Justin Piszcz wrote:

On Sat, 24 Feb 2007, Michael Tokarev wrote:

Jason Rainforest wrote:
I tried doing a check, found a mismatch_cnt of 8 (7*250Gb SW RAID5,
multiple controllers on Linux, SMP x86-64 on Athlon64 X2 4200

I then ordered a resync. The mismatch_cnt returned to 0 at the start of

As pointed out later it was repair, not resync.

the resync, but around the same time that it went up to 8 with the
check, it went up to 8 in the resync. After the resync, it still is 8. I
haven't ordered a check since the resync completed.

As far as I understand, repair will do the same as check does, but ALSO
will try to fix the problems found.  So the number in mismatch_cnt after
a repair will indicate the amount of mismatches found _and fixed_


That is what I thought too (I will have to wait until I get another mismatch to verify), but FYI--

Yesterday I had 512 mismatches for my swap partition (RAID1) after I ran the check.

I ran repair.

I catted the mismatch_cnt again, still 512.

I re-ran the check, back to 0.

AFAIK the "repair" action will give you a count of the repairs it does, and will fail a drive if a read does not succeed after the sector is rewritten. That's the way I read it, and the way it seems to work.

bill davidsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 CTO TMR Associates, Inc
 Doing interesting things with small computers since 1979

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