On Sunday, August 24, 2014 11:33:28 PM UTC+3, Henrik Nordström wrote: > > fre 2014-08-22 klockan 19:45 +0200 skrev Luc Verhaegen: > > > First and foremost, the many GPL violations have to get resolved. > > Lets try to look forward instead. Discussions about GPL violations > rarely get anywhere positive. > > What should the environment look like around Allwinner products built > from mainline kernel + u-boot + system? > > What are we missing to get there? > > What is required to sustain such environment in a healthy state for both > the community and Allwinner? > > Regards > Henrik > > Agreed but I see respecting the GPL as a first sign of a company "growing up" if you will. You'll never catch Samsung with GPL violations that it doesn't resolve so if Allwinner wants up there with the big boys ( and I think it is getting there ) these issues need to be resolved. If Allwinner does not own the code it needs to get permission from those that do to make it GPL or just find ways around it like Mali, PowerVr which is not ideal at all but ... it's legal. Anyway I get frustrated with closed source and GPL violations too but let's try and be constructive here, at least the attitude at Allwinner seems to be changing in the right direction.
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