems.
> But...  here's where it gets tricky.  I want to attach a new machine, a
> "loaner" HP SomethingOrOther of fairly recent vintage to the network.
> Naturally, the HP's LAN adapter only has a 10Base[T] (twisted pair)
> connector.  What can I say?  Murphy's visiting again (;-).
> Ignoring the TCP/IP and NetBeui/TCPBeui configuration issues for the
> moment (gotta save something for Murphy on his _next_ visit), is there
> any way I can get the Ethernet hardware layer connection set up?
> Possibilities:
>  1) A 10Base2-to-10BaseT "adapter". Does such a gadget exist, and if
>     so, is its price in a "reasonable" range (c. $20US)? I tried
>     AltaVista, but turned up too many false hits to continue. Seems
>     _lots_ of people talk about "adapter"s and 10BaseT and 10Base2 (;-).
>  2) Get a "crossover" cable and run it between the HP and the 10BaseT
>     connector on 'griffin's EC-9400. Will the adapter talk Ethernet out
>     of "both sides of its mouth", e.g. to both the 10Base2 AND the
>     10BaseT port?
>  3) Assuming my memory is still owrking properly, see if I can find what
>     might have been DB15-to-BNC connectors in my basement. If they turn
>     out to be "Thick" to "Thin" Ethernet adapters, see if I can hotwire
>     one into the adapter I need.
>  4) Install a 10Base2 ISA adapter in the HP, assuming the customer
>     doesn't have objections, and try to set up the appropriate device
>     driver wothout an NT Installation CD (the HP was "cloned" over the
>     customer's internal network). If I screw it up, well, the customer's
>     site is _only_ an hour's drive away...  (;-)
> Is there another possibility I'm overlooking here?
> Is it possible that I can't do what I want the way I'd like to?
> Comments and suggestions will be appreciated.
> Frank McKenney, McKenney Associates
> Richmond, Virginia / (804) 320-4887


From: "eb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IP Forwarding based on hostname
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 15:54:53 -0700

I have a question regarding ipchains and ipmasqadm.

Is it possible to forward requests based on hostname to an internal
webserver? 80 (ip is external interface of firewall) ---->
80 (internal ip address) 80 (ip is external interface of firewall) ---->
80 (internal ip address)

The only solution that I could find so far is to use ipmasqadm mfw, but this
requires using different external ports. (Maybe I am missing something).

Any help or advice appreciated.




From: Todd Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Connecting to isp with linux, letting windows connect through linux
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 21:46:30 GMT

You'll need to set linux up as your primary web connection and run IP
Masquerade - do a search on for the location of the how to,
it's well written and will give you everything you need to know..

Good luck

In article <Ax8E3.28037$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Michael A. Painter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear friends,
>         I have my own computer using SuSE Linux 5.3 connecting to the
> over a modem.  I also have a windows computer that i built for my
> downstairs.  I have ethernet cards installed in both with a crossover
> between them.  What do I need to set up on the linux computer to let
> windows computer use the net?
>                                     Thank you,
>                                         Michael Painter
> p.s. Please email me a reply also

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: Michael Powe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: exim question
Date: 16 Sep 1999 13:11:53 -0700

Hash: SHA1

Can anyone tell me if exim can -- and if so, how to -- rewrite my
outgoing From: header so that it doesn't have the host name in it?  I
was, under sendmail, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.  Now, under exim, I'm
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.  I need to get rid of the `anthony' or
change all my mailing list subscriptions (pain in the ***).  Been
through the "documentation," but it's dense and long.  I don't want to
become an expert in exim if I can help it.

Installed debian, that's what caused this annoyance.

Thanks for any help.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Ratio of executive pay to that of a factory worker in 1980: 42 to 1
- -- Ratio of executive pay to that of a factory worker in 1998: 419 to 1
- -- Annual pay of a factory worker if it had kept pace with executive 
   salaries: $110,000
     [Institute for Policy Studies and United for a Fair Economy]
- -- 
Michael Powe                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]    
Portland, Oregon USA             
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