On Thu, Oct 17, 2002 at 08:12:14PM -0700, John Tyner wrote:
> Which brings me to the point of the email (sorry it took so long to get
> here, heh). In trying to add the features from mine to the one that got
> merged, I'm finding that not only am I removing a lot of debug code and even
> some bugs, I'm also having to re-debug my own code in order to add it to the
> kernel. This, in my opinion, is a waste of my time since I've already
> submitted a working, debugged driver.

Yes, but Joe's was there first, based on the original driver, that's why
I accepted his patch.  We all end up reworking "already working" code in
order to get it accepted.  This is just another form of that.

> I realize that this sounds like I'm upset that my driver got rejected or
> that I'm trying to "take my ball and go home". This is not the case at all.
> Rather, I've done all of this work once (and submitted as a completed,
> stable, working driver) and don't want to duplicate my own efforts. If
> someone else would like to take up the job of trying to merge the two
> drivers, I'm happy to give them my code.
> If not, then I ask that we revisit the idea of having both drivers coexist
> so that people can see/try the both of them. That is, unless a better idea
> is suggested.

Could you point out the problems in the existing driver?  It sounds like
some things would be easy to fix, such as control message allocation for
an example.


greg k-h

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