OK, so where the hell was everyone?? Nick E, myself and Zane G were the
only attendees. We're hardly gonna change the world & drink the pub dry
with that sort of turnout guys & gals.

Still the absence of numbers allowed the democratic process to be
accelerated to the point where we agreed:

1. every nonattending list member is first to shout next time,

2. if they don't turn up next time their computers and linux distros are
forfeited and they must use Win XP on a 486/33 from now on. They can
spend the money saved by shouting to buy XP.

OK so in turns of turnout it wasn't a big success, so for reference, can
we have a straw poll on why people didn't attend? 

Wrong time? 

wrong day of the week? 

scared of the dark? 

venue too far away? 

too geeky to hold a conversation? 

too geeky to use transport? 

Spent all my money on hardware to run KDE3 and can't afford to drink?

Spent all my money on bandwidth downloading 3 cd's of Mnadrake 8.2 and 6
cd's of RedHat 7.3 beta and can't afford petrol?

let us know what the problem was and we'll try and get it right next

PS I was only joking about having to use XP on a 486/33 if you default
next time. You can use Win 2k if you prefer :-)

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