
On 18/08/13 17:52, Alan Stern wrote:
Now there is some discussion about having a userpace library to handle
the creation of all the necessary files easily. But I cannot find a
trace of it. Does it exist already?

No mention of it has appeared on the mailing list.

From: https://lkml.org/lkml/2012/11/27/341

"Couldn't we have a tool to manage all this?
target has such a thing, you have just select a few things via a CLI
tool and the tool creates the directories for you _and_ removes them
later on.
I don't want to push python on anyone but the removal magic is simply
straight forward: unlink the disk ports, rmdir luns, tpgt,… "

Or http://marc.info/?l=linux-usb&m=132431126927355&w=2

"> I understand that the echo/mkdir like interface is not perfect for
> everybody. For target there is a python tool that handles it so you/the
> user does not see configfs internals. The problem with python is that
> small users which ship just a busybox as their RFS might consider python
> as too big. Therefore I would suggest a small C program/library and

Yeah, a library is the way to go. It also "standardizes" the usage,
allows for lots of language bindings - so if you want to use
python/ruby/perl/C#/etc you can - and allows the whole thing to go into

Or maybe I misunderstood your answer and it means nothing like that made yet?

And does somebody know where that python tool might be available?

Unfortunately I did not have the time today to read all the code, but some mails regarding configfs suggest some paths are created by configfs itself. I did not immediately see anything backing that up, but any input is welcome. It is a bit hard to follow all the different threads
as the search mixes things up.

$ mkdir strings/0x409"

What is meant with language here, and why does the example have a hex
string as identifier. Are we rather talking about one of the USB
identifiers here?

The word "language" refers to human languages, like English, French,
Mandarin, and so on.  The hex number is a language identifier, as
specified by the USB Interface Forum:


(see the paragraph near the end about LANGID codes).

Of course! I just never looked deep enough into that.

The strings are not USB identifiers; they are USB descriptors.

True. I always mix the exact terms up.

Thanks Alan!

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