Hi Roger and Doug,

Great to see you posting on list. As already stated, there are Linux users on this list at every conceiveable Linux user level. From Newbie to Expert and everywhere in between. I felt as you did when I first started with Linux.

Everyone on this list knows I am a big GUI fan (and Mandrake as a distro is famous for this) but with the help of this list (and others), I have also come to appreciate and understand the power of the almighty *nix command line. I no longer dread using it at least. I use Mandrake and with it's URPMI (User Mode RPM Install) and GUI URPMI (GURPMI), installing software on my Mandrake box is as simple as typing urpmi 'software name' at the command line or by clicking on the package/software name in GURPMI. Debian has similar features (though it's a @itch to install) with APT-GET but one needs to know these tools exist before one can enjoy them of course. I used Mandrake for over a year before I realised the power of URPMI.

Don't give up, the power, flexibility and transparency of Linux/OSS is well worth the steep learning curve. I have never enjoyed computing as much as I have since starting on my Linux journey.



Roger Searle wrote:

(encouraged by Douglas's first posting, here's mine)

Sure, installfests serve a great purpose, but for me one of the easier parts of (an attempt at) a move to linux is the initial OS install. As someone who can do almost anything in windows I can figure out a linux install even if I need to format and start over a week later.

The barrier I have is with software installs, this is incredibly confusing to a linux newbie like me, to the point that it's tempting to stay with the redmond crew. I'm determined not to do so and stick with it, but I can imagine plenty of others are in a similar situation, perhaps lurking here too. If linux is to gain greater general acceptance on the desktop this stuff has to be easier, and there have to be places where competent people can take relatively trivial questions about how to do this stuff.
I'd hoped that joining this group might be such a place, but on seeing the nature of the postings, would be embarrased to put my questions here.
This posting is sent in the hope of influencing the future content of meetings towards more help for the windows geek wanting/trying/failing to convert. Right now my own dream of spending at least 90% of my computer time in linux remains just that . . .


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