md is very dependant on the driver doing the right thing.  It doesn't
do any timeouts or anything like that - it assumes the driver will.
md simply trusts the return status from the drive, and fails a drive
if and only if a write to the drive is reported as failing (if a read
fails, md trys to over-write with good data first).

I don't know exactly how the driver was responding to the bad cable,
but it clearly wasn't returning an error, so md didn't fail it.

There were a lot of errors in dmesg -- seems like they did not get
passed up to md? I find it surprising that the md layer doesn't have
its own timeouts, but then I know nothing about such things :)

Thanks for clearing this up for me,


ata2: port reset, p_is 8000000 is 2 pis 0 cmd 44017 tf d0 ss 123 se 0
ata2: status=0x50 { DriveReady SeekComplete }
sdc: Current: sense key: No Sense
  Additional sense: No additional sense information
ata2: handling error/timeout
ata2: port reset, p_is 0 is 0 pis 0 cmd 44017 tf 150 ss 123 se 0
ata2: status=0x50 { DriveReady SeekComplete }
ata2: error=0x01 { AddrMarkNotFound }
sdc: Current: sense key: No Sense
  Additional sense: No additional sense information
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