On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 12:56:37PM +0300, 'Simos Xenitellis' via linux-sunxi 
> My point has been that if there are things in the repository that
> should be fixed,
> then point them out and explain them.

The bad copyright headers is just stupidity. The direct loading of 
non-LGPLed binaries into LGPLed code is very deliberate.

We could very well push for a full and complete release of the original 
code, and get Allwinner in even more legal trouble with other parties. 
Or, and this is, or was if allwinner keeps this bullshit up, clearly 
what i was aiming for, Allwinner plays nice and releases _everything_ in 
freshly written code which does not violate the IP/copyright of non-open 
source participants. Allwinner clearly does not want to go there, so 
perhaps we should go do what we legally can do.

> The way I see the whole situation is this: It is true that Allwinner
> did not make effort over the years
> for mainline Linux kernel support. Whatever support is there for the
> A10, A13, A20, etc,
> is the result of the hard work of this community. Working on mainline
> support is initially expensive
> in terms of resources but builds an ecosystem and opens up markets. It
> makes business sense.
> As a community, we need to figure out what we need from Allwinner.
> Do we need specific SoC information so that we do the mainline effort
> on our own? And among all things that can be asked,
> we prioritize to those that are really needed at the moment.
> Do we need Allwinner to fund some developers so that they work
> full-time on this? We would need to start talking about goals and
> targets.

Stop it, you are just stalling.

Allwinner knows what we want, but it very clearly does not want to give 

Let me quote a recent comment on phoronix:
> But to find people accusing phoronix of "copy-paste journalism" (which 
> as far as I know would be no crime) and at the same time justifying a 
> multimillion company for taking the work of others and infringing the 
> law is astonishing. So big companies must be prompty excused and 
> gently persuaded that obeying the law is good for them so that they 
> maybe can find a way to further their profits even without selling 
> other people's (companies and volunteers) works without their consent, 
> but a website must be required to excel in journalistic fact-checking 
> and never blow the whistle? What's next ? Are they going to arrest me 
> for public disorder if I cry "thief!" at someone running away with my 
> wallet ? Someone which of course has a different enterpreneurship 
> culture, faces neck-breaking competition and tries hard to improve 
> best practices in his pickpocketing cutting edge innovation, so should 
> be invited to tea in a cozy lobby at his earliest convenience and 
> nicely begged (again) asking to maybe please return the wallet or at 
> least some documents there when he can spare a little moment and 
> kindly get his busy fingers to it.

Simos, you are not in any way credible. You very one-sidedly chose 
Allwinners side, and have always downplayed allwinners legal 
obligations. Whatever Allwinner has promised you or is paying you, it is 
being wasted, as very few people take you seriously. You are noise, and 
are wasting a lot of our time in the process, and on top of that giving 
Allwinner false ideas of what they could potentially get away with.

Luc Verhaegen.

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