On Tue, 10 Jun 2003 22:35:46 +1200
Peter Elliott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, 10 Jun 2003 22:04:23 +1200
> Nick Rout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I suspect he is better to download the kernel source for his distro
> > and kernel version - otherwise other things may break. 
> > 
> > 
> ummmmm
> yes and no (irish blood)
> we could try it that way but a common problem here is that distro's
> release kernels which have had all kinds of patch sets applied to them
> & this often makes it difficult to cleanly apply patches of ones own.
> i notice that mandrake does give the option of installing a vanilla
> kernel but am not sure re other distros.
> anyway i'm quite happy to give it a shot this way - if we run into
> problems unsurmountable we can always try the plain way.
> a small thought occurs - dependant on which distro Nick's using, the
> supplied kernel(s) may have already had the needed patchset applied,
> which would be real good.
> Nick, which distro(and kernel) are you using?

he said way up the thread it was mandrake 9.1, not sure what kernel. -
aaah by the look of it 2.4.21. (seems to be whats in man91)
what you say is correct BUT doing without the mandrake patches is likely
to break something. a two edged sword really.

anyway, i understood acpi is in the kernel isn't it? is it necessary to

where do i find mandrake src.rpm's ?? I need to find what patches are
applied I guess.

> cheers
> peter
> ps: i'm wondering what the other things which might get broken are?


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