Dear Comrade, 

I hope that I not offend you. Anyway,i found your email through your country 
email data base because of how important is it to me, reaching out to some one 
like for something serious,  let me introduce myself. My name is Fatima Rukaya 
Mohammad, I'm a widow living here in Tartous, Syria. I hope that you hear about 
this country? My country located Middle East, Mediterranean coast of Syria.
  I search for serious Tie up Mongol in business as my investment partner, 
because i want to move my investment plan out this chaos situation in in Syria, 
nothing is working out here, everything is dead and we live in fear, i need to 
get out from here as soon things can work out the way i am planning it before 
is too late for me , So, i want to invest in your company that shares the same 
investment idea and ready to execute it under his/her custody while i will 
seeking means to eave.

If you are interested to meet up with the feasibility study of investment in 
your country, it will be acceptable after diagnosed it,  I wait for your reply.



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