> I would say no, we don't need the CONFIG_SYSOFFMODE option.

One point is if you try an go to 0v on something under and ES2.1 you will end 
up with crashes after a while.  Some kind of conditional is needed unless we 
get to drop the non-production chip versions.

Before ES2.1 there is a ROM code bug which will trip up the context restore.

Really, it would be good to schedule some time to kill ES1 support.  The chip 
is so different its really just baggage.  With cheap and available OMAP3's out 
there they are really not viable.

As to C state, I'm not sure, just yet.  If we end up with too many of them 
there is some overhead in determining thresholds, then trying to tweak a 
governor to choose them smartly?  It's a little while before this code get to 
that point, but the process seem to be a bit time consuming on internal.

Richard W.

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