Hi all,
On 2014/8/23 3:54, Luc Verhaegen Wrote:
On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 03:16:44PM -0400, jonsm...@gmail.com wrote:
On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 1:45 PM, Luc Verhaegen <l...@skynet.be> wrote:
First and foremost, the many GPL violations have to get resolved.
And just exactly how is this supposed to happen when Allwinner doesn't
own the IP and their IP license prevents release of the
code/documentation? It might be more productive to pursue the actual
companies causing the problem like ARM Inc withholding Mali. A first
step here would be to determine if code is being withheld that
Allwinner has the ability to release.
One case might be the NAND controller driver. It is unclear if that is
Allwinner's IP or if it is licensed. uboot release is likely this
same issue.
I'd like to see CedarX code released but there is no GPL violation
there because CedarX has not been released into a GPL environment. I
also don't see that the HawkviewISP library is a violation either
since it is also in user space. But I'd still like to see code for it
We all know about Mali and release of Mali is not in Allwinner's control.
Is there source code for other kernel drivers being withheld?
Why do you assume that i am talking about Mali? Where did that come
libnand is allwinner code, because we have seen an earlier version of
it. We need to see all versions of it. We know that our older libnand is
killing newer nand contents. I am wasting my time playing with livesuit
on tracking that down now.
Yes, I understand those problems. Allwinner plan to open physical logic
layer code, but datasheet about nand controller is also not opened. And I
can offer some help to you, when you develop it.
CedarX includes GPLed code, the symbols list clearly proves that. But
let me go dig that out _again_ and properly stick it in the wiki, as, as
usual, no-one else seems to bother.
The newest version have deleted those symbols, will exclude FFmpeg code. We
will open CedarX source code, except hardware-related on A80 SDK, also will
offer some docs about hardware-lib. But it would be a few months later.
As for libisp, that appeared in the kernel as well, so let me go dig
that out completely as well.
These are things that, whether Allwinner owns them or not, simply cannot
ignored, and it is up to allwinner to resolve them.
We will resolve these probelms step by step.
For those who hadn't bothered to look on the wiki:
I _will_ now go do the legwork there as well.
Luc Verhaegen.
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