On Wednesday July 26, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Could you be a little more specific?  Speed comparisons on disk access?
> Then you can't compare RAID with no RAID effectively.  You could compare the
> speed of 2.2/2.4 RAID, and 2.2/2.4 no RAID, but comparisons across would
> seem to be meaningless.  Later,
>       Grego

Suppose we are interested in raid1.
We start with 2.2
We have two similar drives.
We make a file system on just one, and run bonnie (or whatever).
We then make a raid1 set of the two drives, make a file system on
that, and run bonnie on that.

Then we boot 2.4 and repeat the process, and look at the numbers.

If raid on 2.4 is fast than raid in 2.2, we say "great".
If it is slower, we look at the no-raid numbers.
If no-raid on 2.4 is slow than no-raid on 2.2, we say "oh dear, the
disc subsystem is slower on 2.4", and point the finger appropriately.
If no-raid on 2.2 is fast than no-raid on 2.4, then we say "Hmm, must
be a problem with raid" and point the finger there.

Does that make sense?

To put it another way - I don't want to compare speeds between no-raid
and raid, I want to compare "changes-between-os-version" between
no-raid and raid.


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