Dear Comrade, 

I hope that I not offend you. Anyway,i found your email through your country 
email data base because of how important is it to me, reaching out to some one 
like for something serious,  let me introduce myself. My name is Fatima Rukaya 
Muhammad, I'm from Tartous Syria and living here in Tartous, Syria. I hope that 
you hear about this country? My country located Middle East, Mediterranean 
coast of Syria.
  I search for serious Tie up Mogul in business as my investment partner so 
that it will be possible to transfer the my capital deposited in southeast Asia 
that is over due now to its custody, so that i can Commiserate with the person 
to help my chaos situation to exit, nothing is working out here, everything is 
dead and we live in fear everyday, the situation is getting worst evryday.

 So, i want to relocate to your country at all cost, i will creat a direct 
communcation with the Bank where the money is deposited.

  whatever you may agree on or you want to give me advice i will appreciate it 
because is not possible to move to your country without someone from your 
country and that is the reason of this mail to you.
Because US has imposed economic sanctions on Syria in 2004, later tightening 
them to include some Syrian investors with ties to the regime. (Reuters)

So is has to be personal thing between me, please try to get back to me for as 
soon as possible.


Mrs. Rukaya

Linux PCMCIA reimplementation list

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